Is WoW P2W? The answer:

No it isn’t. The only difference right now is people pay for gold from blizz instead of chinese gold farmers. Nothing else in the economy has changed. Again, and its funny how NO ONE can actually link me somewhere in wow’s show that would let me buy gear or power. I have several alts I would love to just buy gear for instead of having to earn it. Seeing how that isn’t an option, it isn’t pay to win.

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nope because everyone has access to the same system. And trying to make a point while pointing it to the .0001% is just the most dumb argument I can see coz you guys dont have a clue what pay to win really is. And every day players like you and me have the same opportunity. Some just decided to gitgud and well some complain in the forums :man_shrugging:


They can’t even win arguments. I have given them a clear way to prove it is pay to win. They simply have to link where in the blizz store I can buy loot or power ups.


Again, you say that like every world first team isn’t doing that. The mythic raid is designed with a certain ilvl in mind and for that reason it’s not meant to be beaten in just a few days. They need to supplement the drops they get with boe’s.

Your guild could spend 1 billion gold and still not win the race. Based on the number of CE raiders each tier, you wouldn’t even finish the race.

So, spending RL money for WoW tokens to obtain gold to win the race to become the world firsts is your definition of what “gitgud” is these days. :joy: :clown_face:

Considering you are posting on a toon that isn’t max level…how would you know what any form of gitgud is?

Yikes… :clown_face:

wanna know what a pay to win item looks like?


Nah they’re all relevant.


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It now takes 5 WoW tokens to get new spell ranks, to increase the level cap, and to unlock each raid tier :slight_smile:


This is equivalent to picking up a piece of coal and claiming you’re holding a diamond.

They are not the same

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Buy WoW token with cash → sell for gold → use gold to obtain “specific” items that would give you a time or a power advantage over another player that didn’t spend their own money = P2W. Whales can try to spin it anyway they want to but your copium isn’t fooling anyone. :joy:

Purchase gear from online store —-> immediately has said gear in inventory.

How is that even remotely close to what you postes


Funny how only one of those steps is on the blizz store. I have said several times link in the store where I can buy my power items or loot. You just said I can buy gold with it. Looks like I could buy mounts with gold…I could buy battle pets with gold, i could buy vendor greys on the AH for a huge price.

Are you saying Vendor greys are player power now?


You seem to be under the impression that this is a negotiation. Thinking they’re relevant is akin to announcing to the world, “I don’t understand the topic, but here’s my opinion on it anyways”

Isn’t your guild running you through these things for free? Is it still P2W when it doesn’t cost you anything?

Isn’t that kinda what you did though???

And of course, the very first comment entirely neglected OP’s point:

P2W is not about whether it IS or it ISN’T. It’s not a YES or NO. It’s about the DEGREE. Arguing over the definition of a vague acronym is such a waste of everyone’s time and OP took their own time to get that out of the way so everyone else can move on and discuss the degree of WoW’s P2W elements in this post. I give OP a lot of respect points for putting this much time and energy into explaining something that mostly goes right over smooth-brains’ heads. :brain:

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Use gold to obtain items for a time or power advantage buy using the gold to buy items that have a time or power advantage, how did assume that a grey would be player power. You aren’t really this dense right? You have to be trolling at this point. :joy:

By that logic, a player on level 2 that uses the paid for gold to get grays would then be at a temporary advantage.