Is wow pay to win now?

Nowhere in the definition does it say who the player getting an advantage pays for it. It just specifies cash.

Nothing would change in Blizz was selling the exact same things the carriers are, and in fact they may be behind most of the carriers.

Can you elaborate on this please? ;-;

Step 1. Buy a WoW Token (this is in-game content)
Step 2. Sell it for 180k gold
Step 3. Buy a full clear of Heroic Eternal Palace at ilvl 300
Step 4. Buy and sell more WoW Tokens if needed

This looks like a clear advantage to me.

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Because those are items input by players themselves as a service.

Blizzard is not selling that.

It’s akin to me buying herbs from a player. Did I farm the herbs? Earn them? Nope. Paid to win there.

…but again it’s from the playerbase not Blizz.

The moment Blizz sells Mythic+ loot in the item shop you have P2W.

You can literally get some friends, or pug, and do Mythic+ for no fee.

Quit being Chicken Little. It’s annoying.

Or you can buy a few wow tokens from blizzard’s store, sell them and purchase a heroic EP, with all eligible loot funneled to you.

All while doing absolutely nothing, not even a quest.

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Tokens have all but eliminated gold sellers.

This is a good thing.

Sure you can buy tokens, sell them, and then use that gold to buy a run.

That’s not P2W. P2W implies victory. Players still have to complete the dungeon, raid, etc.

Someone taking a shortcut with the token system does not make WoW a P2W system. 98% of the group still had to achieve the gear to complete the dungeon or raid, and also had to learn the mechanics in such a way that they can make up for a weak link doing nothing.

That is most definitely not WoW being a P2W system.

The difference is that this is a community driven activity rather than Blizzard shoving it in your face 24/7 on their cash shop advertisements.

I get what you’re saying. And I agree that it emulates a pay-to-win experience, but it’s not something that is endorsed by Blizzard directly.

Every mobile game I’ve tried has done the same thing. It will force you to stop playing until you either watch an ad or pay money. Blizzard’s monetization, while gross in its own unique way, does not even come close to that level of degeneracy. You have to admit, there’s a difference.

You’re not buying a “premium” currency.

You are buying the currency everyone else has access to and who, if planned correctly, can easily make if not surpass that 180k in a few days.

There’s no distinction and players themselves drive the gold price of runs. It’s not artificially imposed by Blizzard.

This also has all but killed gold sellers. (added benefit)

All of that doesn’t matter though lol

This is so effin stupid.

Such a well thought out and intuitive counter point.

What do you win with a paid run?

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The only possibilities that could be considered “winning”
• Mythic world first/2nd/3rd (no sane guild would ever consider this)
• Arena Ratings/Leaderboard (would never happen because one average or even good player would bring the team down)
• RBG Ratings/Leaderboard (possible for large BGs. A top end team may be able to tolerate one good player if they are given a simple job and do as they are told)
• MDI (hahahahahahahaha)

Buying gold with a token is not pay to win. It just speeds things up a little (5mins as opposed to 2-4 weeks to buy that “awesome” BoE. Where you promptly get your #$@ handed to you because you are clueless).

Dear OP (and others), please specifically state what you can win in WoW. Be precise.
None of this “it’s obvious” dismissive attitude you have be using (what’s the correct word. Grammar sucks). You obviously know so tell us.

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lets see

#1 buy wow gold and pay for a m+10 run so you can get your rng lootbox gear upgrade on tiesday.

#2 buy wow gold and pay guild to run your through heroic raids for loot.

nope not pay to win at all.

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No it’s pretty much frowned upon if you pay for runs imo.

in the end though doesn’t matter what your ilvl and achievements you got if you suck then you still will suck. you want to know what pay 2 win is? go play a f2p korean MMORPG like maplestory now THAT is what you call pay 2 win. everything can be bought with real money and you have a huge advantage because of it. in WoW not so much you really dont have an advantage when skill set is still a huge deal.

thats not the point you can pay for an advantage over people hence p2w.

buying m+ runs and buying heroic raid runs with wow gold to get an advantage over others is pretty much p2w.

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exactly what advantage do you have but a silly little trophy that is non braggable? say you pay for a +15 run you get loot; cool story bruh. i down a +15 get similar loot as you. we both run in the same group do a +16 or +15 and your just garbage.

there is NO advantage. Heroic raids is NOTHING… you can buy mythic runs but you can’t really brag about it since you bought it and it even shows as well on your kills. unless you plan to buy X amount of mythic raid runs to get decked out in gear there isn’t any advantage. like i already stated Skill set is still a thing. you can even buy Arena ratings but good luck pushing past X rating when you dont know how to play.

not the point what is pay to win?..using your money to buy an advantage right?..thats how its defined.

buying wow gold to pay for runs is p2w which it does by definition make wow p2w.


again… WHAT ADVANTAGE? your getting NO advantages by buying runs. this isn’t a korean MMORPG where they are known to have insane gear by simply purchasing it with money and thus carrying you through a good amount of content because you can cheese mechanics. in WoW you can’t do that. you got shet gear but good skill set you will STILL be more valuable then someone who bought their gear with shet skill set.

i’ve played p2w games WoW aint it.

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if im a casual that doesnt do m+ if some one pays for a m+15 run is thast not paying for an advantage over me?

p2w is using real money to buy an advantage. say some on pays to get gear so they can pvp and a casual didnt thats pay to win.

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again what advantage? you do understand how gearing works yes? you do understand how Skill set matters yes?

you buy a mythic raid clear, flaunt achievement to get into pugs, you get invited and your bottom of the DPS charts losing to the class that has the lowest dps that tier/patch and lower gear score then you ontop of that you die more often. again your simply dead weight. this is why it’s not p2w a +15 really is nothing as well most casuals including myself can clear a +15 at this point in time with M+ as well affixes change and you lack to consider the various dungeons/mechanics involved within those dungeons yet alone team comp. not everyone will run the meta classes some might take a rshaman and yea they are capable of pushing some pretty high fking keys not cause they are p2w but the fact they are skilled enough to do so.