Is WoW pay2win now?

Yes WoW is now pay to win.
You can buy tokens on the AH and then buy new expansions or buy gear or gear transmogs and mounts and pets from the wow shop.

With using real money you can buy ingame tokens and sell on the AH which in turn gives you around a 120,000.00 gold which then you could turn around and actually buy end game gear off the AH and not really have to step foot in a dungeon or mythic etc. making the whole thing mute to being what WoW really is.

You can even buy run throughs with a guild or a few maxed level high end geared players to run you through the highest dungeons with ingame gold for end game gear etc.

I mean buying runs is something that has been in place since Vanillia but for someone who just got wow and boosted to 120 then bought say 4 or 5 wow tokens sell them ont he AH then take that gold and spend it on end game raid runs and mythic run throughs to get better gear than what you canbuy with wow gold and not have to really do anything. Yeah it has basically taking what WoW really was and destroyed it and made it another pay to win.

Me, I don’t mess with the tokens etc and don’t really mess with the AH except to buy pets on it.

And if something on the AH is costing over 3k to buy then I just won’t buy it and don’t really need it.

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clips.twitch. tv/VenomousAthleticArugulaDatSheffy

Except for you couldn’t because if you buy a good corruption on a fresh 120 you will be over 50 corruption with a constant slow on you, a giant eye circle ruining every ounce of dps/healing you could go, and a delusion trying to kill you every 25 seconds.

You would have to level your cloak to 8 before a good corruption is even viable which would take you at least 2 weeks of dailies and 100% successful vision runs to do

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I agree

nerf DH

Again, doesn’t matter.

There is legitimately nothing you can say to convince me that buying character power with real money isn’t a negative trait to have in a game. If you think it’s not, that’s fine, we’re allowed to have differing opinions.

you can buy horrific vision carry

You can buy cloak runs…

This video doesn’t prove it is pay to win.

It absolutely does matter. It’s the basic definition of pay to win. You can’t just ignore that and say that WoW is pay to win because of whatever vague definition you’ve cooked up.

so a video that comes from METHOD saying wow is pay 2 win and how they bought themselves to world first does not prove its pay to win?
Ok. Let that sink in everyone

You still need to farm coalescing visions to enter horrific visions.

clips.twitch. tv/VenomousAthleticArugulaDatSheffy

They didn’t get world first for one thing. Also, a world first race isn’t supported by Blizzard. Lastly, they didn’t use gold to win anything.

My mistake, LIMIT bought that. You are right MAGA

Oh right then tell us why world firsts arent won by saudi arabian oil barons every tier ?

Because that is what would happen in a p2w game, instead its the most skilled players in WoW racing .

Funny that huh ?


I watched the clip, it’s just another person misusing the term and you’re taking it as gospel because it fits your agenda.

What the actual…wow. You are whats wrong with this world today. And my agenda is what again?

You still have to get the vessel yourself lol. Your point is completely invalid.

So compare farming vessels versus clearing a 5 mask vision. Are they at the same difficulty? Your argument is invalid.

I could say the same to you. Pay to win means different things to different people. It’s entirely subjective.

In my mind progressing faster than others because you can cough up obscene amounts of money is a “win”. It’s why EA got boycotted when they tried to put those same systems in Battlefront 2. To you it may not be, which is fine. You do you, I’ll do me.

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