Is WoW pay2win now?

Is that 475 bracer with gushing wounds only available to purchase with real money? No? It’s available only from in-game sources? Then it’s not pay to win.

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Then they should change the title to pay4advantage. I saw winning.

Put that is what P2W means

Yeah it has a 1% drop rate it’s totally not p2w at all haha anyone got some money I can borrow?

Hahahaha Ok…

Except that pay to win isn’t even a clearly defined word, so making up new phrases for each situation is pointless.

That’s still not pay to win because all that gear is available through in-game means and can be purchased by anybody, no matter where their gold came from.

Something that would actually be pay to win would be an item that could only be purchased from the shop, that could never be acquired from the AH, that gave you an advantage above and beyond any possible in-game means.

So, still not actually pay to win, just people misusing the term to mean anything they don’t like about the game.

So then the game has been pay to win since paid race changes existed.

Because if changing your race to the most minmax option is giving you an advantage, and you’re giving yourself that advantage by paying real money for a racechange, you’re paying to win, right?

See, I can apply broad applications and change definitions to fit the narrative too, guys!

If WoW is a race to the finish line, why is paying to start ten feet away from the finish line, not pay to win?

If you’re dumb enough to raid, then I hope they guy with a full time job crushes you with their credit cards.

If the game was Pay2Win, I’d have Lore Master already, but I don’t. It’s a ducking massive grind, and it’s taking months to complete.

You’re not made about the token, you’re mad you spent 14 hours doing something only to help the guy you’re measuring your epeen against.

Sorry but that’s pay to win, just because you don’t know/refuse to understand doesn’t mean it’s not true

“Grass isn’t green! Sometimes it’s forest green!”

So how do you define the use of real-life money for in-game money, which is purchased in the in-game store.

A balancing of time and money. I work a real job, and you play 14 hours a day.

So can you stay on topic in a forum, right now you’re just throwing around big boomer energy and adding nothing to the discussion besides you struggle with reading comprehension

It absolutely is not pay to win.

Something that would actually be pay to win would be an item that could only ever be acquired with real money. Something you could never acquire through in-game means. That would be pay to win.

Being able to buy something on the AH is not pay to win. You’re not “winning” anything over someone who has a lot of gold from just playing the game.

Making up a new phrase? The term has been around a while.

Either way I don’t see it as winning or an advantage. Now if Blizzard sold a weapon on the shop that did like 30 million damage, on use of killing anything in the game including players on a one minute cool down I’d agree.

Nice assumption, ignoramus.

Looks like I struck a nerve. It’s ok. Play constantly. I was 22 once also.

Sorry but yes it is, pay to win is defined as if you can pay for something that would cause you to win

You can pout and scream and post all you like, but paying for in-game power is pay to win