Is WoW pay2win now?

This patch specifically has been pay2win, the fact that I can pay 4 billion gold right now at this instant to significantly increase my DPS is the textbook definition of pay2win.

BoE’s have been a thing for a while, but never on that level.

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But what are you winning?

I, for one, hopes Shadowlands offers more things to buy with real $$ besides tokens and gold. Cosmetics etc.

Case closed.

So because wow dosent have an end credit, buying power isnt P2W?

And what part of this game is pay to win? And no i’m not watching that vid because it’s a waste of time and i hate Asmongold.

Yes, I refuse to play grandma mode. But, from what I gather from others, the weaknesses innate to grandma mode DHs is that they need 2 buttons instead of only 1 button to mash over and for great ST and MT, leech that constantly heals them to full health, and times that they are literally invulnerable to any incoming damage.

I’m sure that Blizz will rectify that ‘weakness’ for you in SL.

Not in my books. Time is money. If some players can no-life their way to better gear because they have more time, why can’t another player who has more money but less time, use that money to buy gear?

I mean, this isn’t a new concept. BoEs have been around forever.

And it’s not like either player will easily complete Mythic raiding or high level Arenas. They still need to put in work for that.

Because people dont want others to have the ability to buy power in a game we have to buy, then spend $15 a month, those systems belong in games that are free.

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Spoken like a true “judge a book by its cover” type of person. I gave you a whole post of our weaknesses in the other post. The invulnerable part is false, its 5 seconds every 3minutes if that talent is picked. And the leech back isn’t that great unless you got rng on gear and sacrifice good talents for it. We have more then 2 buttons btw, the 2 button spec is bm hunters.

Significantly less work than someone who worked for what they earned.

The whole reason buying power exists now is because players can theoretically buy their subscription and future expansions entirely using WoW gold and not spend any real $$.

Until this goes away, buying power is here to stay. There’s no way Blizzard executives will remove such a lucrative model.

Ever since the token was introduced. YES it is a pay to win game.

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If there was a way to target corruptions, like treat them as a purchasable enchant, then the game would feel much less pay to win.

I fail to see how dropping several hundred to a thousand or so dollars to try for the idiotic prices people list things for as pay to win I see it as absolute foolishness.

Its not really pay to win its pay to catch up.
The people selling that stuff or carries for items are people that first had to gear up themselves and most guilds and people have already geared up. Once they are geared out they start selling runs and stuff and give you items they don’t need anymore.

Pay 2 win is paying for something that gives you an advantage over everyone else, but if the average item level of everyone else now is 475 then at that point you are just paying to catch up lol.

Either way I don’t see the difference if you pay direct cash to someone which blizz deems illegal cause it’s no going into blizz pockets or buying tokens for cash and then paying someone gold to run you which blizz deems legal cause it puts money in their pocket. It’s the samething.

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Depends on your definition of pay to win.

The one I’ve heard most often relates to power being derived exclusively from items that can only be bought with real money. Think of loot boxes and card packs for EA sports games and other games.

In this case, wow would not fit that criteria. Players could technically join raid farm groups for bees, in addition to just playing the game for a chance at those pieces of loot. Secondly, real money is not required as an exclusive means for buying the items. You can use in game gold that you acquired through playing instead of purchasing wow tokens.

Its not hundreds or thousands lol its like 35 to 40$. I see people advertising 15+ mythic runs for around that all the time so that’s basically for 1 475 piece and whatever loot you get at the end of the run.

I seen one place though advertising mythic nyloth runs for $2,000 now that’s moronic especially since your gear is gonna get replaced soon in SL.

But 40$ for 200k gold wow tokens for someone to run you or 40$ direct to someone is the exact something, just one is legal and one isnt.

Try at least a hundred most of the stuff is in the 750K plus gold range token is worth what 110K atm could be wrong on that price havent played in a few days.

No lol, I just seen last night 15+ for 275k gold. Maybe it was for heroic nyloth run u seen or they over charging.

nope corruption gear on the ah and sold in trade for exorbitant pricing I was never talking about runs.