Is WoW pay2win now?

So, if the win isn’t permanent and game ending, then is not pay to win?

Hey guys, I just found out that Pay to Win is a myth. It doesn’t and has never existed because in the future there will be more wins.

Guess we solved this thread eh? Pay to win cannot possibly exist because the games don’t turn off once you have paid and won.

Never said that, you seem to have a knack for twisting words. I’m not gonna waste my time with you either, just unsub from the game and go about your life if it bothers you that much.

Are they, though? Buying better gear doesn’t make you a better player. If you’re the sort that stands in the bad, you’re going to stand in the bad no matter what your ilvl is.

The future state doesn’t effect the present state, as the future state doesn’t exist. What you’re saying is that WoW is p2w right now but it will be fixed in SL. I don’t think Acti-Blizz has earned that leeway, they have been making progessively worse game decisions for the last three expansions.

Nope not saying that either, I already stated my reasons as to why WoW isn’t pay to win don’t ignore my post like you’re blind. I’m saying regardless of what you think on it, it’s not really going to matter in a few months because the one thing you keep crying about is going to be gone

Again, the desperate Blizzard shills that think I’m hating on this need to actually read.

Second, they need to understand that if you can pay real money, directly or indirectly, for power increases in game, that game is pay to win. Period. There are no games that you “win” and end because you paid. It doesn’t matter if there are more wins to be had in the future. It doesn’t matter if that gear will become trivialized later (it works the same way in the most hardcore pay to win mobile games, because they want you to keep paying, the gear ALWAYS gets replaced eventually). It doesn’t matter if people can earn the thing eventually either, because again, that is nearly always the case with even the most blatant pay to win games.


Get over it. Now, ask yourself if you care.

Taking this logic to its end you should just unsub, since eventually everything in game will go away.

I’m already unsubbed, nice try tho.

No you don’t need corruption to be competitive lol

To a certain extent it is very hard to keep a game that has multi-player elements from being at least a little pay-to-win. Even games that don’t actually include “winning” at all have that issue. “Animal Crossing” has a bit of a black market for rare items and Bells, if you can believe it.

There will always, always be players who have a need to feel important in a game, and even though buying your way to gaming success makes that success meaningless, plenty of people will blow cash to feel like other people think they are awesome for a few seconds.

I buy tokens now and then. I prefer doing that to playing the AH. Maybe that is pay-to-win, in a way. But some of that is plain old thanks to Blizzard breaking the economy in WoD and Legion so that players who didn’t stick around and do daily chores on multiple toons are now broke compared to those who did.

I don’t think you can keep pay-to-win out of games with lots of players.

Not sure why anyone would care if it is or isn’t. Unless you are in Method or a similar guild, you aren’t really winning anything.

For vast majority of people, if you lose a raid spot to someone who bought a lot of gold, did you really want to raid with them in the first place?

A lot of people’s frustrations with the game would go away if they admitted to themselves that they aren’t in the 0.01% where these things actually matter.

Is this thread 700 comments of people arguing over a definition? Instead of pulling out your internet dictionaries, I think it would be far more productive if the discussion moved literally anywhere. Or we can go back to 700 more comments of “Nu-Uh” “Uh-huh”

Yeah I had to install badboy to get all of those gold carry spams out of my chat window. :confused:

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Moving for the sake of moving, to what end? This thread was asking if WoW was p2w, and you generally have to define a category before you can place something in that category.

is using rl money to pay for loot and skip all content really winning? you leave yourself with nothing to do and an inability to play to the potential the gear provides.

paying rl money to skip the game? loser in my book

They got the money from FARM SERVICES. So I pay cash for gold with tokens, then pay some guild like theirs to farm for me. How is that not paying to win? They offered farming services to people who gave them gold. So I can buy gold, then pay them for their services, which they then use, to buy the gear needed for bleeding edge progression.

So how, exactly, is this not paying to win?

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Forced to agree with previous posters. WoW has always to a certain extent been pay to win. Everything from power levels and buying gold to the later released Heirloom items.

The only difference from Vanilla to now is that it is Blizzard selling the power levels and gold. As opposed to some rando you hear/read about on the net transferring you gold or running your character on a bot for however long.

End result, pay to win. That we have so much RNG in the game now makes it more akin to gambling with the ability to pay for the proverbial jackpot.

In any case it is profitable for Blizzard to keep it going. Ultimately detrimental to the game but I’m not sure it matters to Blizzard anymore.

As I say, I’m only here because my current computer is a potato that can’t run better games.

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It’s not anywhere near a 50% damage increase and if you think otherwise you’re completely wrong, sorry. Go and check Warcraft Logs you complete neanderthal, you will find that the top DPS pulls of every boss fight that corruptions are consistently less than 10% of someone’s overall dps.

And the AWC is played on a Tourney realm where every piece of gear with every corruption is available : )

If there is anything this forum and others have taught me. That the actual definitions of cheating, mutliboxing, pay to win mean nothing. People wont use the actual definitions of them unless it supports their argument.

That is one take I suppose. Another could be that I have seen too many melodramatic BS videos to believe anything they have to say.