Is WoW pay2win now?

You can’t win anything clearing a 5 mask vision so what is your point?

In fact, you haven’t shown that anything can be won in game. You posted a video about some Method guy complaining about corruption.

Uh, so you’re just posting in this thread to hear yourself talk? Is that what you’re saying?

Saudi arabian barons dont care about wow.

Cmon boys.

If its pay to win, why do players from method, limit, exorcus etc dominate PVE and PVP.

Why arent all the world firsts going to the rich kids instead ? Money buys power right ?
Sooooo pay to win.


It’s really not.

Win at what again? You need skill to back up your gear purchases. And you’re not getting a single solitary piece of gear that could not also be acquired by someone who never even looks at the shop.

The point is that you can’t take a fresh 120 and hurr durr I bought a BiS corruption and I’m now going to be invited to mythic +20 and mythic pug raids@!!22!1

hahaha run out of nonsensical arguments have you ?

What are you saying myGUY? I am sorry if you are just a kid. I dont mean it in a harsh way.

You appear to not actually care about the topic at all, so why are you even here?

hahaha…my argument was that wow is pay 2 win, top guilds are stating that. Your argument was why saudi oil tycoons dont win world’s first. Hmmmm

Says who? Your defense “its not p2w because you have to grind a vessel”
I say it is p2w because you can purchase 20% dps increases from the AH with gold that you purchased with cash.

Well, i am here because you cannot make me not be here. I guess…

Oh right so now only poor people play WoW ?

Try harder man, it doesnt what example i give of a rich person.

Skill is king of wow.

Money is just a shortcut.

you cannot use the term pay to win under that cirsumstance.

Pretty simple.

Keep on keeping on though :slight_smile:

You mean the same 20% dps boost that you can buy without ever even looking at the shop?

That’s still not pay to win.

clips.twitch. tv/VenomousAthleticArugulaDatSheffy

Can 20 multi millionaires win world first ? nope.

Thats exactly why its not pay to , nor will it ever be.

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Yeah, that is not the meaning of pay to win so you are wrong.

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WTF…i feel sorry for you man. My arguements are up in the post. Have a good one.

No, your attempts at calling wow pay to win are up above, they are all failures mind you.


No you are wrong, wow is pay 2 win.