Is WoW pay2win now?

Your point is objectively WRONG.
You aren’t stating your opinion, you are stating a fact that is GLARINGLY FALSE
If you can’t out DPS someone and you have GOD BEAMS that blast heretics for 20% extra dmg and the other doesn’t either the ilvl or IQ gap between the two is >30. And at that point its like bragging that as an adult you can beat up a child.

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i agree nerf dh


Oh I wasn’t saying that specifically at you. Sorry if it came off that way. I’m also not saying it doesn’t have an impact. Honestly a lot of them have way more impact than they should.

In the event of the stars not aligning, it is very important to know what you’re doing. Even with equal corruption effects, same number of procs, the person that knows their spec is going to out-do the one that doesn’t.

There it is! I agree! Nerf dh!


No it really isn’t wrong, but since everyone seems to be obsessing over corruption effects and is stuck in the mentality of ‘TD or Stars or you’re trash’. I don’t much point in trying to debate this.

Let’s see how well dps fairs when corruption effects stop being factor.

Also its funny how 200+ replies and 600 views in 40 min won’t get this thread highlighted

All that needed to be said on this topic.


Thanks :smile:


Cram it. I expect you to be one of the first ones crying on the forums here when your precious corruptions don’t work anymore.

Jokes on you I think corruptions are a net negative. I just like the way they look and the fact that a great old one brushed our reality and twisted it, resulting in double-edge superpowers is a great end of the expansion idea. But it was botched, horribly. And when corruption is gone you’re going to have 8.0 gameplay * now with old buttons *

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Can you give blizzard money outside of your subscription to increase the power of your character? Yes.

Could you do that before the WoW Token? No.

It’s not mobile gaming level p2w, but it’s p2w nonetheless. Corruptions have just made it matter in a way we’ve never seen before and probably (hopefully) will never see again.


I do think they are a net negative as a whole. Also with azerite powers going away as well I don’t even know where to begin what’s wrong with your statement about it being “8.0 gameplay”. At this point I’m fairly convinced you’re either a troll, or someone afraid of losing their precious TD.

Nevermind the fact even if they were to leave it in. Since most of the higher corruption effects are % based and the numbers are going to be much smaller across the board. Those effects would become hot trash anyway.

I in your place would not trust Asmogold, so that only ose enable a DH by server in the alpha SL because of its exploit, imagine what they did to you for what you flagged.

Referring to the problem of your thread, I think there is another problem in the p2w in I do not think it is an auction, this dilemma was already seen and it was more together with the expensive Brontosaurus that I thank for sending it to extinction without worrying that it never has had IN MY ACCOUNT.

Remember what 116-120 was like in 8.0? That’s what you’re going to get in SL.

Well, actually the way it works is that % dmg does a % of…damage. If I have 500k hp and my target has 250k hp (1/2 my hp) and my TD did 10% dmg it would hit the 250k hp target for 50k…20% of its health. If I have 50k hp and my target 25k, my TD would hit for 5k…or 20% dmg

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I never got the brutosaur mount either. Honestly never felt the need to. I mean do people really need a portable AH that badly? lol

Yeah, when the squish happens so does the enemies and their hp. TD will hit just as hard at level 50. Probably still be completely broken going into 55 where it probably turns into red text and doesn’t work.

Ehh it depends on what u feel is end game for wow. If u feel collecting stuff and achieves and what not are end game like me then yes it can be viewed as pay to win. Simply because u can buy most the runs u need for achieves and also all the hard vanity items. U can also do this for gear out of current content for gold. And u can buy gold with real money. But ultimately it’s only winning in how u view it. If u have gladiator title but can’t pvp but only care about the title u won. If u think u can pvp but can’t just because u have the title it’s not pay to win.

Yeah look that video was just filled with big trues and at this point if you deny it then I don’t know what to tell you

This has always going to be a problem and it’s just how the game is built now

considering all the valuable pieces of loot cost upwards of 2.5M+ Gold and token prices have crashed over this year… ~100k gold per token, you’re talking having to buy 25 tokens to afford the cheapest piece of optimal useful gear… so to buy a full set of gear, all rank 3, you’re talking having to buy literally 100+ tokens. literally, thousands of dollars…

So yeah, wow isn’t pay2win, most players wouldn’t spend thousands on wow, yet alone hundreds, on gear that’s going to be obsolete as soon as Shadowlands drops (which wont be long).

There may be a handful of players who would, but they are rare and far and few between that you’ll probably never encounter one out in the wild and most lack the skill in the first place, so many will have spent all that money for nothing (especially in pvp situations).

You heard about kids spending thousands of dollars on mobile gaming micro transactions, just on one game? You have way too much faith in wow players. I’d personally wager most wouldn’t completely pay out in full from the wallet, like 1 million gold and the rest from tokens, doesn’t have to be all gold or credit card. Can mix.