Is WoW pay2win now?

I somehow doubt that. The entire game is getting the gear. Once you’ve done that there’s not much to do besides what you’ve already done.

It’s how this game is and always has been. And besides, you really think the average person is buying tokens for gear?

Ha. Haha. No.

Don’t waste too much if your time this guy is a fool.

Thats the point…if someone spends $600 thats 5 people subbing for a year. How much do you think the top 10 guilds spent? Do you think the average players sub is even considered next to that? Blizzard doesn’t care about people subbing, they can use bots for playtime metrics, while leeching money from twitch streamers and by extension their viewers. Is that a problem? Only if you have more fun playing the game than paying to watch it.


It blows my mind that people seriously think buying gear is somehow ‘winning’ in this game.

The person who farms gold in-game can buy the same stuff from the AH as the person buying gold with tokens. They never have to even look at the shop.

Something that would actually be pay to win would be an item that is solely purchased in the store and provides an in-game advantage. Like the theoretical item I described earlier. Imagine being able to just plop down some money and get +100 corruption resistance over what people can get in-game. That would actually be pay to win.

Again, no it’s not. You want it to be subjective so you can use your overly vague definition.

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People were buying gear in Vanilla. :rofl:

My Alcoa stock just doubled.

Keep talking, friend.

People can blow their money on whatever they want. In the end it won’t matter. If you don’t have the skill the gear might as well be dungeon blues. :woman_shrugging:t2:


If anything, buying a bunch of corruption gear will “win” you a trip straight to your nearest graveyard.

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And how long does that take them? With real money it takes a couple minutes.

Why do people use a period instead of a comma to separate larger groupings of numbers?

Periods are for fractions of a number represented by a decimal.

It should be 9,899,999.00 and 5,899,999.00 come on people it’s 2021 probably.

It only feels like 2021. We’re still trapped in 2020.

Depends on where you’re from, in parts of Europe they use periods instead and it messes me up every time.

Same here. I understand that’s the way they do things, but it bugs me every time.

Doesn’t matter. They’re still working entirely in-game and getting access to the same gear as the people who buy gold with tokens.

So, once again, in order for something to actually be pay to win, it would have to be exclusive to the shop. Not something you could ever hope to buy from the AH.

There is no single definition. It’s a subjective thing and everyone has their own definition.

I have an argument yes.

GG you are a fool. Well played Blizzard.

Out of curiosity, does all the gold being tossed around for carries through content get turned into real money somehow?

I see So many carry adds now, not just for BFA content but people advertising to power level your classic character as well as professions.

No, it can only be turned into WoW game time or Battle net balance.

Ok, thank you for the reply.

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