Is WoW pay2win now?

Which makes the whole MDI pay to win comment he made moot in the first place. It was also an attempt to steer the conversation off course.

Yeah, you are saying pay to win is based on your feelings.

You brought up the MDI in the first place…

What? I don’t know what this means.

It isn’t p2w though. Is it a bad system? Oh yea. Corruption should never have made it into the live game. That said, anyone spending millions of gold on corruptions are pretty stupid. Even if they do win in arenas, that’s a huge price to pay for a few short months of maybe winning one specific game mode.

This i agree with

Now you’re obviously just being a troll.

Nope, that is exactly what you said:

You feel like you won something by completing an achievement or doing something in game.

ya that kid is a troll. An idiot troll though

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More name calling out of you.

Says the guy who refuses to try a dh and see we have many weaknesses :rofl: your blind hatred for a single class from other post is consuming you. No we don’t make infinite gold.

when you say idiotic things like there is no winning in wow, ya you are being an idiot. Sorry if that hurts your feeling

Still naming calling huh?

Let me know what you won:

no you are calling me saying i am naming calling …calling
Edit: Calling calling

He doesn’t make the videos.

your point?

Let me know how you won the game. Since according to you, you can pay to do this.

I’m not encouraging it; there have always been BoE items that can be purchased on the AH. There have always been gold sellers too. The issue, sure, is with the corruptions spawning on BoEs to begin with. Perhaps that could be something to change, maybe they can make it so only rank 1 corruptions can spawn on BoE gear or something like that.

Look I understand this P2W argument, I disagree with the stance though. As others have pointed out this could has been a potential issue for awhile, the sheer power of corruption just highlights more so than before though.

The addition of The Wow Token opened up the boxes of sanctioned gold buying, I will not deny. I do however think it’s a leap to say P2W with how the system is now. I didn’t see these complaints nearly as much in Legion NOR did I reallly see them in BFA until the world first race really highlighted the lengths guilds can go.

Even if the token was removed in SL, gold would still shift hands as Limit buys rare BoEs and servers of materials from people to give them a slight edge as the race for WF goes. The tactic is probably here to stay, albeit without such massive power swings as corruption.

We will see in SL, but I want to see where the line is drawn AFTER the corruption era is long gone. Buying gear with tokens seems to be a hit button, but I wonder what the outrage will be it’s just thousands of ore/gems missing for rings/armor instead of a corrupted item. My guess is probably minimal.

I’m looking forward to the loot system in Shadowlands; if it is what Ion states it’ll be; then it’ll be going back to WoW’s roots with loot tables and no random itemization; just good o’l fashion loot we follow with Atlas loot.

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