Is WoW pay2win now?

still though, 1 piece wont make much of a difference, you’ll need a full set of optimal gear to really make a difference, so talking needing to buy at least 3 pieces.

You sure about that? Rank 3 twilight devastation is 18% of total hp as dmg. Now that’s alotta damage.

These threads always attract the best pendants, so here I am.

I worked with a guy when I was at Target who spent about a grand a month on clash of clans. I wouldn’t be surprised if people were spending that much or more on WoW.


Non competitve mmo? What game are you talking about, can’t be wow since you clearly don’t play it.


I wouldn’t say so much pay to win, but you can buy decent gear with amazing corruption and it will sky rocket your dps, you still need to be a semi decent player though…

It’s more pay for an advantage then anything else. My guild mage buys everything with masterful corruption, his dps is second to none.

I don’t know, I don’t think it has affected WoW history as it was with Diablo 3, but believe me, there are other things that are affecting WoW to make it a pointless pay2win.

Pay to Win would imply that there is BiS gear that can only be purchased from the store itself, not from the AH.

People just keep using “pay to win” as some sort of cudgel for any part of the game they don’t like.

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You have a source on that? Seeing as all the people buying tokens is what causes the gold price to drop, unless Acti-Blizz is just deleting the gold used to buy tokens and generating it when you trade in a token. If they are doing that they have 100% control over the token to gold exchange rate. And if thats the case announcing they are removing the brutasaur from the game while adding BoE corruptions and then lowering the gold per token is damn near criminal.

the surge in tokens and the gold price falling is mostly due to the slow death of Classic, as many players have jumped ship and went back to or are new to BFA, not to mention the influx of players at home due to corona, as you can just take a took on a website such as tokeninfo to see that the gold per token has been steadily falling since phase 2 Classic (began before 8.3 wow and corruption gear).

except you don’t need you BIS corruption for “all gear slots” well not unless you want your corruption to be so high that you basically just explode in tentacle death the second a mob so much as looks at you.

realistically you will only be able to run 1, maybe 2 items with your BIS corruption while still keeping your corruption at a managable level. everything else you will end up either purging or running “okay” but overall weaker corruptions if you can handle the extra points.

as for “with the best stats” if its got your BIS corruption, then the stats on the piece really don’t matter. if it doesn’t have your BIS corruption, then treat it exactly the way you would any other piece of gear. (and I have done some DPS sims, the majority of the time, the difference between your BIS gear with a BIS corruption, and a piece of gear with worse stats but your BIS corruption is only a couple hundred dps at best, really nothing to loose sleep over)

and as for sockets… you can buy those, so if you happen to find your BIS gear piece, with a half decent corruption on it but no socket, just go speak with best boy wrathion and he will hook you up.

Notice how I said token to gold ratio is falling due to an increase in token purchases unless Acti-Blizz is shady.
You are saying people who abandoned BfA for classic are returning at a increasing rate with great retention.
I proposed that Acti-Blizz is fiscally incentivized to increase token sales daily, and if you agree that more token sales=less gold per token, then indeed Acti-Blizz has consistently been selling an increasing amount of tokens day to day.
Your theory relies on an ever increasing flow of people who like BfA
My theory relies on spergs spending obscene amounts of money on WoW.

Pay to win implies having the ability to give blizzard money outside of your sub cost to increase the power of your character. Nothing more, nothing less. Whether it’s direct power or indirect doesn’t particularly matter.

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You seem to be missing the point.

You cannot “win” world of warcraft.

This isnt a overpowered cash shop where you buy gear for money and control the entire server.

There is no points of control, no territory to own, you cannot win anything buy selling some tokens.

There is no rng system for upgrading gear where the best weapon in the game will cost you upwards of 10k usd.

You can complain all you want but gold only buys convenience in this game.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

What effect does this have ?


You dont win anything by having an item 1000000 other players got from a drop.

This would be true if that was the ONLY way to get gear.

You have no concept of what a p2w game even is…

Keep grasping at straws though :slight_smile:

But a streamer said it so it must be so.

Although if one of those tools made a video saying the sky is blue I would skeptical.

This is why powerful gear should never be BOE.

I’m not really grasping for anything. I don’t think it’s egregious pay to win, but it’s pay to win nonetheless and that’s the question that’s being asked.

The effect is paying real money for an in-game advantage over other players. The times where doing more damage is a bad thing are so few and far between I could probably count them on one hand.

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Pay to win doesn’t have a single concept. There are a lot of ways to interpret what this is. It’s very subjective to say what p2w is and isn’t. My definition is as follows:

“If a game company makes a game, whereby you purchase something from the game company itself and you therefore get and item/power upgrade through that purchase, then this is Pay To Win.”

Technically buying WoW gold is p2w in my definition because I can buy gold, then spend that gold in game on a power upgrade.

“not from the company though.”

It doesn’t matter. Imagine if a company knew that players would dispute if “they” the company sell the BOE’s or the players do the dirty work for them… I could imagine companies in other games doing something like this to avoid being called p2w. People who spend money on microtransactions are always the people who take a very dogmatic and very niche approach to buying things from game companies. WoW is Pay To Win. You can buy WoW Tokens for gold and then you spend that gold on runs for gearing. If I have $3,000 to spend in game i can literally buy my way through any content.

“As long as the company itself doesn’t sell the service, you can’t call it a pay to win game.”

I didn’t say the game company designed a Pay To Win game necessarily but it just so happens that WoW is a game where you Pay To Win currently and sadly. Stop the semantics. Listen… WOW IS a Pay To Win Game. That’s ok though. It’s kind of impossible to make it not Pay To Win unless you get rid of 100% of gold on Blizzard’s end.

It would only be pay to win if there was BiS gear on the store itself.