Is WoW pay2win now?

You took the bait :slight_smile:
If you convert token to gold, mail the gold, convert to token, how is that any different than just mailing the token? The slight risk of token price change during the process?

Mail the gold to where? You can only mail gold to servers that are connected. And those have connected AHs anyway.

Oh my goodness, you must think yourself incredibly clever.

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A fresh 120 character mythic raid ready in 20 minutes by only 2 good OP BoE corruptions? Lol what the heck are you smoking? That fresh 120 would be 1 shotted by everything and those corruptions would be 100% worthless until your at least have the ilvl equivalent to a heroic geared character, and there is no where near the amount of BoE gear to do that.

Quite the exaggeration and humor you have… LOL.

This is a fairly black and white issue. Can I give blizzard money to increase my character power and progress faster than someone who isn’t? Yes, yes I can. At an extreme cost. But like I’ve mentioned before, I worked with a guy who dropped a grand a month on clash of clans. People doing so for WoW is well within the bounds of possibility.

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Its only p2w if it meets your arbitrary power requirements? whats the practical difference between 100 resistance and lvling your cloak?

You just said it cost you one(1) week. seven(7) days. you are just arguing that a week of your time is worthless at this point lol

Sell 3mil g item, can’t afford server transfer

The only thing we know for sure is that you think that I think of myself as incredibly clever.

I can progress faster than other players even without buying tokens. So what? That’s an incredibly vague definition.

And even if you buy yourself all the gear on the AH, that doesn’t mean you have the skill to use it.

It’s only pay to win if it actually gives you an advantage over what can be accomplished in-game. That’s kind of the basic definition of pay to win, nothing arbitrary about it.

I don’t spend the whole 24/7 earning gold. And no, I haven’t said anything like that. You need to stop putting words in my mouth and respond to what I actually said.

You’re not mailing anything at that point.

We also know some people will make astonishing leaps of logic in order to pound the square peg that is buying BoE gear in the AH into the round hole called Pay-to-Win.


The size of someone’s bank account shouldn’t have any connection to their in game progression. Currently it does.

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Flapjack, 1/2mv2 00ff00 I mean why continue if you’re just going to be saying random thing you think?

You clearly aren’t a carpenter
Also nice strawman, seeing as the issue isn’t BoEs its being able to purchase gold with cash

No, it doesn’t. You can’t win anything.

You would feel differently if you were one shot during the Arena championship, in which case you most definitely can win something. Or maybe the MDI? You think buying BiS off the AH might help you win?

Nope, sorry that argument is invalid. You still didn’t win anything.

hey dumbass go check out every wow streamer that pvps and then open your mouth

Name calling won’t get you anywhere.

you are seriously delusional or a troll. W/o name calling, please check top wow pvp streamers and see why everyone is saying wow is pay 2 win

You seem to be a troll though. They are wrong about pay to win as well.