Is wow pay to win now?

I didn’t bloody say they were, I just pointed out that IF THEY WERE, nothing would change about the effect on the game of buying advantage.

In response to the silly definition that the money has to go to Blizz or it’s not pay-to-win.

Pay-to-win describes the environment that’s created by players buying advantage, not where your dollars go after they pay for that advantage.

Pay-to-Win would be if Blizzard is charging you money for benefits that boost your gameplay in a way that makes it unfair for those who don’t want to spend money.

Mythic guilds charging players per run is a player/community problem, not Blizzard’s.

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And I pointed out that they may well be doing so (they could be behind many of these carry groups, if not most) and it doesn’t matter one iota whether they are or not.

People are paying cash for in-game advantages and that creates the exact same environment as pay-to-win, whether you lawyerplay the definition or not. (Wikipedia agrees with me, by the way.)

Exactly. No one seems to know what pay-to-win is. Every raid hall of fame is full of free-to-play guilds, and no amount wowtokens will win you a battleground.

I know what it is: It’s paying for in-game advantage.

Wikipedia agrees with me.

You gain no advantage from putting money into this game. The people who are actually winning are the ones running the carries. They actually pay less than the average player through wowtokens

This argument would hold water if Mythic guilds charging players to pay gold (thus driving players to buy WoW tokens) were created and run by Blizzard, themselves, but it doesn’t. Mythic Guilds charging players on a per-run basis is entirely a player/community-fabricated problem because certain players are greedy as hell and will squeeze arbitrary currency from other players for the sake of giving them a carry.

Pay-to-win is literally if the game was telling you that you could buy a full set of Mythic-level gear by just paying $25 off of the WoW store that would give you serious advantages over other players in all levels of content. Or, paying that amount of money to skip end-game content to reap all of its rewards (achievements, gear, and the like which would otherwise require playing the game).

I don’t care if Wikipedia agrees with you or not, this is literally what Pay-to-Win means in this context.

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That would be an example of p2w but at the same time it is not and is from Blizzard, why?

Because it is not Blizzard’s fault since we make our own microtransaction to help achieve achievements or op items through gold.

And because it is Blizzard’s fault because even though he blocked the use of cash but not gold, the same company encourages the use of this method of carrie as a gaming experience.

it might not be bad since for it to be a microtransation or P2W it has to be through cash, money, $$$ but it ruins these things the middle of the game experience and worse we still have to pay twice what we use to buy the subscription every month and if it is not by means of equal money we would have to spend it by means of paying wowtokens to turn it into gold, that makes it an example that Blizzard looks for another way to get our money out of our pockets in another way.

And if this does not convince you, a clear example is what was with the Brontosaurus its limit of the game, its excessive price in gold of 5M and the advantage it gives us through its auction vendors.

Well maybe they are.

And whether they are or not, nothing changes. The game is exactly the same.

If you were being honest, you’d at least admit we have an identical game environment to pay-to-win.

If you have an endless wallet you can gain a clear advantage (since WoW Tokens can be bought and sold) One of the bonuses of pay to win is speeding things up tremendously.

but I don’t want, there are even more important things, such as gas, electricity, water, food, household items, that a game, I like to play it, but I have always preferred that the only thing I would have wanted to spend it is only in the game, not for other luxuries such as skins or better gears.

And you don’t have to of course.

But if people want to, and have the money to spend, they can.

I can’t do that anymore, that’s more for his pride than for his interest in the game, the same thing would have happened if he said something against P2W and accept that WoW is already in the times of free to Play, but any excuses or discussion About what he said in the end the reason is very proud, which is one of the reasons why the experience of the game is being ruined is not just for Blizzard.

But for yourselves.

Okay o.o…

Anyway, once tokens entered the game, it became a version of pay to win. It’s not a bad thing, but it is what it is.

I say version because pay to win states an advantage in game. Getting ilvl 430 gear funneled to you is an advantage, wether others can do it or not. Getting full 34 slot bags for 5kG each is an advantage. Getting the brutosaur Mount via tokens is an advantage.

Pay to win also implies speeding things up, in this case this is wow’s version of pay to win.

If WoW ever introduces purchasing items that add stats to your armor for irl money, that’s full pay to win.


You quoted me but you didn’t read what you quoted.
“Rightfully banned for buying runs with cash.”

“banned for buying runs with cash.”

“buying runs with cash”

“runs with cash”

“with cash”


Blizzard absolutely at one point banned players for purchasing carried with USD Yen ect.

Pay to gear maybe but not pay to win. There’s no winning in this game. Right when you get close to having the most powerful gear a new tier or season comes out.

When were carry runs ever not allowed? Paying someone gold to help you accomplish something in-game has always been a thing.

No you basically did. You tossed out the tinfoil hat theory much like “What if fluoride did mess with the human mind” or “What if they did fake the moon landing”

Dude blizz is getting ride of their CMs, GMs are basically useless now. There is no way blizz COULD handle all carries…that concept is just laughable and anyone that thinks it needs to go talk to a doctor

No the act that “if” they bought the paid runs with the gold they bought isn’t part of it. The fact is they bought gold with cash against the ToS. The buying the run is not againt ToS. That is like saying the sex with the prostitute is illegal, when its not. It is purchasing it that is…

Pay to Win is a specific Profit driven model for some games, usually free to play that involves a market place from the Developer to sell required services to allow for the maximized game play. The free game is usually significantly limited and designed to tempt you to buy the premium services.

It is not:

Something that has been a thing ever since Ahead of the Curve titles and achievements. IE Guilds were selling runs at the End of TBC. It became the popular thing for Nexus and ICC. So nothing new, and frankly Blizzard gets nothing from this.

Are a simple solution to a real problem in ALL economy based games, ie Gold Sellers. The idea is that Gold Sellers have a hard time making a profit when We can just sell game time to other players.

ALL games have this. However WOW barely has any, in comparison. If anything WOW is the ONLY MMO that really doesn’t have a Real Cash shop.

The leveling game hasn’t been a thing since Vanilla.

Vanilla took 6 months to a year, TBC was new it took 2 weeks working 40hr day job. When Wrath was new it took less than a week. When Cat was new it took god a weekend. When MoP was new it took a week. When WOD was new it took about 2 weeks, Legion a Week, and BfA 3 days.

Now it takes less than a week going slow to level 20 to max with an allied race, I know got a bunch.