Is wow pay to win now?

Translation I have no proof so I will misdirect instead.

You lose.

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i wouldn’t say it’s pay to “win” since the word win has two denoted definitions: to win in an epic struggle (to simply be a victor in a fight), or the second definition “to attain something by struggle or effort”. sure they got gear for money/gold they didn’t earn, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll “succeed” over everybody else, a dumb person with the best tools still doesn’t know how to use them or necessarily have “skills”. a person who buys a ferrari or muscle car is not automatically a nascar racer by trade.

Yes. That is the point.

If the same mechanics existed through out all of WoW’s tenure, then nothing has changed.

Can you buy gold now to get gear? Yes.

Could you buy gold 10 years ago to get gear? Yes.

If 10 years ago it was not “pay 2 win”, then it can’t be “pay 2 win” now. Unless you are applying a very subjective bias to the system, one that has absolutely no proof. One based on personal feelings. Which you are.

And once again. Gear is not “winning”. No one looks at a well geared person in WoW and thought “they won”.


I don’t think the wow token is a bad thing, i think blizzard openly allowing carries for cash as long as the cash goes to them is a bad thing it sets the wrong social stigma to the behavior.

@Galeri the conversation ended because you’re not arguing in good faith. I’ve first hand sold runs for wow tokens i know it’s happening to suggest it’s not is absolutely absurd and ignoring reality. I don’t argue with crazy people.

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Once again, when it comes to MMO’s, winning is different. WoW has a very open ended end-game. For some people, Roleplaying is their form of “winning”. Others see winning an Arena match as “winning”. MMO’s that are as open ended as WoW have many different forms of “winning” that is defined differently by each player.

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To me, thats a faulty argument. The same mechanics exist. Its like a person is finding a way to discredit things based on their personal whims.

People literally advertise selling runs for “a token’s worth” of gold, aka whatever the current rate is.

You’re posting on an alt because you know how dumb your stance is and don’t want that reputation tied to a character you care about. Try again.


Or buying a service is somehow P2W either. The “items” you are buying don’t magically appear out of nowhere. Someone else has to get there first and then carry you along later. It’s why it is impossible to ever pay for something like a world first kill. It is entirely player driven and requires people to be able to actually carry a dead body around.

The market for something like a +15 key on the 21st is going to be virtually empty. Yes, MDI players could MAYBE 4 man a +15 the day season 4 starts, but your average key seller is not going to be selling 15s until the first week of February at the earliest with something like my guild (who casually sells keys SOMETIMES) probably not happening until even later than that.


That isn’t proof. They advertise that way because THEY are generally off server and that is how they are making use of that gold they get from a server they don’t have characters on, buy a token and apply it to their account.

Your confusing winning with enjoyment or gleaning entertainment from the game. It is okay, we don’t have to win at everything we do for fun. I will never win this game even though I have fun playing it.

They were actively against it. It’s even against ToS. If a company is taking active steps to stop players from buying currency with through RMT, then it’s not Pay2Win, and is an illegal form of a player-based economy.

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Hmm maybe you’re right…

Oh, by the way, I’ve got a bridge I’d like to sell you.

I mean, if you want to get technical, they don’t allow carries for cash. They allow carries for gold but also allow you to exchange between cash and gold.

It may just seem like P2W with extra steps but I do think the distinction matters. The important aspect in my mind is that it means that paying money isn’t the only avenue to a carry. You could use gold from any source, be it a WoW token, leftover WoD gold (as much of a mistake as that was), or by simply playing the Auction House like a good little goblin.

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I am right, I know people who do those types of carries all the time.

glad i’m not the only one who saw through that troll.

@Euphiel your right winning is different depending on the player, some players play wow for raiding, some for M+ some for PVP others to run the economy. All of them have one thing in common, time invested. Selling carries for gold which you can buy from blizzard for cash gives you a direct advantage over other players when it comes to time invested.


No you don’t.

A game is only P2W if you lock exclusive and powerful items behind a cash shop with no other way to get them.

You can do whatever other mental gymnastics you want, but that is what true P2W is, paying to get a permanent advantage that cannot be overcome by others unless they also open their wallets.

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No, that’s just cheating when you buy gold to get ahead in a way Blizzard has specifically said you aren’t allowed to.


Another debatable point. There is no “Finale” to WoW. There isn’t some final cutscene as it’s an ever-evolving game with constant patch updates. Until there is a finale, there is no “winning” WoW.

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People use tokens as the going rate because it is by far the easiest way to transfer gold cross realm. Otherwise someone on a dead realm would have zero chance at actually selling keys.

Unless you have a brighter idea how I would transfer 150k gold (20k less than a token right now) from something like Mal’Ganis to the people in my guild on A52.

For the record if on a Saturday night or whatever and we are waiting awhile for a customer, we have done carries for less with the stipulation they were on A52. We carried 3 people for Jaina AotC once and one person was charged less since they were on A52 and it was taking a minute to get another buyer.