Is WoW pay2win now?

I want to earn this mount without spending any money. I think if i do that, I win.

So all a developer has to do is make a token system and allow you to buy those tokens for real world currency then? That way you get around the whole it’s pay to win because you use a fake currency instead of real world money?

See they will not understand this concept because blizzard is sneaky.

I’m just going to abandon thread, I’m getting tired of fighting all this misinformation.

aaaaahahaha so no reply to my post then?

The amount of people that fork millions out to get an advantage is small. And the whole buy BoE’s on AH later on for six figure prices has been common place since they existed.

Pay2win, ya I guess, cause of an advantage. Does it make a bad player, good, even with corruption, hell no so I don’t see any issue here. Focus on your own gameplay, stop worrying what others do.

Let me know how you won.

I agree with you but when one player has an advantage over other similarly skilled players (gushing wound boes), then how is that fair?

No, you let me know how you did not win.

Last time I checked there were like 4 items on the AH that counted as upgrades for my main for any price (and I haven’t raided Nyalotha or even mythic’d all that much), so there’s a severe cap to how much benefit even the worst whale would get out of dumping cash into the system

I wasn’t talking to you. There is nothing to win so I haven’t won anything.

How is it not fair. It’s like me complaining it’s not fair more experienced Gold makers have a bruto and I don’t even though I’m just as good.

The avenues to take advantage of it is there, it’s up to you if you want to take it.

My bad. /10char

Nope. Not p2win. People seriously need to know what pay to win means.

Pay 2 win is going to a cash store and buy ALL BIS items or items even better than what you can get for just your sub in-game. Last I checked, the store doesn’t sell gear with stats on them let alone BiS gear.

Buy some items on the AH with gold is far from pay p2w. The only item that I see that could be BiS is a ring (boe drop) with the best corruption on it. But that 1 ring isn’t going to put you over the top on anything unless the rest of your gear is BiS.

As a side note, paying gold for runs isn’t p2w either because for 1, people are still putting in the work to clear the raid. 2, there are no guarantee drops. For all you know, you could end up with nothing.

So please, learn what p2w is and just because some loud mouth streamer says one thing doesn’t make it true. Too many sheeple take his word as gospel. Kinda sad.

Player A buys 4 gushing off auction house, Player B (same skill cap) does not have any gushing. You tell me who will win when both players have same ilvl and skill.

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You are poor and they are rich, c’est la vie. Does it affect your own progression, no, did they go to the store with RL money to buy game breaking gear to have them easily have an advantage, no… it’s not hard FOR ME to see that this is a non issue. Especially since Corruption isn’t here to stay.

You can actually buy runs and stack a specific type of armor to get the loot you want. Point is that with real world money, it is easier to get to the top of your desired activity in wow. In a very sneaky way, blizzard dodged the pay 2 win concept.

You know I’m reminded all the time that gear + potions + awesome Internet connection does not equal a flawless or invincible player.

I think it’s totally plausible that a great player with poor ilvl gear can destroy a bad player with BiS. Maybe, it gives people the false hope of grandeur.


it does affect my progression. I will lose to that pay 2 win idiot and lose ratings in Arena and therefore will not be able to get the rating i want.

With enough effort you can buy BOE’s off of any server you can make a character on and transfer cash to. There’s a massive amount of loot to choose from.