Is wow pay to win now?

That’s not winning anything. Because people can still acquire it for free on their own— and at the same pace with friends or guilds.

You don’t seem to understand what pay to win actually is, so I’m not going to continue with this discussion.

We’re stuck between two groups of people in this thread, those who think any type of purchase which puts you at any kind of advantage over players who didn’t is pay to win or those who think only purchasing items with combat potential which you could otherwise not obtain is pay to win.

We all know which side of aisle i fall into but i think this thread has run it’s course there is no useful discussion being had anymore just people shouting at each other and blizzard isn’t going to change this specific situation either way because carrying is one of the most profitable markets in wow and blizzard is getting a slice.

The reason this thread probably hasn’t been pruned is because if we are arguing with each other over petty stuff like this we won’t talk about the long boi being removed decision or essences being made BOA.

It’s not though, because someone still has to clear the content. You aren’t just handing Blizzard your credit card and purchasing items or loot boxes from the in game shop.

Those mythic raiders that carried you couldn’t just shell out an xtra $50 if the boss was too hard to get a stat boost or gear boost.

Everyone is on an equal playing field within the game. Once content is on farm then yeah a player driven economy will emerge where they can essentially 19 man the bosses and drag a body along for enormous amounts of gold. This is not pay to win.

Don’t need to. I don’t care if you have an issue with what I wrote.

I mean plenty of people have identified many ways how they can apply money to get an advantage faster and easier than you would not doing so making you wrong with no debate, so you saying something not true and exiting the argument is prudent, I agree.

If that’s what you feel then fine with me, I couldn’t care less what you have to write, lol.

You being wilfully ignorant out of pride and remaining in a hole you dug has no effect on facts, and it is an optimal outcome.

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What hole, lol… I am not going to discuss what I wrote with you… that goes in circles like it did our past unnecessary chatter. Again I do not care what you have to say. I’ve discussed my point. Go read it.

Technically any game can be pay to win. The design of the game is how you judge pay to win. You can’t prevent people from getting help by paying others. You can win with pay or win without that’s the beauty of this game. I prefer not to pay because well, I play for fun and I’m not paying someone else to have my fun!

“That’s not pay to win. That’s pay to skip forward.”

“That’s not pay to win; that’s paying for a carry, and gear.”

“That’s not pay to win; that’s paying for achievements and progress.”

…All things I have heard in this thread.

And it’s still not pay to win. So at least we got that point covered.

Right, nothing would be pay to win, because it’s WoW.

Which are all true.

P2W is being able to purchase advantages over other players that cannot be obtained in any other way then through a cash shop.

Actually if you google the definition, the first result is this:

“a situation where the player can buy in-game content or in-game changes, with real money, that give the player a gameplay advantage or advance the player gameplaywise.”

The mental gymnastics in this thread belong in the Olympics

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C’mon. We all know it’s pay to wrynn: subscribe and roll alliance.

Short answer: Yes.

Source: Bought 2 stacked runs for fresh 120 cheap, got 7 pieces of high ilvl armor.




People selling runs for gold does not make the game pay to win.

This “definition” defeats your own argument since Blizzard doesn’t provide the service.

Hell, I can twist it by stating WoW is P2W because you’re paying $15 a month to access the content and beat it if you feel like it.