Is WoW pay2win now?

Nah i dont shove my money. I farm gold to buy wow token so i can get wow sub. Instead of paying them real money for sub.

So instead of you shoveling your own $15 into his pockets, you shovel someone else’s $20.

So your moral outrage is making him even richer. Gotcha.

I marvel at the moral gymnastics required to complain that tokens are undiluted corporate greed, while at the same time using tokens to fund your account.

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Whose $20 is being shoved in what the what are you talking about? I dont think you have the mental capacity to understand this concept. Keep trying.

One, thing for sure it’s the whales that are buying the tokens to get the 15 runs/and Aotc that are helping keeping this game going…

But it’s one hell of a gray area it’s basically one or two steps away from P2W…

But one thing is certain blizzard is laughing all they way to bank and probably kicking them selves in the rear asking why the hell we did not sell tokens Sooner…

I’d compare it to arguing that the word dog applies to things other than just domesticated canines myself.

Its not hard at all.

The top PVP and PVE players are skilled, not rich.

You could take every 9/9 heroic guild on your server, give them $10000 each make them spend it on gear and tokens and they will be lucky to get 2/9 mythic.

This is just one simple way to disprove all of your nonsense.

keep trying though guys , its quite funny.

Give me a moment to get the crayons so I can explain it to you…

30 days of game time costs $15.
1 token costs $20.
When you use a token to buy game time, you ensure that Blizzard gets an extra $5.

You are not depriving them of your monthly subscription fees. You are making sure they get a 33% premium so that you can give someone else gold in exchange for paying your subscription.


That’s like saying the wizard of oz was a few steps from being an actual wizard. WoW is currently p2w, just behind a thin curtain

What, did you think they released corruption in the way they did because they thought it was good gameplay?

Open your eyes, it’s just p2w in WoW

How ?

If you take 20 LFR players and give them full 475 gear, they wont clear 9/9 heroic.

You cannot buy the power to beat a raid like this with gold.

It cannot be pay to win, if it was then 20 LFR only people could drops money and be 9/9 mythic, that is what P2W is, that is what paying for power is.

I can only assume at this point you are just a troll.

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No one’s debating this. But are you telling me that if I were to give a player who runs normal raids $10,000 to buy mythic raid gear and another had to farm it that one wouldn’t have an advantage over the other?

That’s assuming tokens are actually sold on the AH and Acti-Blizz doesn’t just conjure and delete gold and fix the prices of tokens as they see fit.

Anyone who wants to spend money on something as pointless as gear is welcome to. $9million gold is like over $1500. For a pair of pants that will be replaced in a patch. Lol

By calling the game pay to win, you are insinuating that any rich person can be on top. They cant, period.

What can they do with the advantage ? They will be kicked from any raid team they try to join.

They can kill pve monsters 3 seconds faster ? you call that paying to win ?

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You mean aside from stomping their guilds other dps who don’t have the money to buy said gear on meters and have a significantly easier time moving into heroic?

You do realize that this gear will be nothing in SL right? so all this gold paid is waste. Also gear can’t carry you in PVP if you don’t know how to play.

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Whales don’t care about that

No, I’m insinuating that their bank roll gave them advantages over players who can not or will not purchase gold with real money.

Pay to win doesn’t mean you just pay to win, it means you have a MASSIVE advantage over another player that doesn’t pay

This is undeniably happening in WoW

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My main issue with the argument that the WoW Token is P2W (other than the fact that it’s not) is that no-one ever seemed to make this argument for the some decade or so where people were going on eBay and buying Reins of the Spectral Tiger or the dozen or so other TCG mounts and selling them for massive chunks of gold on the auction house.

It’s literally the same thing. You’re spending real world money to sell a virtual item on the Auction House that is paid for by players with gold they have generated in game. This has been pervasive and active in the game for well over a decade at this point, but I don’t remember anyone bringing up P2W when Johnny Whatshisname bought the Spectral Tiger on eBay and netted 5 million gold off the AH.

And it’s not as if this was an unintended consequence. Blizzard specifically made those items BoE, and thus tradeable and sellable. Why is it the WoW Token has somehow introduced this broad scheme of “Pay to Win” when the only difference is that the gold is going to Blizzard instead of KyleSellzz11034 on eBay?