Is wow pay to win now?

casinos are not MMORPGS

Question. Can i spend $500 to get the staff from Queen Azshara right away.

since vanilla you could spend gold for carries/runs/ect.

If you consider winning having someone do all the work for you…

then like I said.

I hope you have " I have extremely low standards for winning" on your list.

No one worthwhile is impressed if you have 1 or 2 boss kills, and a parse so bad its embarrassing. And the people that are impressed, are part of that “low standard” I am talking about.

If you are paying to get gear, during the easiest point in WoW’s history to get gear, and paying for someone to play the game for you…what exactly did you win?

You won the ability to link an achievement? But lost the ability to show you are even a halfway decent player?

Again it’s already been said like three or four times in this thread if you bothered to read it. There is a very different social stigma to buying gold / runs when blizzard bans players for doing so. Carries existed but Gold was not readily available for 20 dollars from blizzard and they only recently made the change that allowed players to advertise for gold carries in trade chat ect. It doesn’t matter that carries existed in the game because carries for cash was a bannable offense and buying gold was also a banable offense so if someone bought a carry that means either they cheated and are risking getting banned or they put in the time to farm gold and purchase that carry themselves. Now the situation has shifted because you can simply throw 200 dollars at blizzard and get yourself a sweet run for a few alts through mythic EP. Blizzard never used to profit directly from carry runs. Now they do.

None of that has any bearing on whether a game is pay to win. That is just you pontificating about how you aren’t impressed with people’s gear or parses.

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No one said they were.

I’m simply applying your ridicolous argument that a completely easy, quick and arbitrary conversion from money to ingame gold to ingame items somehow nullifies the fact you spent real money. You wouldn’t argue you are only gambling plastic chips at a casino, so don’t be dishonest and pretend you aren’t paying real money when you sell a token for gold.


paying gold (not real money) for runs existed since vanilla /looks at the timed run for 1.5 gear. It was advertised

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The fact is you are just wrong, and refusing to see it. No one is paying blizz for gear. Gear is EASY to get these days, as is gold. Its been easy for expansions, What about people that farm the gold, then pay the runners? You going to say that because blizz got the sub cost they are paying blizz for the run next? Or what about someone who finds a rare boe, and sells it on the AH, then sees the ad and decides to get carried through a 10? Did they pay blizz for that run? No. You obviously have NEVER played a P2W game. Those you actually pay the company for gear that makes you MORE powerful than anyone who doesn’t pay. Show me where there are people paying blizz to get power in this game.


Having gear and being able to link an achievement doesn’t have any bearing on whether a game is pay to win?

If i buy a run… i get the run. If i pay for “plastic chips” i can lose the plastic chips.

We get it… you hate wow. Calling people shills is against the ToS btw.

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It’s ok apparently they like to deny reality to try and make a “point”

It’s certanly a gray area. I see what he’s saying but

tokens can’t win me the MDI, A high arena rank (unless a god is carrying), the final boss will be different in a year on the PvE side… its always changing.

You’re buying the run and not the loot. As you said in your OP there is no guarantee on what loot will drop. Pay to win would be spending x amount of dollars to out and out buy said pieces that will make you stronger.

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Ok so it does? So you are agreeing with me? I think you’re getting a bit flustered and losing the plot.

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Another goalpost shift.

So now the game can only be p2w if you can pay to win the highest level of M+ competition?

It can’t be p2w to buy a mythic carry and get mythic gear, mythic achieves and mythic mounts, because there will be a new mythic raid sometime in the future?

Under these crazy requirements no game is p2w.

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you keep changing the goal posts…

Can i buy gear immediately with money? If i drop $100 will it kill queeen azshara right away?

Yes or no?

This is a MMO people +gasp+ have different ideas what “winning” is.

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Dont think you understand what pay to win means

I wouldn’t say your gear means a whole lot. If you’re a good player, you’re a good player. If you’re not good, you’re not good. I know people who have low ilvls and out damage someone with way higher gear.

Why does an arbitrary amount of time between buying a token and getting carried in the raid make it not p2w?

Under your logic you aren’t gambling real money at a casino because it takes time to queue up at the cashier and then walk to your table.

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can i buy gear right away with money… can i get kills right away with real money.

yes or no.

Yeah, WoW kinda is pay to win.

Why do players do all the hardest stuff in the game? Not for numbers, but for unique mounts, pets, and transmog.

Whats that in the Blizzard cash-only store?

Unique mounts, pets, and transmog.

WoW may not be pay to “win”, but you essentially “won” if you have enough money to deck yourself out in shinies.

That’s pretty much the point of retail now.