Is WoW pay2win now?

It does matter though, time is money friend.

It’s funny how we have completely different views on the definition of pay to win. It’s almost like it means different things to different people and is subjective.

You can spend it in the blizz shop expacs/game time/mounts whatever
Then you can bot classic wow and make money selling gold.

you just lack imagination

They didn’t ask if things could be done illegally resulting in accounts being banned.

So, are players comparing the “Pay2Win” model based on people able to spend real money on in game currency to then buy BOE items off the ah as well as carries?

If so, hasn’t that been a thing since for a pretty long while now I think? I don’t even think that goes against the Tos agreement unless I am misunderstanding the rules.

The one game that gets a Huge “Pay2Win” stigma attached to it is BDO, pretty much anytime I have looked up something about BDO it’s had the Pay2Win attached to it.

It’s not at all subjective. It is not a matter of opinion.

Pay-to-win indicates that the game cannot be ‘won’ without a cash shop purchase of an item that is not attainable in-game through normal gameplay. None of the gear that has ever been available for purchase in the cash shop has ever conferred any benefit in-game, beyond the cosmetic. In other words, they make your character look different, but don’t actually make the character more powerful.

On the other hand, no gear that makes your character more powerful has ever been legally available via RMT. Those items are only attainable in-game, during the course of normal gameplay, whether you farm it yourself, or purchase it with in-game currency from someone else who farmed it.

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Buying wow gold with real money was a big no no according to TOS. They changed the TOS so now you can buy gold with real money. #pay2win

Since WoD. It’s not against the ToS, but it’s definitely a grey area.

But it’s not subjective at all. You want it to be subjective so you can use your overly vague definition that you’ve made up.

Pay to win has to provide an advantage over what you can accomplish through in-game means, and WoW currently does not fit that definition.


But you can spend real money to get the gold to buy those items. So yaaaa

But you can’t buy anything with that gold that you couldn’t farm up yourself.

So yeah…

Still not pay-to-win.

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so wow is a pay 2 a shortcut for getting bis gear then.

Your overly specific definition falls under the same scrutiny.

Pay to win involves paying real money for character power in any capacity, and WoW currently does fit that definition.

Alrighty, thanks for the replies appreciate it.

That describes virtually every game on the internet. Paying gold to another player to do the tedious thing is not pay-to-win.

Once again, GG blizz and GG corporates execs like our bobby who made this concept “ok” in people’s mind.

Just… no.

Pay-to-win involves paying real money for character power that is not otherwise available in-game.


I’m not being overly specific. I’m being actually specific instead of overly vague.

Except that is not a commonly accepted definition for the phrase. It’s like you’re arguing that the word “dog” should apply to any mammal with four legs instead of just domesticated canines.

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Do you not get the fact that Activision has worked themselves around pay 2 win definition?

And GG you for continuing to shovel your money into his pockets despite your moral outrage.

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