Is WoW pay2win now?

Congratulations. You’ve just redefined “pay to win” so broadly that it applies to anyone with a subscription.

Care to try again?

Try striking the keys in order that are relevant to the topic you’re posting about

Sorry but your trolling is inefficient

I’m just going to pay you to do it. And you need the game time.

Ok boomer tick tock

Is WoW pay2win now?
But wasn’t it always?

I mean, even as far back as Vanilla you had BiS World Drop Epics. And people sold carries and gold (which is a violation of the ToS, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen).

But what is winning, anyway? So you buy that BiS 475 item for like 3 Million on the Auciton House (equal to $700 CAD in Tokens)… so you can wreck in unranked BGs?
Maybe it helps your guild kill that Mythic Boss… cool?

There’s no argument that using money to buy gear isn’t pay2win, but what exactly are we winning in a game like WoW?

I don’t use tick tock

Again, keep on assuming. I left my job to use my military benefits for pursuing my mechanical engineer’s degree.

You don’t know what pay to win is, there’s no argument to be had

You simply would just have to educate yourself on the topic my man

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Exactly! When I was getting a degree I raided constantly. Now that I work I don’t. The token helps me and you play.

You’re the one who redefined it so broadly that it applies to anyone with a subscription. So I would have to say you’re the one who doesn’t actually know what it is.

You first dude.

Technically yes however the impact is significantly from race changing that it is from BoEs etc.

Wow you are such an obvious idiot. Man i feel sorry for you.

The way the Hall of Fame fills up each tier would say that being Horde is an advantage over being Alliance.

bro good luck arguing with that guy lol

He has no common understanding with general terms/concepts and calls you an idiot all the while.


Again, keep on assuming. Since we’re being honest, I didn’t raid yesterday because of school.

Also, when I worked at an oxygen production facility, 70-hour swing shift and I was still able to outgear 90% of General Discussion.

There’s definitely a handful of people in this thread that don’t know what pay to win is, and chief, he ain’t one of them.

I’ll put in terms for you that even you can understand

Timmy and Jimmy play the game

Timmy and Jimmy have leveled their cloaks but have been unlucky on drops

There is only one Mythic team raid spot

Jimmy buys 475 star bracers from auction house

Jimmy now does twice Timmy’s dps

If you can’t understand this then lmaooooooo

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