Is WoW P2W?

Half the PvP ladder is boosters with 226 gear at 1400 rating, literally every notable PvP streamer like Xaryu for example take gold to carries on their stream and actual laugh and get excited over 1 shotting someone 10k hp below them.

I feel like with them nerfing PvE loot and putting in rating locked gear, they basically are encouraging everyone to boost with WoW tokens.

I even see people making a killing off of selling Nathria boss kills and even M+ dungeon carry sales, and with valor points I think this too will be infested with P2W boosters.

Is WoW basically a 100% P2W now?

Getting gladiator or really any major skill based achievement means nothing anymore because Timmy the Turbo Warrior spent a couple hundred bucks on WoW tokens and straight up bought his way to every end game achievement.


ignore this guy folks…its one trolling thread after another.
down at the bottom…change to ‘muted’


We don’t need another one of these threads lol. Please stop.


…It seems like pay to win at the late of the patches…but not really. Because you can farm gear easily…and I mean really easy.

Like If you started at early seasons, and you got to 2100cr your gear sky rocketed without having to pay anything.

Should change your name to Trashposter and get it over with.

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Name checks out.

Imagine trying to silence discussion, everything I said is a 100% fact so

Go white knight somewhere else, this ain’t the thread for you.


Their own public records show that wow tokens are their top profit center now.



So why do people keep crying about 40% of playerbase unsubbing or w/e when their main income is off of selling tokens and boosts?

They might as well just sell the Gladiator title in the WoW shop.


Because losing subscribers means losing massive amounts of real money on store sales.

People who no longer subscribe are not buying mounts or pets. They’re not paying cash for tokens to get gold for carries. Every player who intended to play for the entire expansion who left early is a big $$$ loss.


Pay to look pretty right now. When they start selling Anima in the online store then it’s closer to pay to win. If you want to know what pay 2 win is really like load up a Perfect World game like Star Trek online where your tier gear is sold in the store for $20-30 a pop and the really good drops are in gambling boxes where you have to buy keys from the online store to open…hic!

There’s this MMO called BDO that has a low population, I’m thinking like maybe around 50k or less? And they turn a massive fortune of a profit every year because the game is also P2W and the people who do play are actively buying things from the cash shop and whaling.

I think it’s Activision’s plan to eventually bank on the game being profitable just from its WoW token sales/cash shop over relying on subscriber numbers.


Imagine assuming I disagree lol, the game is absolutely p2w. However, there are already many existing threads about this topic. Go post in one of them. I’m not trying to “hurr durr silence” you. It’s simple forum rules. Don’t be a clown.


And what are you supposed to be? The dead P2W MMO forum moderator?

Get real, no one cares. If you don’t like this version of the P2W post, you can go to any of the other ones but everyone has the right to post whatever they want.


So what you’re saying is that if they had 4 times as many subscribers they wouldn’t be making any more money. I’m saying you are wrong.

Milking the whales doesn’t change the fact that millions of former subscribers are no longer shelling out for micro transactions. They’re also no longer paying for gametime and expansions, which is not a trivial sum.


Ya’ll are completely trashing OP for no reason. He’s 100% right.


No I’m not saying that at all, you’re right that having more subscribers is more money but I’m just pointing out that subscribers is not as guaranteed as designing the entire game around P2W mechanics like rating locked gear or WoW token sales because regardless of people being fickle and leaving, the long term WoW fans will keep buying into the system regardless which is where I think the money is really at.

anyone who thinks this game is p2w because of boosts is literally braindead


You mean in the white knight thread you made literally a day or two ago?

You’re the definition of low quality bait.

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