Is WoW pay2win now?

oh bis, ya probably that much

100% when you can buy bis gear for cash

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thats always been the case since the start

I agree. The fact that I can pay $20 and get 6 months worth of flask and food has always been an issue for me. However now that you can get unlimited power from bis corrupted gear via the auction house it further diminishes the value of beating the big bad because you can just buy the piece you need with hard cash.

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If you are PvPer , you can win PvP (get gladiator or high rating).
If you are PvEer you can win PvE game, easier beating hardest bosses.
If you are collector - you can buy pets/mounts on AH.
If you are m+ player you get to your goal easier too with BiS gear.
What else?

Slapping good gear on a bad player does not make them a good player. Its a like a homeless guy wearing a $3000 tux and driving a Bently it does not change the fact that he is a homeless guy.

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I don’t see the problem here.

Sure, it makes the goal easier but it’s not a guarantee. And why is someone else’s acquisition of store mounts with real $$ such an impediment to your enjoyment of the game?

Even if you have the best gear. Doesn’t mean you will be good at pvp or pve.

Method goes 100million in debt to get best gear for world first no one cares but people sell wow tokens for gold to get bis corruption everyone freaks out.

Let’s not forget it has ALWAYS been that way in wow from the beginning being able to buy bis with gold, I don’t know why everyone is shocked…

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Only if your definition of “winning” is minimal. World first guilds would argue that being able to pay your way to end game crafted gear the first week is vital.

Winning doesn’t have to mean someone else loses.

Single player games have pay to win all the time now. Paying for cheat codes, paying for unique gear that is OP (See: Assassin’s Creed).

Fallout 76 is pay to win because Fallout 1st take the resource management out of a resource management game. You may not beat anyone, but you’ll have an easier time gaining the things that allow you to.

Not that I really care if WoW is pay to win.

the best deterrent from buying gear for real money is patches. Everytime someone buys gear I laugh because new content comes out and and better gear gets added so they just have to replace the gear they just got or they buy the best corruption and it gets nerfed, so in wow its kinda stupid to buy gear for that reason alone.

Which is load of baloney! :smiley:

This is why the modern single-player gaming depresses me so much cause the needless internet connection is literally there just to sell stupid microtransactions. And unlike the publishers, i and 99% of gamers do care about preserving those games as long as forever, cause Games are an art form, and not just one off experiences like publishers want to make them. :roll_eyes:

Thankfully it’s only single-player games and we have ways to cheat/mod them, cause… well it’s single-player games. And Nobody gets hurt from us gamers modding/cheating them. :blush:

Heck, if i really wanted to, i can go find a mod or something that disables the requirement to have Uplay, Origin, Rockstar Social Club and etc to play the single-player game and remove the shop button there.

That and Fallout 1st is just a complete ripoff for a game that still isn’t even good. $100 a year to play more Fallout 76 when half of that money can get you the GoTY edition of Fallout 4 with unlimited access to mods… and works much better? :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:


Goldsellers were already a major problem in the game before tokens existed. But it’s legitimate to ask if tokens are providing enough revenue to start to warp design decisions.

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i gota be flexible to keep up with your garbo

How does people asking for something have to do with p2w?

You wouldn’t understand but when you work for something and achieve it, you get a nice feeling even if all you have achieved is in the end useless. If someone can buy their way to the same place I had to work hard to get, then it invalidates the work I did.
Simple As

what this guys said

if you can pay real money to get better gear it’s pay to win, doesn’t matter if you can get it without real money, if you can pay to circumvent the entire grind and get it early then it’s pay to win, just not as annoying as other games systems

Lol you can’t even hold together a thought from post to post. What the f*** does a gambling addiction have to do with a system being a gamble? If I play poker and bet would you say I wasn’t gambling until I got addicted?

Wow has been pay2win since they started selling players gold under the guise that we are “buying the gold from other players”
wake up haha, i been saying this for years now :stuck_out_tongue:
of course wow is pay to win now (gear/cheeves/carries,etc) , blizz selling gold has seen to that
people HATE The idea tho so wont admit it

GLHF :slight_smile: Hope you get your head/rectum situation sorted, ill b praying for you :pray: :innocent:

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You need corruption to be competitive, and there is only one way in the game to guarantee you get the corruption you need.

2-3 mill gold is about 2-3 days worth of ah farming and flipping so lets not act like its allot of gold. As for bis on ah prices before in comparison to now thats called economic inflation people have more and its easier to get more gold now in game than before like in tbc where the other guy is using a comparison. Also p2w implies cash only and as its purchasable using in game gold that is easy to get its not p2w. Also your claim of 10 mill gold items on the ah is absurd just looked and 475 td rank 3 items are going 1.25 mill tops. And the last and final point is while gear is important yes its not how one wins and we have seen this in action give a noob all the tools in the world and they still cannot compete with a good player