Is WoW pay2win now?

But I have to be the best and that means having the best gear possible. I just dropped 5k of real life money so it better make me good.

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You have always… ALWAYS been able to buy runs with gold. Now, it’s just a little easier. Nothing has changed.

Except you used to get that gold through playing the video game (or breaking ToS and buying gold, obviously).

When you implement the ability to buy gold legally through the ToS, you’ve created P2W in your game.

P2W doesn’t mean you just pay someone in-game gold and win. It implies the exchange of real money (dollars) for gear. Tokens enabled that. The only argument is that they also enable people to not pay a subscription fee, essentially counteracting the gold you’ve purchased.

This isn’t an issue if they don’t create corruptions. At the very most, you’d buy a heroic carry and you’ve (MAYBE, if you’re lucky) just boosted your character to a level they can actually play the current content at.

The P2W is only an issue when things like corruption exist. And it’s a bigger issue that players NOT buying this stuff have such a minimal chance of acquiring that very same corruption from just playing the game. 8.3 gearing absolutely feels like a mobile gacha game.

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No because ultimatley all they are purchasing is their ability to become disenchanted with the game.

Players that use these pay-to-win short cuts might arguably be purchasing a short-term power boost over there comrade but in the end since they have no sense of progression they will undoubetely lose I interest in what they are doing.

So yeah, ultimatley, jokes on them.

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And that person is you lol. If it was pay to win you would NOT be able to earn the gear yourself and ONLY be able to purchase it. Since you actually can earn the gear, it makes it non-pay-to-win. Sure money can help you get better gear, but also, not every piece of gear is a BoE that is sellable, so you still have to do work to get in a good spot.

That doesn’t sound like a pay to win to me.

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That’s not at all what P2W implies. It implies you can pay real money for in-game loot that allows you to “win”. It has nothing to do with being able to acquire that loot in-game or not.

Here, I can show you right now that it’s pay to win. Let’s both try to get Masterful 3 on a pair of BoE cloth pants. I’ll use my credit card, you go ahead and play the game. Let’s see who gets there first, or honestly - gets there at all. The outcome to that shows you the P2W mechanics that RNG corruption with huge amounts of variance allows.

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But that’s the literal definition to pay to win. If you can earn the gear in game, its not pay to win.

If you are actually playing the game, getting this gear isn’t as hard as many of you put it. I have never bought a BoE and I’m doing just fine. And even if you can get it faster if you pay for it over working for it, that still DOESN’T make it pay to win, cause you can earn it in game. You don’t HAVE to pay for it.

Hearthstone is Pay 2 Win, WoW is not.

This is as a best a slight advantage in the short term for a handful of people, where as you can see from his video there isn’t even consistent supply.

The WoW token is better than the alternative of gold sellers, which would happen if you took it away.

There is also the big issue here that makes it not Pay 2 Win that since the items are sold by players and not Blizzard somebody actually put in the effort to do on level content for them to get said gear. Essentially their selling their effort and time to get said item to you as compensation.

This honestly isn’t much different than if they just let crafters sell their Mythic Tier equipment.

Then you need to account for the buyers still have to gear the other slots on their character and level their cloak so they won’t just instantly delete themselves when a gentle breeze comes their way.

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I am playing the game, and I’ve seen 0 masterful 3 drops the entire time. I have no way to target them, and based on the current plethora of options available to me in a M+ cache and at the end of my 5/4/3 mask runs, the odds I land that Masterful 3 aren’t looking too hot. Simple solution - Just allow me to spend 30k momentos to buy the corruption to place on a piece of gear. Done. No longer P2W.

It’s P2W for 8.3 only because you can buy these corruptions on BoE’s. It wasn’t in 8.2 or any other patch, and won’t be in the future unless something like this exists again (which it shouldn’t).

I wish we could do that. Make crafting great again.

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You mean crafting can be more than transmogs and consumables? HERESY! :stuck_out_tongue:

But you don’t have to use real money to buy the gear, you can earn everything in game.

If it was pay to win, the only way to get the gear would be with real money. If you can earn it all in game without paying with real money, then it cannot be a pay to win.

By all this logic everyone is posting about it being pay to win, then WoW has been pay to win since vanilla. People bought BoEs with gold, people would buy gold from gold farmers, and this still goes on even with the WoW token out.

And if it was pay to win, why are there not more people 12/12 mythic and gladiator? If it was truly a pay to win, there would be more people with the cutting edge and glad achievements.

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You’re incorrect about this, and i’m not sure where you’ve acquired this definition. The definition is as follows:

In general a game is considered pay-to-win when a player can gain any gameplay advantage over his or her non- paying peers, which is shown in games such as FIFA. Such games are called " pay-to-win " by critics"

You’re arguing that you don’t gain an advantage, since you can earn the corruptions in game. Except there’s a good chance that you WON’T get those corruptions before 9.0. Like I was saying - Make them buyable for momentos and the game has 0 P2W mechanics left in it, just Pay to Catch Up Quick, which is more than fine.

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But you don’t have to use real money to get the gear, that makes it non pay to win. You can legit buy everything in game, with doing work in game.

If they took away the WoW token, people would still buy gold from gold farmers. So by your definition, WoW has been pay to win since vanilla.

And you also cannot buy every piece of gear with gold, there’s a set number of pieces so you still have to do work to get the other gear, you still have to do work to level up your neck, get essences, azerite gear, and level up your cloak.

If it was pay to win, you could buy all that with real money. And people still have to work to get the BoE gear to sell, you cannot just go to the AH and buy the exact piece of gear you want, someone had to work for it. If you could buy it straight from blizzard it would be a pay to win.

The reason FIFA is pay to win, is cause you can buy the loot boxes and no one had to work to get the items, in WoW someone had to work for that BoE you bought in the AH.

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Your logic here is bad

What changed in BFA that made the game more pay2win?

Those BoE are good… and expensive too. You need lots of them not just 1 item. It would become easy pay2win if that 1 BoE item would carry you to M+20s or beat Mythic Nzoth. But the truth is, you need lots of high ilevel slots to reach there.

Buying M+15 run is just getting 1x 475 item in a cache. And you would need more of them.

And take note, the gold amount per token is like extremely low like 1M gold is like 9 tokens… $180. I dont know if a rich player would spend a thousand dollars for tokens just to realize that he wont be able to beat M+20 and Mythic Nzoth with it.

A highend player could farm for millions of gold to buy a BoE item on his 1x missing BiS slot. But he would farm for it… work for it. But it’s not paying.

If it was pay to win, people get items that only can be obtained via money. You can still get it through gold, and people often can get a lot of gold through every day means. Just do gathering or Alchemy and boom, you’re gonna be up there. But to what extent is it so P2W? You can EASILY get those items by doing the content that drop it. It just happens some items are able to be traded/sold.

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Lol, so then the lame has to alt spam flag my post. What a child. Time to iggy him forever.

Keep thinking that. I have no reason to flag you, since you keep proving yourself wrong.

I’m arguing the game isn’t pay to win. If it was, more people would be doing the harder content with breeze