Is WoW P2W? The answer:

Honestly I’d take a super close look at the name of the person you’re conversing with and decide whether or not it’s truly worth it lol

It isn’t ill defined or subjective at all.

You can use real life cash to purchase in-game gold which is a currency you can use to pay for boosts.

To rephrase that:

You can use real life cash to win in-game.

Pay. To. Win.


Ooh la la. Sounds exotic.

Because apparently people who play Lost ark are in denial that their game is P2W.


What is this person winning exactly if they get a carry, they still won’t be able to do m20 or high level pvp. These terms are not interchangeable at all.


And I don’t recommend playing a game that is pay to win unless you have thousands you don’t mind spending because it can be a truly unpleasant experience. Like I will never be playing Idle Heroes again, no thanks. The worst part is in p2w mmos, you’re never done paying because there’s always something new that your competition is paying for.

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I know that feeling man. Played World of tanks for soo long, ended up putting way more money into that game then I have for wow. Probably put 2k into WoT and about 300 maybe for wow, mainly buying the expansions buying.

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I’m about 20 hours in and it already seems like a nightmare but it seems that is the point. They want you to get impatient and pay to speed things up. That’s by design. They have to funnel people into the shop because that is the only place they are going to make money.

Some people have more money than time and some people have more time than money. As long as the same destination is still available to those without the money then it doesn’t quite meet that threshold to me.

no wow is not p2w


What I’ve seen a lot of people say about Lost Ark is, “It’s pay to win, but it’s fun.” If you aren’t desperate to get into end game and just want a free game to play for a while, it’s probably a good choice.

I have seen a lot of people saying wow is “pay to win”, according to their own criteria. Those people weren’t saying it was fun, or that it felt good to pay for a game and pay by the month, and still run into pay to win mechanics.

From what I’ve been reading it gets good after level cap which I hope is true. I’m 27 right now and the leveling experience has been one of the worst I’ve seen in an mmo. The nicest thing I can say is at least it is going by relatively quick, thankfully, because it is dreadfully boring but I can see how if you would consider one p2w, then it makes sense to call them both p2w.

So long as power doesn’t come directly from blizzard. I don’t care. Once I see gear/exp boosts/rep boosts on the shop. I’m gone.

This is one of the most accurate posts in this thread. WoW is without a doubt pay to win. It is however a few steps removed. But, that doesn’t mean that the game isn’t pay to win and I think this is where people have a hard time conceptualizing P2W nature of the game.

This is the other standout post in my opinion. Garnering rewards for spent money, rewards that are beyond what you would normally expect to receive, is pay to win.

I say this in just about every thread of these that pops up… but, there is no aspect of WoW that isn’t improved when you have more gold. Problems are solved easier, gear is obtained faster, titles, achievements, mounts, pets, toys, game time… all of these things and more, and all you need is gold. Tokens can be purchased with real life money and turned into gold. This means that WoW is pay to win. It’s kind of simple really.


If it was simple there wouldn’t be dozens of threads with hundreds of replies endlessly arguing about it. It’s not simple because not everyone agrees with your definition or the definition of the person you quoted.


Define winning.

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Do you pay? Yes.
Do you get rewards? Yes.

Pay to win? Yes.

Still waiting for someone to link the place in the wow store where you pay blizz for player power. No one seems to be able to link that


That’d be the token, the thing that Blizzard offers, the thing that causes these problems, the thing that we’re talking about, the thing that creates so much debate… You never heard of it?

I think the better question really is what exactly people win if this game is pay to win?

Yea, people are too binary about it.

If WoW is P2W, whatever argument to define that can pretty much be used to call every online social game P2W.

If all games are P2W, what is there even to discuss?

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