Is WoW P2W? The answer:

you can’t finish end game content , M+ is infinite and PVP kinda too , Tokens won’t carry you into the top 10 of the ladder

if for you having KSM is beating the game , then ok it’s P2W ^^

WOW is P2W but we never see theses boosted/new players in the ladder , always same name

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I define it as when you are able to essentially from the cash shop buy items from it that the game becomes pay to win. However I am realistic enough to accept the ability to buy tokens which you sell for gold then buy these things with like legendary bases which are bis are in a roundabout way sold through the cash shop.

The boost I don’t view as pay to win so much as a convenience for fools given how fast leveling is anyway. However I see them as problematic when it comes to botters and the like which was exactly what happened with TBC and destroyed its economy. Blizzard sold boosts, people bought them and botted on level 58s in BRD and Stratholme like crazy or any mage aoe farm in general. When it rolls over in Classic everyone is going to be buying boosts for prot paladins given how absurd their gold generation ability is even in Wrath.

So in a way I feel it has ramifications because there are a lot of people who are turned off without a boost from an idea that could become incredibly problematic in large quantities. Let’s speak from like an economic viewpoint. Everyone knows protection paladins are kings of generating gold solo. Dark Rune farm, Stratholme farm/selling boosts as you passively generate gold in TBC. The biggest barrier to people is having to level one. So that alone prevents a lot of gold from being just thrown into the economy because if it’s as simple as entering a credit card then doing the less annoying part which is just getting the gear to make it work then everyone begins doing it.

This isn’t to say it exactly stops this behavior from happening because the truly ambitious will still do it and they will be rightfully rewarded for it. Like they found a niche and went for it and profit heavily off the parse hungry casters with the dark rune market that isn’t absolutely cratered by a ridiculous surplus. Speaking for myself, when boosts came to Classic I boosted a mage, grabbed tailoring and enchanting then proceeded to just abuse the enchanting market on dusts and essences in about 10 hours of creation with the only groundwork being getting cloth which was easy due to all the mages powerfarming the good ones like silk to terribly low prices. Had enough for my epic flyer in no time. Previously this endeavor would have necessitated leveling a mage to at least 35 to get 300 tailoring for max profits, 20 for pretty good. Which while it really is not much, you’d be amazed at how lazy some people are.

Multiboxers became a very big problem when they could just boost boomkins and powerfarm/bot. Prior to that they were a mere annoyance because it wasn’t exactly fun to manually level that many characters. Unless you’re that crazy dude on Classic who leveled like 40 mages to multibox at 60 and roam the world wiping people out but even then that’s like, one super ambitious guy. Not some dunce with a credit card.

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fun times that.

it had/has it war of words too.

Do you mean botters or multiboxers.

same thing.

No…one is software assisted (bot) and the other isn’t.

To me, yes. Apparently to you, no. But, like I said, my definition is pretty narrow. If blizzard added 5 extra levels and you could only get them through the cash shop, that would be p2w. Paying to get there a little faster isn’t the same thing to me.


Yes it is 250 In 1 week is actually impossible if you start up a new character and try that. Oh and the amount of gold you would need would be insane to the point of spending hundreds maybe even thousands of dollars.

Your statement is entirely stupid and anyone that has a brain would realize that.

Oh and getting ilvl isn’t winning anything, put him in literally amy content and that guy will die and do 1k dps.


its not impossible. you can pay guilds to funnel you gear from raids and mythics as soon as you hit 60

I’ve never felt wow as P2W.

If someone wants to get boosted / carried - good for them. If that is how they chose to play the game I’m not going to stop them but I’m also not going to play with them.

Plenty of tools one can use to find out if they were and just avoid those people.

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Once again then, if WoW is P2W then so are EVERY SINGLE OTHER MMO. Including your precious FFXIV. Every mmo people pay for carries etc. The exact same things people do in WoW.

Sooo. If you want to call WoW p2w. Please make sure you are referring to all mmos then and not just WoW.


What makes WoW P2W is not the carry itself it’s the WoW token, which allows you to access carry using real money, and not all MMOs have that. There are many that are clearly P2W or P2F but most are F2P, WoW is Buy2Play and Pay2Play, if you add to that P2W is simply ridiculous in its eagerness to milk money from its players. As long as the WoW token gives gold the game will be P2W.

By the way FFXIV does not sell game currency, which is what makes WoW P2W.


15s in mythic plus get you 236, raids on mythic get 252. You aren’t going to be getting so many peices, since I guarantee you they aren’t all going to be able to match your gear type and the likelihood of rng is very low. Also you would actually have to use hundreds to thousands of dollars to achieve literally nothing.

Nobody cares if someone is 252 ilvl. Nobody is impressed at all, people are impressed by skill and the guy that gets carried is going to be one of the worst players you have ever seen.

This game is far more skill based then it is gear based. Gear of course helps, but gear is not going to buff you up so much where you can just go fail your combo.


If you buy a boost in ff14 for what ever class, it gives you hundreds of thousands of wjat ever their currency is, I always forget the name of it.

  • Gil (the name of the currency)
  • That amount is nothing in the game, you literally need millions, even more, the cheapest things like food to raid costs hundreds of thousands, if you want to equate hundreds of thousands of Gil with gold in WoW we are talking about hundreds of gold, in FFXIV you easily spend millions just on Glamour/transmog. So the gold you mention is insignificant and is not different from the gold you get for boosting in WoW.
  • If you wanted to compare the gold that the WoW Token gives to the Gil of FFXIV we should speak in terms of hundreds of millions at least.
  • Boost in FFXIV is limited by the number of total classes, unlike the WoW token that you can buy unlimited.

Ye ik was saying ye can get gil from buying. Ik the amount isn’t crazy.

Well written. For what it’s worth, I think another key component in the definition is the degree of exclusivity behind the pay wall.

If you can earn all of the highest power level items without paying a dime , then for many, this invalidates the idea of “p2w”. But if you HAVE to pay real money for the highest power level items, this is exactly what many people consider “p2w”.


its still not impossible

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It basically is you have to find over 10 dps players that match your gear type that mythic raid who can also clear it consistently with and odd setup of classes. Hope certain items drop to the point you get a whole armor and trinket set worth of gear. All the while being down a player because they have someone who is getting carried. The actual likelihood of all of that is nonexistent to the point you could have people doing it every week for years and it won’t happen. It would be considered impossible to do.

Plus you would literally have to pay millions in gold for that kind of junk. Which wouldn’t even be worth it since you would still be a horrible player.

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Indeed, maybe you should play Lost Ark. The difference between playing with and without the shop investment is literally years.

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You do realize the WoW token is just a legal way to buy in-game gold right? All the other mmos people pay gold farmers. Absolutely NO difference.

Too funny how you are making “rules” on what p2w is. If WoW is p2w then so it EVERY SINGLE mmo. Keep trying to be blinded though.


Seriously, so are you. So is everybody in this thread. Everybody has their own ideas about the meaning of “Pay 2 Win”. And since they’re all just opinions, none of them are right or wrong.

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The difference is that paying real money to a farmer is illegal and banable, in addition to the risks of fraud, it is a dirty P2W, illegal, not approved by the company, therefore it cannot be said that the game is P2W, it can be said that person is cheating.

But now that Blizzard is the gold seller P2W is legal and not a cheat like before, so the game officially becomes P2W.

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