Is WoW pay2win now?

Any game is pay to win.

You can have literally bis and still be a garbage player that stands in fire and gets killed by avoidable mechanics.
Can’t buy skill.

Oh one more thing I forgot, who defines p2w?

If people want to blow money on the AH on corruption gear that has a life span remaining of roughly a few months. I mean, I’m just going to laugh at them.

As the old saying goes: A fool and his money are soon parted.


As soon as they introduced tokens they shifted from sub retention to p2w monetization. It used to be that you would subscribe to get a mount you wanted, now you by the mount and the give you 6 months of sub time.


As long as you can show me a verifiable example of someone paying real life cash to win something notable in WoW.


That’s not how it works, nor is that p2w. Any mount in the shop is purely cosmetic. You pay for 6 months (the same mount you’d pay if the mount weren’t there) and as an added bonus you are given a mount that later will cost those who didn’t participate in the promotion $25.


I find it odd that buying things with gold = pay2win. When P2W is specifically about using cash.


Anyone who would spend that much money on gear is incredibly foolish and they just don’t come around that often. Regardless, I don’t think items of that level should be traded for any amount of gold.


-I swipe my credit card -> get the gold -> spend that gold to instantly buy best gear.


-I swipe my credit card -> Get the best gear instantly.

There is no difference, you people thinking this is not pay to win because there’s an extra little step in the way are delusional. And people do buy this gear, people who raid mythic and do high end m+ as well as high end pvp.


Gear has the life span BECAUSE of tokens. If they didn’t make your gear obsolete every “season” would you still be playing? If M15 was still the top and ilvl only went up ~5-10lvls every raid how many people would be buying tokens for AOTC/M+ keys? If the game were designed for you and your friends to get together and have fun, instead of maximizing log in time so they have something positive to say on the quarterly conference calls there wouldn’t be a need for tokens. I just don’t understand it, I would rather have 9 mil people subbed and play a few hours a month than rely on bots to farm gold so that whales can spend their disposable income every 6 months when the same helm they have been wearing now has 15% more stam.


I don’t think the argument is that no one is doing it.

Only that so few people are spending hundreds of real life dollars on gear its barely worth noticing.

Having 9 million people subbed is not an option. And only playing a few hours a month sounds like a horribly designed MMORPG.

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Also by spending real money on tokens to get that gold so it’s pay to win.


Except you can earn enough gold in game by playing the game, which makes the value of game time $0.

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A) Yes I would still be playing

B) I refer to my statement about fools and their money.

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In theory, but not really in practice, considering I firmly believe people spending tens of thousands of dollars per raid team are probably non existent.


According to who? It was possible through a good bit of WoD lol


The argument in this thread is if its Pay 2 Win. Many progression guilds emptied auction houses for corruptions specifically during the race. This is just one example.


According to fads and trends?

MMORPGs are not trendy right now. And today there definitely wouldnt be 9 million people paying 15/month for a few hours a month of entertainment.

If you empty an AH using gold, that is not pay to win. Those progression guilds being referenced were going into gold debt, which they paid off. With gold. Earned in game.

Please don’t let those technicalities be ignored.

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If they’re using gold, theres no issue here.

As long as its not direct payments of money to third party users, Blizzard wont care.

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Unless they changed it, you can’t use Blizzard balance to pay for the 6 month plan. You can wait for the mount to appear in the store once the promotion is over and use in game gold to purchase it. That’s still not p2w. (You’re even going the wrong way for that now)