Is WoW pay2win now?

Bro he does understand it (he can type he understands it, it’s not that difficult)…

…but he wants to troll/flame and argue for fun.

There’s nothing for it but to ignore his ramblings.

i agree. That guy is just being a troll

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i Think they might actually be in disbelief

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Lmao look at him typing away some spin

But Jimmy didn’t need to spend any real money to get that item. Jimmy could have earned all that gold in-game. Maybe Jimmy got lucky with some other BOEs. Maybe Jimmy and Timmy both had the same amount of gold and Jimmy was just a faster clicker on the AH.

Your problem seems to be more with corruption itself and how poorly implemented it was.

WoW is NOT P2W.

P2W is generally classified as being able to pay to gain access to something exclusive that the majority of the player base cannot obtain.

You are making the case that having the ability to purchase 1 or 2 pieces of gear classifies as P2W…that’s not even remotely accurate. There are enough gear slots that it really waters down the effect of a couple of pieces of gear.

IMHO, i believe that the people bringing this up are lazy. You can grind to gear up without any $$ investment. You get guaranteed corruption from your M+ box and, if you complete a 15 weekly, gear that is on par (sometimes better depending on the piece) than Mythic gear. You can also gain MULTIPLE corruption gear pieces every week via Visions (mask runs). 5 Mask = 470 item with corruption; 4 Mask = 465 item with corruption and so on.

This means that I can do 3 things during the week (with limited time investment) and obtain 3 pieces of guaranteed corruption gear with item levels of 475, 470 and 465 respectively.

Nothing else needs to be said. 3 pieces of corruption pieces per week for FREE…even with crap RNG you are bound to get upgrades on the regular.

Case Closed.

Read it again until you understand, don’t worry I’m very patient, I’ve worked with the learning disabled for years

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clips.twitch. tv/VenomousAthleticArugulaDatSheffy

Case not closed

Pack up your ad hominem and try again.

Literal cope

What kind of retarded mental gymnastics are you doing? How are tokens pay to win when the community asked for them in the first place? How is buying a mount with free subscription time pay to win?

What are you friggin’ winning?

Then WoW has always been pay-to-win if you’re that convinced buying BoE’s is somehow a leg-up on competition where there’s absolutely no competition to begin with.

This is the same mental retardation behind ‘Lootboxes are Gambling’.

again, watch the video i linked

Well you can buy gear after being able to buy gold with the WoW token since WoD. You can also buy carries (and AOTC/CE), gear with those carries, Visions Carries with 470 corrupted loot, and powerleveling services. The term pay to win means you can buy things to progress faster in the game compared to if you had not (or others who had not). This definition is shared by several people from what I’m seeing after a quick google search.

So yes WoW is definitely Pay to Win now.

You can buy your best corruptions and do more dps without as much skill as someone without the corruptions and more skill. This is also perhaps a sneaky method by Blizzard to push more WoW Token sales through a sneaky Pay to Win system.

DUDE WoW is NOT pay to win omg pay attention

Blasts new player into the nth dimension with brand new store bought infinite stars


Well they are

This is the Webster definition of gambling

play games of chance for money; bet.

“she was fond of gambling on cards and horses”

If loot boxes don’t fall under that then I don’t know…

Now back to P2W

So some retarded ham-sandwich wants his world first so badly that he bought BoE’s and still lost. Sounds more like salt than anything else.

Show me on the shop where you can buy Infinite Stars:

You can keep pointing to the definition all you want. There’s a lot more to gambling addiction than the word itself, but I guess that would require actual research on your part.

Better to just parrot what’s out there.

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wow so when i present a valid argument, you come up with this mess. GG you won the internet

Hmm, do you buy loot boxes for a chance of getting something good?

If the answer is yes it’s a form of gambling