Is WoW pay2win now?

What’s the difference between buying BiS items from blizzard directly and buying BiS items on the auction house with gold I bought from blizzard?

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There is literally in zero ways that I can feasibly see that WoW has become Pay to Win.

If you are making money selling tokens you need people to buy tokens
If you are making money from subs you need to keep people subbed
Do you think you get better service if you go to a place where people need to sell you stuff for comission, or would it be better to go to a place that promises the best stuff at the best prices but you need to buy a membership?

Anyone can earn gold in-game. You’re not getting any advantage over someone who just plays the game.

Now imagine if there was an item that could only be purchased on the store that would give you +20 corruption resistance, and you could buy up to five of that item. Now you’ve got +100 corruption resistance over someone who just plays the game. That would be an actual example of pay to win.

So if you could spawn a weekly chest for 100,000g and tokens were 100,000g that wouldn’t be p2w? Because you would have to exchange a cash shop item for in game gold?

How long does it take to earn 100,000g playing the game?

That’s literally buying mask runs, which is a thing you can do. You forgot you can buy sockets with gold as well.

there is generally around 3 MAYbe 4 pieces u can buy off the ah for particular armor class/spec, im not sure if thats a wrecking ball to me, but i can live w/out it…im meaning the corrupted gear here

So me dropping $2k and buying my BiS items at the start of a season doesn’t give me any advantage over someone who has to farm the gold or farm the items?

I don’t get invited to more groups, do more damage or have more free time to do other things available to me that someone without said gold or items would?

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It’s always been one of players top concerns about being able to translate cash into gold.

It just wasn’t as prominent and on display when gold really couldn’t be used to acquire anything too remarkable in the game. I mean, sure Mythic BoEs were something you could always use gold to get but they certainly didn’t have the kind of impact BoEs with corruption had this tier. Aside from the BoE pieces provided by raids that only covered some slots, gold has historically never really meant too much to most players. As long as they can afford repairs, keep stocked on consumables, and maybe buy the odd BiS BoE that crops up during some tiers, gold, really isn’t a very impactful force in the game.

Much less raid groups feeling a pressure to collectively spend millions of it on corrupted BoEs, like we’ve witnessed this tier.

On every AH? Because I don’t think all the servers share an AH, and tokens are transferable. So a token can be used at any AH and the item mailed to any server. Its literally the D3 RMAH all over again. People spamming for god drop BoEs

did u miss the “generally” part?

You miss the part were “generally” implies you can’t get them sometimes, and I just explained you can server hop until you find someting. So it doesn’t matter if a couple servers generally have a few items, between all the servers and the bots, all the items are up most of the time.

A day. Maybe two if you’re alt-tabbing to watch Netflix.

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Having an in-game item purchased with in-game currency is not pay to win. Especially when there are no real restrictions on how much gold you can earn.

I’m probably the wrong person to ask that since I can clear 100k in a week.

I’m talking above and beyond anything you can get in game, which should be incredibly obvious.

So you’ve paid $2k just to catch up to someone who’s been playing the game, what exactly did you “win” again?

They aren’t. A token can only be redeemed by the character that purchased it.

Meh, not really. I mean, only in the sense that the tokens are region-locked, rather than serverbound. The gold earned from selling a token is mailed to the character that posted the token in the AH.

Only to servers that are coalesced with the originating server.

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When you sell gold for cash, every copper has a cash value attached to it, nothing you say will change that. The value may vary but its still >0

You can’t imagine how buying a weeks worth of currency that you can then immediately translate into direct objective power increases isn’t p2w?

You said offering direct corruption resistance in the in game shop would clearly be p2w
I said you can do that by buying a token then buying a mask run which levels your cloak increasing resistance, which I find incredibly obvious

It doesn’t get you anything over the person who’s just playing the game.

Show me where you can immediately get +100 corruption resistance.

Correct. You didn’t have to spend $2k to acquire the gear. P2W means the only way to get ‘BiS’ gear is through the cash shop.

Before you run out another tired old trope, no, token sales are also not P2W, for the same reason — you don’t have to buy a token to get gold.