Is wow pay to win now?

Was just curious. It’s very well known that Mythic guilds or M+ groups are selling runs for loot/completion and it’s very obvious that people are buying them with WoW tokens which you can buy for $20 here in the US. Sure, the loot is not guaranteed drop but what’s the difference now between this game and other games that sell RNG lockboxes for real money? Not to mention, mounts, pets, toys, and other cosmetics used to require effort through rep grinding or other types of grinding. But now? They just add the cool looking ones in the game shop. Also, leveling was a core part of the game experience but now you can buy that experience with a leveling boost. Sure, you can spend hours and hours on getting what others can get but all PAY TO WIN games have that same concept too where you can play for hours and hours to get what the PAY TO WIN players get but… Tell me, how is WoW not PAY TO WIN?


P2W game for example is Neverwinter. Based on Dungeons and Dragons. Its a great game and storylines for the races and classes. Compared to WoW it is not. Its optional, not mandated that you can have a guild or group carry you to great gear and mount runs.


Not really how pay to win works.


No, it’s never been pay to win.

Also paragraphs are your friend.


Oh boy, the OP has a weird definition of what pay to win is.


You could always buy gold even before tokens. There was just risk with that.


You could argue it’s tippy toe’n towards that by putting in the online store. Right now it’s Pay to Bling with all the mounts and pets. If they get like Star Trek Online where there are gambling loot boxes and tier ships (sets) for sale in the online store then it’ll get there. Not that big of a step now though.


The difference is, if you pay for a M+ run what are you really winning? You aren’t a better player. It might improve your score in whatever addon people use now and get you into raids, but once you make a fool of yourself and get kicked out, what have you really paid for?


Pay to win makes you stronger than players who don’t pay out. Like doing 12% more damage just because you paid 20 bucks.


But it does make you stronger. People are buying M+ runs so they can get the maximum ilvl reward from their weekly chest. Not only that, people are paying Mythic guilds for heroic runs but also for MYTHIC RAID RUNS not just for achievements either, but ALSO FOR LOOT!


The mythic runs are pretty pay to win. I have to admit.


Nope. Pay to win typically refers to a circumstance where dramatic power gains can be acquired purely by purchasing them.
Making gold is easy enough in this game and no gear can be directly purchased regardless.

The idea of winning in this game should never be “I cleared it once because some people I don’t know did it for me.”

That’s just not how you win in this game.


Pay to win is when you buy some form of power that can only be purchased through a cash shop. You can earn gold in game which can then be used to buy carries.

People have been using gold for carries since Classic. No that isn’t an example of pay to win.


Today I learned that no one in WoW has ever bought carries, titles, characters, or gold until BfA.



woah that’s an awesome transmog. how much did you pay for it?

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If wow sold full on Mythic Supreme 499+ Loot in the cash shop, that’d be pay to win, Or how other games might sell things like, say 7.99$ for +100% damage for 30 minutes potion, or triple bag space.

Not to say that a 15$ sub fee is unusual as well too, since wow is the only one to pull of a sub, but as for the silly stuff i wouldn’t really put buying dungeon runs on there. You’re not learning anything spending 50 hours grinding gold or just buying a ticket over just learning how to play your class and doing the game.

It depends on what your idea of winning is: is it being fully geared? Or is it being good enough to carry other people on top of being geared?

I think that when you actually win at this game, your skill will always outshine your gear. I’ve seen so many 445+ ilvl players just perform in a really disappointing manner. How do you see people like that if not as a loser?


Just more people not knowing what “pay to win” is, or WoW’s history.


The people selling m+ runs probably don’t “know how to play their class” better than me. They just have a group of people who support each other. They are able to get better gear until they are so powerful they can carry people. Its not that they are “extremely skilled” its a video game that isn’t that hard to learn.
btw ive never payed for sutch tomfoolery and never will


It’s also different with the WoW token because Blizz isn’t creating gold out of thin air to buy.

It’s a shuffling of gold from those with a lot to those with a small amount.

And it’s absolutely crushed the gold selling spam that was still prevalent even with all the bans.

Paying gold for carries is more like hiring a mercenary.