Is WoW pay2win now?

right so everyone is wrong but you. OK Mr MAGA

I’d call being guaranteed to get gear mailed to me that may take others months of farming as a win.

Buying gold = buying power. Which is officially endorsed by blizzard and turns real money into a path for character progression.

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Yet you didn’t win anything. So, it is still not pay to win. Let me know when you have won something.

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People who sells carries can easily make a million gold a day. Plus people who sell carries are also more likely to get excess BoE items to sell in the first place. They probably are more willing to buy them as well since they have excess gold. The average person has no need for these items.

wow this guy, here are my troll coins go have fun. I am done!

Hopefully, you will finally win something with your troll coins.

Except it really doesn’t. Just being able to buy some gear from the AH doesn’t “win” you anything.

Whelp, I can see you’re not interested in serious discussion.

nah gave it to you so hopefully you will win something

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it actually wins you arena games. You go against a player with 5 gushing BOE gear vs no gushing, guess who will WIN?

Just have players stop putting high end gear on the AH. Easy fix :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re the one arguing from the perspective that you can’t win anything in the game so it can’t possibly be p2w.
its not p2w because p2w means power AND winning
thats like saying rascism is being rascist+power

And it’s no different than the carries for mythic loot.

I’m just wondering about how this site makes money. A transaction fee on top of the cost of a token? Blizzard will be on them for that.

Isn’t there already addons that can scan the AH for whatever you want? And this notion of buying gear has been there forever.

clips.twitch. tv/VenomousAthleticArugulaDatSheffy

We’ll just have to agree to disagree. I don’t really want to debate what constitutes “winning”, since I’ve already given my thoughts on it.

To me, the real money that should be involved in player progression is the cost of the box and the sub fee. Period. But to each their own.

A typical pay 2 win mentality. Some people dont care about making money all the time.

I mean, that’s all you really need. You’re the one who thinks paying thousands of dollars to catch up with someone who’s just playing the game is somehow “winning” anything.

Ok let me give you an example. There is a player in EU called cervantes. He bought 3 BOE gear with gushing wound. He was Rank 1 in EU last week. Look at his stream, he himself states millions of times that if it was not for those BOE’s he will never WIN rank 1.
Because he bought boe, he paid to win. He himself stated that he bought wow tokens from real money then bought the BOEs. How does that benefit him? He is famous for being Rank 1 now.

Because he didn’t get anything that could only be acquired from an out-of-game source. Is the shop selling you gear with gushing wound? Is the shop the only way to get gushing wound? No to both? Then it’s not pay to win. Stop misusing terms just because you heard someone else misuse them.

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What shop you talking about? I am talking about wow in game shop and how wow has become pay 2 win. Nice try to shift the main focus of the argument. Does not work.

What does that have to do with winning ?

You cant “win” in the first place.

It has zero effect on winning.

Hence you cannot pay to win.