Is WoW pay2win now?

You don’t understand opportunity cost

So because little jimmy got the same progress as you but by another means it some how invalides yours? Thats some low self esteem and value you got buddy

This is a classic reduction fallacy. You’ve removed all context, and simply stated that having money isn’t pay to win. You’re right. Using that money to buy things that allow you to progress easier, or Hell, progress at all is pay to win. You can just buy raid carries for content you’d never be able to finish. How is that not paying to win?

I can drop a hundred bucks on tokens, get several hundred thousand and just buy raid/loot runs.

Winning isn’t just defeating another player. In an MMORPG, it’s progression. Progression is winning, in PVE. It’s a constant goal that resets with each new content patch or raid tier.

You said it yourself its a goal that is consistently changing from tier to tier it never has an end you cannot win a race that never ends

If you want to make the comparison

  1. You work hard to lease a bently and start a driving business
  2. Someone’s dad buys them a bently and pays for a couple employees while the business gets off the ground

You work hard and get geared
Someone else buys what you worked for through tokens


Called economy and that money in your scenario didnt magically appear from thin air it was earned and worked for

The mental gymnastics of the people claiming wow isnt P2W is actually getting hilarious.

Yes you can. You can win what is available, right now. Then they set a new goal, and you win later. That’s how paying to win works in games that have regular updates. Just because the goal post moved three months from now, doesn’t mean you didn’t win today.

When you achieve something that wouldn’t have, or would have needed to work harder to achieve, without spending money, you’ve paid to win.

What are they winning? This from someone who sells multiple aotc runs a week is asking what exactly are the people paying for them winning?

You can’t understand. Your definition of “winning” is myopic.

Ok so let me get this right. The people who spend the time in game farming and playing the ah who purchase aotc runs from me are winning the game via p2w? How and in what way? 2 roads can lead the same destination

Being the best in a progressively bad game
But lets take your logic further. Can you win at living? don’t see how… Why keep playing then?

You can if you reach the goals you have set for yourself thats a personal win. So how is that dif to the guy who farms and runs ah for weeks on end then pays for aotc from someone? He did the work just a different route

Gear, power, loot, the thing a majority of people play this game for.

Oh just wait until people start complaining that shop only transmogs are pay to win. Thats when the hardcore mental gymnastics will began lol

Every now and then, just when I’m anxious my playstyle might get nerfed for being a little too profitable, I read something like this and realize I’m barely 1% of the way to being a goblin.

Amd whats he doing with that exactly? He doesn’t know mechanics hence the paid for the run so clearly isn’t a part of a raid guild and taking someone’s spot. 9/10 they just want the mount

Thanks for the strawman you added nothing.

Ok, that’s AOTC. Are we talking about AOTC, or buying BiS off the AH with real money?

But how are you discerning what player used cash and who just knows how to make gold? Further more if we want to look at the top 3 guilds who got curve not a single one actually spent a $ on the boe was all gold saved and loaned from gallywix