Is wow pay to win now?

Too bad you can also get that gear by opening up your “git gud”. Doesn’t even take that much time…

Well, its easy to lose gold if you aren’t actively managing it, so don’t feel like you did something wrong.
I like to start by looking for raw gold farms when I need coin.
I much prefer that just because dealing with AH randomness isn’t rewarding for me.

The things that have been most rewarding for me this expansion have been world quests and the paragon caches, Islands and the transmog you can sell (sold that new 2h sword for 100k at the start!) and old raids I farm for transmog still add up over time.

I do up to Dark Shaman for the transmog every week on my Shaman and that toon has like 30k gold after like 2 or 3 months of killing those 6 bosses haha.

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Yeah most people are playing semantics with the “that’s not pay to win” argument. Really? i could drop 200 dollars right now and have cutting edge before the patch. That’s not pay to win? Just because I’m not guaranteed an item drop doesn’t mean that i should be able to roll the lotto with gold that i can purchase with cash. I would be a lot less against purchasing runs with gold, if gold was not available for cash by blizzard.

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If you look at my alts you would think I paid for carries. Bunch of only +10s 440+ gear, no level 70 neck, one rank three essence(mythic+ one) and one rank 1 essence. Other than the fact that I linked my mains raider io.

Just report this troll thread and move on, just look at their post history…

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No it isn’t. The concept of pay2win is gaining an advantage over those who aren’t paying the RL money. Also you can’t just spend money and suddenly get gear. People have to clear the content first, gear themselves up, and then decide to sell you carries themselves outside of Blizzard’s influence.


that’s pay to play, as in you pay, then you play. pay to win would be them LITERALLY buying the M+ gear up front for the gold directly.

Are you getting an advantage over those who did it normally and whom you are paying to get carried?

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I mailed Blizzard $20 and they sent me a letter written on a slightly used napkin saying that I won.


even if OP is a troll the topic at hand is certainly a valid discussion even if you disagree and don’t think wow is pay to win.

@epoch I’ve got a few alts like that myself. It sucks blizzard has put the community in a position yet again where some stupid third party addon like gearscore (IO is gearscore for zoomers) has become popular in telling players who is good and who is not. These kinds of addons wouldn’t be required if players knew what they were doing to match their ilvl, players would know what to do for their ilvl if they actually earned the gear they wore.

@hamstar It is gaining an advantage over those who aren’t by paying RL money because you can spend Gold to get gear whether or not you get it directly from blizzard is irrelevant. they are no where near outside of blizzard’s influence because without blizzard giving them the go ahead and saying that you can advertise Gold only runs they wouldn’t be able to do it as was the case for many years when advertising selling runs whether for gold or cash was a banable offense.

The thing is carry groups will actually stack armor classes (it’s called armor stacking). What they do is say if you bring your warrior character to the mythic + or mythic raid, they will stack every class in that group to plate users, when gear drops they just give it to you.

People that are delusional that selling carries aren’t a form of pay to win is just dumb at this point. There’s no counter argument against it cause there’s none. The only piss poor excuse is “BuT yOu can Earn iT w/o GettinG CaRRied”…yea unless you’re in a dead guild (which is normal in WoW now and days) or you’re a class/spec that gets passed over in mythic + groups.


And without a linked IO I would probably just not invite you anyway. I mean you ARE right it is probably either an alt or a carry buyer, but there is zero incentive for me to remotely take that risk when there is someone right under you that has 20+ (quantity not level) keys done in the bracket.

Regardless, the easiest one to spot is raid buyers since their amount of kills is usually incredibly off the curve. Especially people who fork out for CE. The chances of you having 1 Azshara kill and only 2 kills on Sivara or whatever is incredibly low.

Again it COULD be an alt, but I would say a good amount of people that actually do higher end content and have alts that are “up there” are smart enough to link their IO to give themselves an easier time. Especially if you are main swapping.

So for a very brief time I played a Korean MMO that featured giant robots (I can’t even remember the name). They had an in game shop that allowed you to flat out buy almost everything that was available in game including special single use items that you could only get from the shop. One of those single use items was a full heal potion with zero CD. By using them you were basically invincible and they were usable in the game’s PvP…

What are you winning ? You think having cutting edge means you won the game ?

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Do you need to pay RL money to get a carry? Do you need to pay for a carry to get the gear? Does paying give you an advantage over those doing the content w/o paying?

Yes, the advantage is you don’t have to do any other steps to put yourself in a position to get that gear. You don’t have run M0s to get into M+ you don’t have to run low level M+ which would teach you how to handle M+ mechanics on a scale you can jump straight to M10s M15s M20s whatever Ms you can afford. Same for raiding, if you can jump straight into mythic to get gear without even having appropriate ilvl for the bosses you are encountering you have a direct advantage over players who have to go through heroic while at the same time coming out much better geared you don’t have the skill that would otherwise be required to obtain it. That’s why some players are 425 ilvl and can pull higher dps than 440+ it’s because the 440s haven’t had to do anything like research rotation or learn mechanics they got to sit in the back of the room and loot the boss when it died.

This leads to confusion in the player base because when you go to lead a raid you can’t just go off of ilvl or achievements, you can’t even really go off of IO either to some extent.

@Reshyk there should be no sale of runs. period, if you get a group to carry you pro bono usually that group has a vested interest in teaching you which carry groups for pay outs do not.

@ham it is an advantage because you are stronger having bought the carry with IRL money or gold than those who did not buy the carry at all if there was no advantage to buying these runs people wouldn’t purchase them.

@ Medaax What red flags? there are none blizzard allowed this it’s legal to do. If someone wants to spend hundreds of dollars getting run through M+ keys blizzard can’t stop them anymore because they’ve given the okay. That’s pay to win. It’s expensive pay to win but you could drop thousands of dollars on wow and get run through whatever you want.


I think the counter argument to that is that nothing is stopping someone who doesn’t pay RL money from getting carried. Either they muster up the gold themselves or they find a group willing to carry them pro-bono. The money isn’t a requirement for it. (To say nothing of the fact that that selfsame gear can be won by just being a Mythic-level raider and not needing to be carried in the first place.)

In-game transactions have existed for as long as there has been trading in MMOs. That includes players offering their services as powerful players and not just goods. That has also existed since MMOs began. Are we seriously going to call in-game player trading pay 2 win just because the WoW token exists?

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No it is not an advantage over those doing it normally. You are no stronger having bought a carry with RL money then those buying with in game gold. You are no stronger buying a carry then you would be if did the content normally. You also do not need to farm M+ to do the content ahead of time, that is just one of the avenues.

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every body in this game pays money, otherwise they’d still be at lvl 20 with no regards to mythic + or anything else at end game. again what material advantage do they gain? how do they “win” in a team oriented part of an MMORPG? there isn’t one and nobody “wins”, they still rely on dumb luck just like all of us who don’t pay extra.

“win: to achieve victory in a fight, contest, game, etc. : to get (something, such as a prize) by achieving victory in a fight, contest, game, etc. : to get (something) by effort.”

Yes, it is. Bits never been against the tos to purchase runs with gold.

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