Is WoW P2W?

I’ve been thinking of writing on this topic and here is a thread that is very much alive and on the topic.

WOW has become pay to win in the top tier, you can enjoy upper middle medocrity for your monthly subsription and nothing else but to really breach the upper levels of the player base you need either longstanding reputiation, relationships, and don’t forget ALOT of time to build into the upper tiers. Or avalanches of gold, which can be farmed up with that last resource i mentioned “Time.”

Or you can go the pay to win route. and at the begginning of the xpack about 600 american would get you into some of the best gear in the game from arena’s and a reasonable level of skill would see you cutting edge.

Blizzard has flat out lost control of its gold as a currency. The company is taking very slow and plodding steps to regain control but the speed at which blizzard is moving suggests to me ( and perhaps me alone) that they are making money off of the loss of this control somehow as they have never simply stopped it by binding gold to accounts or some other “ironfisted” route.

another reason is that item level has for the most part become “KING” primary stats cannot be the only arbiter for a piece and the diminishing returns and stat squish on secondary stats has dictated that it is, this means pvp gear is the most accessible high level gear in the shortest time. If you’re not currently playing the meta pvp classes you have a vanishing small chance of attaining the ranking to purchase the gear so you pay for the carry.

Finally M+ gear is not good enough 210 is too low for a 15 it should be 220 which would have been inline with the last xpacks m+ 15’s where by 15’s drop nearly mythic raiding i level gear to alow classes to tune thier secondary stats effectively. this lead to a greater degree of “balance” in the game(fire mages notwithstanding)

Class development is horribly inconsistent. There has been immediate action taken to nerf classes performing in the middle of the pack, while classes percieved as overpowered receive little to no attention for months on months (see fire mages at the end of BFA…again). It is unfortunate that players playing a 15 think that the only class makeup that will suit is an MDI make up when a 15 is aboslutley achievable for any class or spec.

It is unfortunate that current raid guild strategies seem to be to make use of immunity as much as possible to ignore mechanics rather than work with them. This is by and large to the huge number of one shot mechanics found in both raiding and M+, and the massive dps checks found in raiding and m+.

Secondary to all of this Soothing has become absolutley essential to M+, as has having atleast one player of the right convenant for most dungeons with Night Fae standing out the most. Nothing has been done to tune the dungeons around convenant interaction, a herbalist cant remove the branches in MISTS but an engineer can stop the slimes in DOS, these is no interaction between engineers and the contructs in Neck wake… its all very strange and the odd requirements dictate a play to win format at the cutting edge…so to speak.

TLDR; yep i think wow is pay to win.

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Absolutely, time is money friend.

That assumes someone cares about titles.

I personally don’t. Funny eve story. New to a corp, for me in oceanic TZ as an American I got the usual oh its a yank in our crew…lets bust his balls. Which is fine…I give as well as I take.

Others start, I finish. Keep in the spirit of fun…we can get some good times in comms lol. I like the Aussies and the Kiwi’s…fun people. I am not really PC or SJW, nor are they. So that all works out.

Kiwi is putting out lines. I give some back. At some point I make a reference to their love of sheep. Now the aussies on at the time, they just laugh their heads off. CEO (guild leader) on at the time liked it so much he gave an award that came with a custom title about sheep.

Stupid as hell title I carried for the 2 years I rolled with them. Didn’t matter. I was getting paid well off the isk making angles the corp/alliance we were in gave me.

And I was getting real good experience in ninjya warfare. Bombers, recons, black ops battleship bridged roams.

Soo…there I was player with stupid title racking up a nice kill resume. No corp I applied to after that cared about that title on my resume.

It was my kill record/resume that got me spots in latter corps/alliances. Not titles.

OP I could of sworn u made a post saying u was quitting lol

Not just Blizzard. The entire industry has been slooooowly pushing the threshold, not unlike the ‘frogs in a pot’ metaphor. Just inching closer and closer to see how far people can be pushed before they snap.

We have seen a couple snaps before - most notably the loot box scandal EA started with Battlefront 2. There is a line, but if you get people gradually used to it, they might not even realize it’s been crossed.

That said? I don’t think WoW is at all P2W - but it is in a concerning grey area.

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No because the carries can’t do anything by themselves. You can have fancy 226 gear but without knowledge of your class or mechanics you suck.

My take here as well. The issue is not the boosted…the issue is blind reliance on arbitrary numbers.

I have this score!.. OKay, give golf clap, so can you tell us why you have no idea wth you are doing?

Its not jsut paid boosts doing this. ITs freind hook ups. I know a skilled pvp’er who can not give a rat’s butt about pve. He has a friend or 2 who lives for pve. pvp? Not so much. So…a deal struck.

The pvp pro carries the carebears in arena. and the carebears get him slots on mythic/raid that he’d not get usually. And thus 2 people work out a way they get all those vault hits come patch tuesday.

So now the pvp pro has raider io score that is good and they’d even say they are not a pve god. And a carebear or 2 gets a rating they’d not have in pugs.

World of Carrycraft

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what game isnt when thers offsite ppl selling stuff for mnoey in all games


I don’t think you know what “Pay to Win” actually means.

Play FEH or Genshin Impact for a little while and you’ll very, very quickly realize how sleazy actual pay-to-win games are.

This might be the dumbest take I’ve ever heard lmao.

People with 226 gear doing carry’s aren’t just random people, these are actual good players who use gear and XP to brute force carry kids through the ladder, arena is filled with them.

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What are you winning if you get carried? Do these carry people turn around and carry others? If so, the $$ for carries will go down, supply and demand. Right?

This isn’t technically p2w though. You would have to buy the high gear directly from Blizzard, not via some third-party (player) proxy.

That being said, it does suck when this happens. This is why I don’t think arena gear should be locked behind rating.

Getting rick-rolled by a 233 weapon as you are struggling up the ladder (and likely never going to reach that point) pretty much keeps folks like me from even bothering.

The rating should stick to leaderboards, cosmetics, mounts, titles, etc. Then leave the gear rating-less and adjust the cost such that higher rating grants more conquest than lower rating, or something like that… or adjust the mmr match finder so I don’t keep running into folks like that at low ratings.

I mean rn you pretty much can legally buy a WoW token to buy rating, you don’t get banned at all because it benefits Blizzard and although that’s not the traditional P2W transaction, it’s pretty much the same thing with one step removed.

They already sell transmogs in the WoW shop, the mount list is growing and more and more art is being directed to paid content over in game ones.

I think eventually this game will be more blatantly P2W than already it is now if this trend continues.

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That’s still not P2W though. It’s getting close, but still not quite there. Without the player to carry you, you wouldn’t have access.

P2W is talking about company selling players power. So company to player transactions.

I mean the players being carried…the carries. They get 226 gear yes, but they don’t learn anything about their class. Its basically buying a character.

This is just you being obtuse, you have this weird definition for P2W where it’s just a basic definition where a company is selling power but no actual smart company would want to be labeled as enabling P2W so it’s a lot smarter for them to incentivize the community to do it themselves.

It’s P2W regardless of how you define it, many people have already left the PvP scene due to this amongst other issues so I guess we’ll just have to agree that there’s multiple definitions for it :man_shrugging:

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For casuals…we top off at 197 and leave. Open world smoother…all we are getting and it works well enough.

I’d care more here but…We already know us legion spammers can’t do a damn thing till 9.3 gear is out. If some promise of effort here paid off for that I’d care more.

Look up any definition of pay to win.

If you want to argue that its a bad practice, or it shouldn’t be allowed, or runing the game, etc. - all fair arguments.

A definition is a definition though. You can’t just make stuff up because it suits you.

Sorry but words are meant to evolve, you can be a boomer about it and die on your hill but rest of society will move forward as usual and continue modifying things to fit the new problems that we face.