Is WoW P2W? The answer:

The token price is set by a pure supply and demand formula. The price goes up when the demand exceeds the supply, and it goes down when the supply exceeds the demand.

Not how that works. When you sell a token to another player, you don’t get gold created out of nowhere, you get the gold that some other player spent on it. The only interesting thing is that said other player might be on a different server than you are.


I don’t understand how that’s even possible. Get an auction house addon and start scanning. After a few days, start buying and reselling.


No the token gives you gold. That is all. If I go buy a token right now, I get gold. What I do with that gold isn’t associated with Blizz. If I paid for a boost, that is the guild that ran it. If i bought a BOE, that is the person putting up the auction. I never gave blizz the money for any power. If you have a problem with people spending gold how they want, you can take that authoritarian stuff to Hello Kitty Island Adventure or something.

What part of link me the stuff that directly impacts my player power do you not understand?

No…they didn’t. Boosts have been here since Vanilla when you would get speed leveled by mages in dungeons, etc. What has happened is people perform a service in a videogame that is not associated with what Blizz sells you.


You do realize the single biggest problem with WoW at least as far as player access and interaction goes in game is the total and absolute absence of any teaching tools?

To whit, Photoshop also has the exact same issue.

Well yeah…I don’t think Blizzard is going to tell you how to win the auction house. YouTube however…

In all my years of playing MMORPGS (started on Ultima Online) buying gold for cash from 3rd party gold sellers was always considered pay to win and was looked down upon in the community as having an advantage over someone else whether it be a power advantage or time. Well with a WoW token and carries you can have both. Whales just feel like they can finally cope due to Blizzard normalizing it.

Imagine if they DID.

And CARED about WoW.

Rather than just shoehorning the game together like now.

These are the reasons I go with “no” as well. Supply is limited because it’s player driven. There’s no direct interaction with the game/company, because again, it’s player driven. Take away the token, and the p2w feature via boosting, is still prevalent.

All at the whim of the playerbase though. Player driven does not fit into “my” version of P2W


There’s just some things you need to figure out for yourself. That’s what an MMO is. The players figure out the best way to do things. It’s not Blizzard figuring out your best DPS rotation. It’s the players. Utilize that resource.

This doesn’t really change much about the player perspection of how the game operates. Even if we give you this it’s a technical victory that doesn’t change much. All you are arguing is that the P2W status of the game is primarily propped up by the playerbase and that is a hollow victory if you ask me since the end result is the same.

I would give this to you if people were cheating to buy illegal gold, but since Blizzard is making profit off the token sales that people use to boost that’s what really matters.

That has nothing to do with whether a game is P2W or not. Plenty of P2W games out there let you get everything for free, but it’s unreasonable to assume you ever could without spending.

What part of P2W strikes you as a design concept that is aiming to give players a feeling of true victory?

2 of your 3 points are completely irrelevant as for rebuffing P2W. Your first is flimsy and doesn’t change the perception of the way the game is functioning as it currently stands today. Really the only thing that first point means is that if the playerbase dies off and the remaining can’t reliably boost then the game’s P2W aspect dies off immensely. Not a super strong argument to discredit the current landscape of the game.

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You’re wrong from point 1. The WoW token is from blizzard, meaning you can use real money to acquire gold, and use it within the provided systems to buy BoEs, mythic runs, mythic+ runs, and carries in PvP that will afford you access to the best PvP gear.
While all of that can be earned from gameplay, it can be earned faster, and often with guarantees, by paying someone else for it.
“True Victory”, as you’ve described it, is a pointless assertion to make. The best mythic guilds make up an inanely small portion of the playerbase, of course people are not trying to join them like this, and the people that are wouldn’t need to participate in these actions because they are good enough. It can however get you into regular spots for mythic raids, or invited to m+ groups, and decked out in the best PvP gear to then stomp skirmishes and BGs.

You are wrong on every point. WoW is pay to win, and the only way to fix it is either the complete removal of the WoW token, or the removal of its cash shop value from the Blizzard store, which will tank it’s gold value.


People know how to spot carries in raids and keys. When you apply to a guild, they’re going to look at your parses. You’re going to have a hard time explaining why you tagged the boss and then died on each fight. Those less than 10 parses aren’t opening any doors.

Maybe you could sneak into a key, but that’s assuming that people aren’t checking your IO history. If those people aren’t capable of carrying you, you’re not going to time the key.

Your answer is a little long. Here’s a shorter version.

Is WoW pay to win?


Edit: having said that…I like your post and explanation.

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You are forgetting all the raids and mythic+ groups that aren’t guild runs. Which is the majority.

150 post deep and people still can’t answer what exactly did these people win


I already did.

so what did they won??

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The only reason why I would say it’s not P2W with Tokens is because those Tokens are based on supply and demand. It’s not like Blizzard goes in and manually creates those Tokens for those who buy with gold. Those Tokens are being bought by someone who spend 20 bucks and put it on the AH.

The only way to really test this theory is if everyone just stopped buying Tokens with real money and putting them on the AH. Would those who are spending gold for the tokens just stop getting them till someone puts one up or would Blizzard generate the WoW Tokens regardless?

Even pug raids are going to check you out. When you wipe to the mechanics or you’re last on the meter, they’re going to kick you for someone else. M+ pugs are absolutely going to check you out. If you’ve got KSM and no keys in the 7-14 range, people will know that you paid. And again, even if you sneak into one, you’d better hope those other players are good enough to carry you.

Going down in the history books of WoW and having numerous articles written about you for winning the race of being the world firsts sound like winning to me (winning the race), but it looks like it doesn’t fit your own definition of what is considered winning.