Is WoW pay2win now?

PVP is broken as is, trust me when I tell you this doesn’t affect you in any way shape or form for it to be some kind of hot topic. If you still think it is then this conversation is pointless to say the least.

Nope. You still don’t seem to get it. You even said yourself. BUY RUNS. You do realize people are still putting in the work to get that. And nope, drops aren’t guaranteed. Not sure what game you are playing but I have never seen things drop at will. Please learn what p2w means.

By your theory also, then all mmos are p2w because all of them sell runs etc.

Cool, but you still don’t win anything!

Yup, people are twisting p2w to fit their own problem. Glad the magic gnome has some logic on these forums.

Before, you had to grind and farm to get the gold to pay for those runs. Now, you can take a shortcut and save time and just buy wow tokens for that gold. Now how is that not a sneaky way to implement pay 2 win.

With a game revolving largely around achievements and loot you definitely do.

Show us.​​

You can’t win anything with achievements and loot.

I did, check above

yes, you can. Earning a specific achievement is a win. You can agree or disagree if that is winning in your book or not.

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Thanks for the laugh friend!


Blizzard defense force out in full strength today

I love this topic so much, that i want to punch it right in the hamburger.


Sure you do. For many achievements and loot are what define the game. For them once they get a certain amount of loot or a certain achievement they are satisfied. Take AOTC for example, some might say that for them getting that achievement and mount helped them win.

However the term win in WoW is largely subjective and up to the specific individual to determine its meaning. Therefore WoW for someone is definitely pay to win when they can simply pay gold, that they bought with real currency, and earn said achievement and mount therefore winning.

if this is blizz defense force, man do i feel bad for them

The store sells tokens, tokens can be traded for gold, gold can be used to buy BiS BoE corruption on the AH. Just because there is a middleman between the store and the AH, dosent make it any less P2W.


I didn’t see a single example of something that isn’t available or attainable in-game, through the normal course of gameplay, that is only available through the cash shop, that confers any gameplay advantage or character power.

If every part of my argument supported the other side, my pride and my dignity would compel me to close my mouth lest anymore ignorance tumble out. It saddens me to realize that isn’t the case with you.

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Wrong, there is nothing to be won in the game. Completing some achievements doesn’t mean you won the game. It might be satisfying if you worked to completed an achievement but it is not winning.

Tell me then, how do you win WoW?