Is WoW P2W?

Nope not p2w. I’d just quit if it bothers you that much though.

Wrong :slight_smile:

You need gear from PvP to progress since PvE loot is nerfed and 2.1k gear is Mythic iLevel loot hence why most raiders are buying boosts thus another way it’s pay to win.

Just because they don’t sell the power doesn’t mean the system is any less P2W lmao, are you this slow normally or are you just trolling me?

Nah, I won’t quit. I’ll keep making these posts :slight_smile:

It’s really depends on a person’s opinion of what is winning.

I say it’s not, but someone with a different opinion of winning would tell me I was wrong.

edit: more detail on my definition of winning the game. If Blizzard put an item in the shop that allowed me to solo content and pretty much beat everyone in pvp. Like a trinket that gave over the top stats and a one minute on use to deal 50 million damage, or instalantly kill the target, ncp and player a like. That would be pay to win for me.

Bro I literally made a ret pally named trashxpac because of how absolutely mindless this class is, no one who plays this class deserves their rating and no you’re not “improving” by literally playing the most braindead spec in the game.

All I have to say is that you keep defending these garbage systems while everyone is unsubbing, so I think you might be the problem here. Not me.

This expansion is more like pay to play. I know a few people who know they can play a 10 plus key, but they’re IO score is low, so they purchased runs and/or area rating for gear. Unfortunately they don’t have time to sit in LFG and deal w no invites, no one signing up and people bailing.

Now they can kinda pug; well, slightly bit better than before I guess.

Not at all.

I don’t think you understand what pay to win is.

In WoW you can get the highest power level by simply playing the game. Even if you buy a boost, you can pay for it with gold.

Pay to win games have a pay wall up that only allow access to the highest power levels with real money.

I get your point though, and I’m not sure what the other term is, maybe “pay to boost”? But wow is definitely not “pay to win”.

WoW is definitely a lot more P2W than it used to be. Coincidentally, WoW token sales are booming. Just wait until tomorrow when all the mythic+ players need KSM to upgrade their gear. The boosts are going to be out of control.

It’s basically Pay2Win lmao, just because they don’t directly sell power doesn’t mean their system that encourages it isn’t P2W.

That’s kind of the point of pay to win. You can’t just remove criteria from a definition so that you can use it willy nilly.

That’s like saying everyone on the internet is a troll because you removed the criteria of actively causing mischeif and discontent.

That’s not how terms and words work.

Like I said, I get your point - but you’re not using the correct term.

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Terms and words change based on situations and how society deems it fit, I figured everyone knew this by now.

The current system is 100% P2W regardless if they it directly or not.

But you as an individual don’t get to change it whenever you feel like it.

That’s why others also say that wow isn’t pay to win.

Stop trying to use a term incorrectly and find one that makes sense.

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Here’s a term I invented earlier just for you:

Blizzard doesn’t sell any items of power through the bnet store.

You can also get bis gear without having to pay any more than your subscription.

Players can sell gear, runs, achievements but this isn’t Pay-To-Win.

Sure! Whatever term you want to make up is fine.

Personally I prefer “play-to-be-harrassed” since playing this game anyways feels like being in a dysfunctional relationship where abuse and disrespect is at its core.

How many mental gymnastics did you have to do to come to that conclusion?

This I can agree with.

People aren’t paying for the title that you lose after the season ends, they’re paying for the 226 gear.

You can still get those things on your own. You don’t HAVE to pay for them.

Pay-To-Win systems force you to pay, with real money, for power access.

You’re not forced in wow to pay for a boost.

Don’t forget the transmog and mount.

Also very true, but as someone who knows a couple of guys who are extremely high rated boosters, most of the people are there for the upgrades.

You are because the system is designed to get you to boost.

If you’re a mythic raider there’s no way you care about PvP also and can hit 2.4k lmao, literally every major mythic raid team is all in 233 gear for a reason, they BOUGHT BOOSTS.

The entire system enables it from top down to the bottom, they even make more money off tokens that subscribers.

Are you just being willfully ignorant to the state of the game or have you never even played the game to begin with?