Is WoW P2W?

I’ve done a few paid M+ groups this season already. There’s just a lot of people willing to pay for it. You can get 40-80k gold per person just running people through an untimed +14 so they can get the 226 GV item. Paid AOTC runs also generate that much money as well.

It’s insane how this is the state of the game, yet people still deny it as not being P2W because Blizzard themselves isn’t offering you the boost.

No smart company would want to be labelled as enabling P2W, so why would Blizzard want that attention when they can just create a gearing system that promotes boosting within the community instead?

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No. You’re just conflating the two and being ignorant to the difference that many people have already pointed out.

Enabling a system where players have the option to purchase the bis power levels is different than a system where the only way to those same power levels is through your wallet.

Please don’t be ignorant to this difference, it’s very important.

You can dislike both, but making them out to be the same is inaccurate.

It’s literally just one step removed from being a full out F2P P2W game bud, you can spin around the truth all day but i’ll be here waiting for you until you can acknowledge it.

THE FORUMS ARE THE SAME 5 PEOPLE, I never see the bs in game that I see in these forums and that is exactly why like the game I no longer care about the people either. This was a self Induced issue and Blizz just leaned right into it and remember folks you can only stack sht so high b4 you are buried in a landslide of sht.

What are you even talking abut bro? Go back to your Classic Servers, you clearly don’t have the required knowledge to speak on retail.

He isn’t talking about the people doing the carries. He’s talking about the people being carried.

The people being carried can be funneled a full set of 226 pieces and every possible 233 piece off SLG and Denathrius but if they suck at the game they suck at the game regardless of their gear or their lack thereof.

Who cares if they’re good or not, the fact that they intentionally made the system grindy and time gated for everyone else while directly having booster’s profit margin rise with carrys is them providing a solution to a problem they created.

Like I said, people can pretend like WoW isn’t P2W but we’re literally 1 step removed from them just selling gear out of the WoW store lmao.

Not true at all. If this were truly a P2W game even the good players would be buying literally all their gear so they could kill the bosses.

People buying carries for gold aren’t “winning” at all. Somebody else “won” long before they did and didn’t buy their entire set of 226 gear ft. 233 weapons, 233 Heraldries, etc. for gold.

You need to have an extremely loose definition of the term “winning” if you want to consider gold boosting Pay-to-Win.


Or you could read the OP’s history?

Is this tupac and did you change your name? Because if you changed your name just to better troll, my hat is off to you.

But it’s the most crucial step between the difference of the 2.

That’s like comparing a go kart and a regular vehicle and saying they’re the same because they have a seat, 4 wheels and an engine. Size/ magnitude can’t just be ignored in order to equate the two.

Every Mythic raid team bought boosts for 2.4 gear because that is the fastest way to get Mythic iLevel gear + 233 weapons without having to rely on the nerfed PvE loot, yet another thing to push people to boost.

Keep trying though, i’m sure eventually through all the mental gymnastics you jump through you’ll land on a point that actually makes sense.


They didn’t pay to win though. And while a lot of players did get boosted in PvP, they didn’t pay to win in that regard. Somebody else has to be good enough to get 2.4k first, and mostly carried them to 2.4k.

And then you have players like Trill who are literally the best in the world at everything. Guy didn’t get boosted at all; he is actually that good.

Again, still not pay-to-win. You should play an actual pay-to-win game if you wanna see what that really looks like.

But at this point I’ve all but realized that you’re just the reincarnation of the notorious forum troll Tupac so I’m not going to engage any further. Just know that you’re wrong and that no amount of mental gymnastics you can go through will make you correct.

I’ve never heard a more fried take in my life, the fact that you openly just admitted that Mythic level raiders bought boosts and then turn around and say that isn’t P2W while actual people climbing are getting destroyed by these boosters is one of the most hilarious things i’ve read on this thread.

You must be a gold medalist in mental gymnastics, i’ve never seen anyone jump over this many hoops to defend objectively one of the worst gearing systems to exist in the game’s history.

Here you go for future use. Sadly I’m not level 3 :stuck_out_tongue:


No because the guy actually kicking your butt in pvp would kick your butt anyway.

Why ignore him? He’s telling the truth. WoW is P2W more than ever.
Your the one that should be ignored.

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Give up your need to be right lmao. It’s alright.

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i don’t think it’s p2w for everyone - because not everyone has the ability to or wants to play that way.

can it be? yes. so the OP is actually correct - it’s p2w as hell out there! :face_with_monocle:

(you can always become a twitch streamer and get some of these carries for free though as an alternative…if you’re ambitious enough hehe) :slightly_smiling_face: