Is wow pay to win now?

Wrong i’d link it but blizzard doesn’t allow links so i’ll just post some text and you can find it by yourself.

As far as the WoW bans that don’t really come in waves, these are mostly triggered by player reports as opposed to other detection methods, but among them, you can find:

  • Spamming or advertising real world transactions for gold or boosts and so on;
  • Racism;
  • Harassment or threatening other players;
  • [Griefing] other players;
  • Impersonating a GM;
  • Exploiting mechanics such as leveling to be the realm first player;
  • Scamming other players, and even ninja looting in some situations (we can’t help with this);
  • Refunding transactions made to Blizzard (a big no! – we can’t help with this);
  • Selling or [buying WoW accounts], gold or items or sharing accounts) – these can also be flagged right after it happens, so such WoW bans can happen in waves or outside of them too;
  • VPN usage, although somewhat rarely;
  • Generally any offense that is gamebreaking to the degree of affecting other players or the game itself, as well as anything that can get you mass reported, as those get investigated way faster and banned almost right away.
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Yes. a 0.01% drop rate is still a chance at gear that they haven’t earned which other players have.

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REAL WORLD transactions, not in game transactions, which dictates THIRD PARTY sites. if WoW developers are selling gold and then the transaction goes on in game as a trade off, then it’s not REAL WORLD.

So you don’t have one. Someone buying a 10 key for gold also doesn’t fall under any of those categories.

Also, just block your URL in ` and you can post a link.

Selling or [buying WoW accounts], gold or items or sharing accounts) – these can also be flagged right after it happens, so such WoW bans can happen in waves or outside of them too;

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No. What is winning in WOW?

Achievements: Easiest way is to solo old raids solo.

Getting Top Gear: You can buy a few carries, but that isn’t going to make you better than those that carry you - far from it. 5 good pieces of gear won’t make you a winner. You still need to show up weekly if you want weekly loot.

World firsts don’t involve being carried and tokens will mainly just help with pots and enchants etc., So not huge.

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how have they not earned it? they ran the content all the way through didn’t they? that’s time AND money spent, i’d have more grievance about a person stealing my objective downed in open world when they pitched in no damage than that. you “earn” something by putting in the time and effort or money, which in this case unless they ditch their party mid instance they did both.

Yet you can provide no proof of them taking measures - in fact you can’t even give an example. I have played this game for 9 years and have seen no evidence.

Because that isn’t what people are buying carries and gear for, i.e. to do that content.


Boils down to opinion of definition. I don’t see wow as pay to win as it is now.

If I could go to the Blizzard shop and purchase a Trinket of Never-ending Relentless Death and Destruction.
+10,000 to ALL stats
Gives off pulsing electrical damage every 3 seconds to all enemies for 200,000 damage. Radius 30 yards.
On use: Kill any player or NPC instantly. 2 minute cool down.

Then I’d say it is pay to win.

Hate to break it too you OP but paying for carries has been a thing forever… And buying gold could be done long before WoW sold tokens for gold

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“gathering in-game currency, items, or resources for sale outside of the Platform or the Game(s); (iii) performing in-game services including, without limitation, account boosting or power-leveling, in exchange for payment; (iv) communicating or facilitating (by text, live audio communications, or otherwise) any commercial advertisement, solicitation or offer through or within the Platform;”; outside of “power leveling” (which has actually become an impromptu player term for finishing quests in an order most efficient to leveling) i see nothing which prohibits gold transfer for unlocks in game, as long as it isn’t outside the game from a third party site. selling actual boosts outside the official store is prohibited but “power leveling” is a super vague term. with exception of the gold supplier actually “unlocking” the dungeon for the other person of course, because then it becomes a paid service.

The game itself is easy. The hard part is finding the required amount of good people to play with.

I can get into a +15 and have horrible trouble with it, or just breeze through it. It just depends on the people I go with.

That’s almost a direct result of players buying gear and getting carried. People in this thread will tell you it’s not, but they’ll also tell you there is nothing wrong with being able to purchase a level capped character…


Its because scrubs spent years being jealous of purples and believed that the people that had those purples were only being invited into higher level content based on that gear. They then find out thats not the case and they are still bad.

and additionally i have found this article which actually defines power leveling by blizzard’s own legal terms; “Power leveling: is the term used to describe the process of leveling a character as rapidly as possible with the least amount of play time. It can be used from any level up to level cap. Contrary to what many believe, efficient power leveling does not require endless hours of grinding. The best methods of power leveling involve doing many [quests]”

The goal of these guides is to help you level a character, whether you’re first on the server or not, to the level of your choice as quickly and efficiently as possible. At the same time, the quests will be ordered in such fashion to ensure you gain [reputation] with each of the three major factions on either the [Alliance] or [Horde] side.

Common methods of power leveling include doing only those quests which are most efficient in terms of experience over time, and analyzing the quests in a given zone so as to do them in the most efficient order possible. Remember, the idea of power leveling is speed and efficiency–you may wish to obtain an addon that will show you how much experience per hour you are gaining to test your techniques. Additionally, ensure your character’s talent build is crafted for maximum endurance. You want as little downtime (walking, drinking, eating, crafting, typing, etc.) as possible.

With regard to [professions], an example would be for a [tailor] to [farm] or purchase large quantities of [cloth] then identify and repeat the cheapest tailoring recipes so as to maximize skill point gain compared to cost.

A twink is a well geared level 19 (29, 39, etc.) that usually stays that current level for battlegrounds

[Twinking] is distinct from power leveling. A twink is usually intended to remain at its current level for an extended period of time, thus providing some justification for the large investment into its gear. A character being power leveled is often equipped with inexpensive gear, since the [player] will be planning on outleveling it quickly."

“Also note that power leveling is sometimes used to refer to paying someone else to level your character to cap as fast as possible (i.e. they power level for you); a distinction used by Blizzard is to refer to the paid leveling as “power leveling service .” **This behavior is against Blizzard’s [Terms of Service]. Power leveling yourself, which this article covers, is perfectly acceptable.”

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Good thing people that buy carries are incredibly easy to spot. Or are you going to imply they buy a lot of carries and still want to join PUGs because that is such a huge improbability it shouldn’t be worth considering.

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That’s actually how pay to win works…

You can literally drop $20-$60 on WoW tokens, sell them in the AH for WoW gold, spend that gold on getting carried for MYTHIC GEAR which is THE BEST GEAR IN THE GAME in pve and sadly pvp.

That is the definition of pay to win, you’re paying real money to get the best gear in the game to have an advantage over other people.

Stop being a shill


That isn’t what P2W is. That isn’t what P2W is at all.

It’s like they forget that the leveling process was designed to teach players how to play their class and give them the opportunity to fail in situations that wouldn’t effect an entire raids worth of players while they were learning. Don’t get me wrong some players have larger /played than i do and still are absolute trash but it doesn’t help that players can skip right through to the end with a brand new account.