Is WoW P2W?

What you described here has nothing to do with P2W.

What P2W mechanics has SL introduced?

Suggesting Blizzard is testing the waters is ridiculous because they’ve already reverted the raid loot nerf and are buffing M+ loot significantly in 9.0.5.

If your goal (win) is to lord status and content over others, then yes. You don’t have to pay, but you can.

Have you seen trade chat? All the high end content is being sold for gold, which players can buy tokens to acquire.

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What are you talking about dude? You’re a 226 outlaw who doesn’t see ANY of the M+/Raid sales ALL OVER LFG AND TRADE?

Top post of this general discussion is literally about how much spam there is in selling these services and these services only sell because the game is designed around gear instead of actual content lmao.

And going off your PvP record, you clearly don’t PvP at all so how are you going to sit here and tell me what I said isn’t P2W when you haven’t even played more than 5 games this season.

Maybe instead of always thinking you’re right, educate yourself on parts of the game you have no experience in.

SL is 100% P2W marketing, and it’s paying off for Blizzard.


Yes. It has been for a while

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Buying carries has existed since day 1. Go over to Classic and you’ll see boosting is just as bad without the existence of tokens.

Do all the mental gymnastics you want, but WoW isn’t P2W until Blizzard provides the service itself, and that service cannot be acquired in game.

Like I said before, play some Eastern MMOs if you want to see what P2W actually looks like.

This is Tupac. Another forum troll. The one that started out with that thread last year calling everyone boomers and shills and I forget what else, then he did an immediate 180 and started kissing blizzard’s behind instead.


Why would Blizzard outright provide the service when they can get the community to P2W it instead, they just have to provide the trash system we have now with the WoW token solution and magically all of LFG/Trade is spammed to the brim with sales while everyone and their mother is running around in KSM/Glad titles.

It’s ok, you can pretend that it doesn’t exist. I heard if you close your ears real tight and yell “LA LA LA”, you can get out of dealing with reality.

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Always has been. Sadly. I condemn it 100% but it’s so easy for anyone to find a booster or gold seller. The literally laugh at Blizzard.

Kid you not, there is a rumor among gold sellers that Blizzard themselves are in on it. That they permit it because it’s so effortless and simple to get away with it.

They even keep putting things into the game to benefit them selling it. I don’t think Blizzard condones the actions of gold selling or boosting for real world money. I also condemn gold selling and boosting.

Blizzard needs to do a better job. Scum like this are thriving.

The funniest thing ive read about this was on the PvP forums, this guy got the discord info of this person advertising 2s carrys for gold and the moment they add each other on discord, the other guy straight up says “I don’t need gold, I only do it for cash.” and basically gave him a whole run down of pricing.

The sad part is that same dude is in 2s rn actively getting customers lmao, nothing will change or stop as long Blizzard is profiting sadly and even if it’s not gold sales they make, they still get time played out of the people who do boost in other ways.

Which makes me understand why people believe in this rumor so much. It makes sense but obviously Blizzard is against it.

It seems Blizzard just does a horrible and inefficient job at stopping anything. It’s laughable.

795 bucks and I can have a title most of you won’t have until next expansion (if even that). Yep not p2w in the slightest.

Technically the game is pay to win, but not overtly. Most people think of “pay to win” as going into a cash shop and purchasing something which resolves end game issues. WoW does have things like that but they’re steps removed, meaning a person would have to work a little harder at it.

so how do you know that Glad is pay to win when you yourself haven’t done arenas and only is combatant in RBGs? Before you rebut my arguement, I don’t do RBGs.
Though it’s kinda sus, for all I know you could be paying these boosters to get to combatant?
But playing dismissal when people counter your aguement is pretty bad.
Also, if it was pay to win, why do they add a cap to it?

Wdym, I run with 2.4 RBG teams and some of those guys are glads who reguarly run glad carries. Even if it’s not from them, there’s entire communities and websites dedicated to getting glad this season lmao.

You even have RBG teams selling Hero of Horde/Ally, and they’re all in a pricing war due to the demand.

PvP is mostly P2W atm, it’s an insane amount of boosters and carried people in lower brackets. I feel bad for anyone trying to rank this late into the season.

The game facilitates a smooth transaction between US Dollars and in-game currency… and you can use in-game currency to buy some of the best gear straight off the auction house.

You can also indirectly buy carries that let you access the best gear.

I mean, I don’t think it’s really a question anymore. In even the most strict interpretation, yes, WoW is P2W.

I’m genuinely interested in what arguments people have saying WoW isn’t Pay-To-Win outside the usual tripe of: “YoU cAnT WiN WoW!11”

that’s easy.

  1. You can get gold without the need of a token, you need to know what to do. Also the “Best Gear” from the AH isn’t really BiS for some.

  2. If you know your Server’s economy and AH, you would know what to buy or what’s hot. Selling old BoEs can net you good cash thanks to Transmogs, Alchemy and Mining can net you good amounts of gold as well.

  3. They’re free ways of getting “boosts” or “Carries” as twitch users do give free coaching and some guilds that advertise their services do provide help and grouping. Gold high is simply because guilds need money, (repairs aren’t cheap).

  4. Nobody’s forcing you to buy wow tokens

So in a way, Pay 2 Win is just being thrown around so overused that it’s not funny and just makes actual P2W games get a free pass because somebody’s butthurt that some top guilds will sell their services

“You can still get it in game”. That’s a real bad argument.

That’s the same argument you just made with more words.

You’re really reaching on this one.

That’s the same argument as 1 or 2 with less words.

No one’s butt hurt. Hell, I raid Heroic. All I’m saying is, if I paid $$ money, my ilvl could be much higher. That’s literally the definition of P2W.

I have never bought gold or a wow token and I could easily afford a carry for pvp or M+ or CN.
If it was actually P2W it would require me pulling out my CC to get these things.

P2W is when a game offers player power that is exclusively locked behind a paywall, or would take so long for non-paying customers that it isn’t feasible to get.
But the people selling the runs are good enough to not only clear the content themselves without paying, but good enough to drag dead weight along.
This inherently shows us that it isn’t so hard or time consuming as to be unobtainable by normal means.

WoW is more of a P2Skip, you can buy tokens to get gold to skip the line.
But I would bet 9 out of 10 people who do that don’t actually do anything with their new found power or lack the skill to do anything with it, so it doesn’t even impact the game other than trade being spammed.

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expect its not a fact. at all. lol

I mean people pay to get boosted or get KSM or even get gear but they are STILL trash and even with gear or achievements you can see they are still trash their how they play, logs, and knowledge so the joke is actually on the one buying.