Is WoW P2W? The answer:

From our point of view you’re the one incapable of nuance and ignoring context.
You don’t recognize that there is a scale to P2W and that in that scale WoW barely registers at the bottom of it.

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Yes it is. Anyone who says otherwise is insane and wrong.

Something OP clearly isnt doing.


Get an auction house addon. There’s no reason to be buying gold in this game lol.

OP frustrated.

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Somewhere down the line whales have attempted to change the original definition of P2W as only being pay for convenience. Copium.


let’s face it. People who are complaining about p2w is either too poor and too bad to play this game

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Yeah I just don’t understand it. MMO’s are grindy by design. If you’re going to just pay to skip the grind, why even bother playing? At that point, just pay someone to level for you and send you some screenshots of all the things you’ve “won”.


I think people just start prioritizing the wrong things. Anyone paying for a boost is completely ignoring the social aspects of the game. Good or bad, there’s plenty of gear to be had…arguably too much lol. If these guys would join even a casual raiding guild, they can get all that stuff for free and in less time.


If WoW wasn’t pay to win then WoW teams such as complexity-Limit wouldn’t have spent 257 million gold on their push for being the N’Zoth World firsts to win the race. How do you think these WoW teams got this gold to help cement themselves in the history books and become the winners of the race, WoW tokens and RL cash. How OP can still claim that WoW isn’t P2W after all these past RL examples is just copium at this point.

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But none of the rewards you can buy (in terms of player power), are not obtainable without buying them. I got my 252 Changeling without paying for it, and you can’t get a better changeling exclusively by paying for one.


That’s not the same thing. If your raid team spent 500 million gold on mythic’s first week, you wouldn’t clear it.


Just like they would fix imbalanced covenant abilities to normalize a players choice rather than make it all one sided…oh wait that never happened…carry on.

We’re no more one patch away form them fixing this game than we are the game becoming p2w…I am not worried. P2w usually embodies f2p games.

They prey on your need to be powerful and some people will pay anything for that, as a result it becomes very predatory. It dances a fine line of becoming gambling and addiction and in my honest opinion needs to be regulated as such, but I digress.

As soon as WoW loses the subscription mode and adds in game elements to the store that gate keep player power and throw in daily log in bonuses…then I will see the p2w schtick become a thing.

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Yes, WoW is Pay to Win.

Said P2W is two step, so not enough people grasp that fact.

1 - Buy a WoW Token
2 - Once bought on the AH for gold, gain “free” gold

Except that, said gold was literally paid for with RL money…

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It’s really that simple. :joy:

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If you consider having gold as winning, then sure, it’s pay to shortcut. Not a lot of people agree that the player with the most gold has won I’d wager .

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… It’s not that it’s JUST gold.

It’s the AMOUNT per token.

At least not the ppl who can’t even say the word pay to win.

Presumably you have hundreds of thousands of gold by now. Your server has an auction house I’m guessing?

No, I don’t have over 100,000 gold.

I’m literally forcing myself to play SL due to how trash the story and its delivery are in game.

And yes, my server has an AH.

The prices are all artificially inflated due to how much gold each token SHOVES into the economy.