Is WoW P2W? The answer:

I think I fixed that properly.

At this point, I think I’ll just shrug and say, “whatever you think, boss” to the P2W crowd. If they think they’ve won or someone else has won because they bought a run, whatever. Has no impact on my gameplay and the fun I get from it.

I know people can buy KSM. Doesn’t take away anything from the “HELL YEA!” I shouted out when I finally pugged my way to KSM legit.


Once again best resume by OP
Emphasis mine

I’d go further and say it doesn’t even begin to convey a realistic portrait of the situation and shows borderline malicious intellectual dishonesty to paint it as such.

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No it doesn’t, because it turns out that the definition is actually in the name (Yes, I know it’s a bit of a neologism but my point stands). Hence why it’s called Pay-To-Win, instead of literally anything else.

You refuse to acknowledge the situation in a manner that would convey realistic view of it. You insist on painting it as black or white which can only lead to misleading statements that would only serve to confuse anyone who would read them.

To me it’s borderline malicious because people who are doing this often slip trying to push the point when they encounter resistance to it, demonstrating that they understand that their position is unsustainable or flat-out a misrepresentation but insist on chugging onward, as if they were drunk on their own Kool-Aid.

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Nothing you just said was realistic or accurate. I honestly have no idea why you bothered typing that up.

You made a claim that there were no strict definitions for pay-to-win, to which I stated that it was quite literally in the name itself and that based on that definition and the things that I previously outlined, the game is in fact pay-to-win… You then went on to make a strange claim that people were being malicious, which doesn’t make a lot of sense.

The internet is pretty much in agreement that if a company gives people the means to procure items in their game, giving them a substantial advantage or easing restrictions and access to obtainable items, that it is pay-to-win. Blizzard sets up the means by which people can purchase items, services, mounts, titles, toys… everything. It starts with Blizzards actions. They’re the one that allow people to transfer real world money into in-game gold. They didn’t do this on accident, they didn’t do this without knowing the consequences, they did this because they knew people would buy tokens to get gold to use for in game purchases… pay-to-win.

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You can buy unlimited gold in the store, and then you can use that gold to buy unlimited power. Blizz makes money on the deal. They have designed the game to be full of skippable-if-you-pay mechanics to “encourage” such transactions.

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And I can just as easily say,

Can you buy an advantage with money that another player cannot without also spending money? No.

Pay to win? No.

Your definition is no more valid than mine.


You can do it many times faster. Again, there is no problem in WoW that can’t be solved with gold. Sure you could have saved up for that Brutosaur mount for a year or so, or you can punch in your credit card information and have it in a few minutes.

Yes, without a doubt.

You didn’t accurately define anything, so I think it is.

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Taking a short cut isn’t p2w. P2w is when the game has advantages that can only be purchased with money from a shop that regular players don’t have access to in game. There is your definition for you.


Yes, it quite literally is P2W. That’s kind of how it got started in mobile games. Sure you can upgrade this item once every 24 hours, or you can spend a few dollars and upgrade it right now! … That’s one of the most fundamental aspects about P2W.

This has nothing to do with a game being P2W, it’s an absurd made up definition of something you know little about. We know this is false because it’s incredibly limited and doesn’t account for the things that I’d just talked about.

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No, your definition is made up.

Are we twelve? Am I talking to a twelve year old?

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It might be if the gear made bad players into good players…but we all know that isn’t the case.

If we both go to an amusement park and we both rode on all the rides but I had a fast pass and got on them 30% faster than you, what did I win?

If we both go to another amusement park and I paid extra to go on rides you weren’t allowed to go on unless you also paid extra, then I clearly got something you didn’t.

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It means nothing if the end result is the same.


Yeah…but does going 30% faster even matter when you’ve got 7-8 months to ride all the rides?


Yes, because either way it’s an advantage.

How do you people not know anything about pay to win, yet here you are chiming in making bold statements about how WoW isn’t pay to win… I really don’t get it.


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Trust me, I’m equally baffled by your ignorance.

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