Is WoW pay2win now?

No, you’re talking about the AH.

You’re the one trying vainly to shift the argument. Turn off your projector and try again.

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You and Rakin should get together
Also your reddit is showing

This wouldn’t be a thing except for the Methods/Limits, MDIs, streamers, and everything that has destroyed the RPG have fun at my own pace mentality rather than stay ahead of treadmill.

P2W in some form is going to exist forever in every game if there is even one iota of an edge to be gained.

Blizzard should be banning and have armies to dissolve such actions by third parties. And I know they do, but it’s with the slow swing of heavy 2 hand hammer.

And I don’t know why people are upset in this topic since it’s their money, they know the risk for using keylogging websites and god knows what else. Even if they don’t, I just sit back knowing this game ain’t my life. I ain’t using credit cards to “win” at this game. My sub isn’t a “win” neither.

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What did he win though ?

Did i not state he won Rank 1 title. That is what he won. If you say that is not winning, you won the argument! GG

The fact of the matter is that people can buy BiS items for their characters for real money. Whether or not you think they’ve “won” anything is irrelevant. They’re still purchasing character power (progression) with real money. Which again, I think is no bueno.

Again, stop replying with confusing language. Nice try. Try again. Wow is pay 2 win. A guy won rank 1 title becuase he paid real money to buy tokens then sell those tokens for gold then buy boe. If you dont get this explanation, you are a troll have a nice life and see you in shadowlands.

I sold a lfr ring for a tokens worth. I just matched the lowest price. Some of it isnt pay to win as much as its auction whales controlling the market.

They’re not buying anything you can buy from just playing the game. You can 100% ignore the token and still earn more than enough gold to “win” whatever it is you think these people are winning.

No. Stop that. I’m not using any “confusing language”. That’s something you made up so you can ignore my argument. Try again.

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No thanks, i am done feeding the trolls for the day.

I’m sorry that my insistence on consistent language is causing you so much trouble. I’ll add you to the pile of people who aren’t interested in actual constructive discussion of this topic.

Same. Live in your “I am always right bubble”

No one is able to provide any source about someone winning in WoW due to paying cash.

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check my reply/replies. Oh wait, you are gonna say that is not winning, GG you won!

Correct, they didn’t win anything.

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Actually it does.

The term whales comes from actual pay to win games.

Perfect world online is a perfect example, pretty much every dead AAA mmorpg from the east since 2000 was pay to win.

A few other companies tried and failed in the western market.

Why do you think most game devs do mobile now ? Because 99% of mobile games are pay to win.

Pay to win games offer little to nuthing for players who dont spend money.

They give CLEAR advantages that ONLY come from real money items.

Guess what ? WoW has zero of these items.

You seem to think you can just redefine p2w to suit your argument.

Sorry but this game is anythimg but, its pay for convenience only .

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clips.twitch. tv/VenomousAthleticArugulaDatSheffy

Tell that to the people who have never seen gushing or expedient, also its doesn’t matter at all that you can get everything by playing

So gushing and expedient are never on the AH? Then what does it matter if someone buys a bunch of gold with tokens?