Is WoW P2W? The answer:

If you have enough money it could be P2W. Mythic raiding players wouldnt say no to carrying 1 guy through progress if the sum was high enough.

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I beleive that If you can constinuosly inject money in a shop and each time it can translate into player power then the mech is pretty much a p2w mech.
Regardless of where people drawn the line the wow token has many downsides that even blizzard couldnt ignore and had to ban entire communities dedicated to it.

I view as if I went to argus to get the 500K “power armour” mount lol.

I got enough free 1%'s to hunt down after SL is over. and with how they work squishes that may not be for 6+ years later.

See I stay pvp spec most chars these days. WHy I lfr it. its not really a hinderance there. I don’t have a dps lego on one hunter. But I do clear off cc/debuff funk pretty good when I feign death. LFR non issue. Heroic higher I’d gather a deal breaker.

what did you win?


It is absolutely pay 2 win and triple pay 2 play. We have to pay 15 a month for server access and the price of legendaries is basically 20 - 60 dollars per alt. Don’t forget that if you boost you can get free mythic 15 vault gear, heroic and mythic carry, you can even get boosted and get rival or duelist gear. Anybody saying WoW is not pay 2 win and pay 2 play is arguing for the sake of arguing. I love this game and it’s amazing but let’s not act like it isn’t all of these things. Next expansion if they get rid of this legendary wow token non sense I’ll change my mind perhaps.

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ok, which streamer was whining about p2w today?


Pick one of many who are often carried/gear funneled…for content ofc.

One could even say most are p2w. Paid to win lol.

That’s literally impossible too doo but ok buddy and plus it’s gonna take hundreds upon hundreds of dollars to even get close.

Like others have said, because there isn’t even a universally agreed upon definition these discussions will always devolve into semantics arguments.

My definition is pretty narrow. Blizzard sells the Sword of a Thousand Truths in the cash shop only. It is by far the best sword in the game and anyone who buys it has a clear advantage over those who don’t and the only way to buy it is with your credit card.

Buying a level boost is merely a convenience and I don’t think that is p2w. Other people see no distinction between convenience and p2w and consider it the same thing and some people think being able to buy gold to buy a BoE off the auction house is p2w.

So if we can’t even get past that, it is unlikely the discussion will ever get anywhere productive.

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Yes and no.

It boils down to what you’re paying for. If its something like a character boost to 58 for Classic that’s more of a utility/convince booster, since you’re more or less going into TBC in rags, broke and likely with crappy bags.

If you pay for a Mythic Raid carry in retail but you’re not in a raiding guild, that still isn’t technically pay to win since you getting an unfair shot at loot, at your ilvl level doesn’t compromise someone’s position in a raiding group.

Buuut if you’re paying for a Mythic raid carry and you’re a dps in a hard raiding environment that’s still pushing Herioc clears for the current raid that could be considered pay-to-win since you paid for an advantage that you got outside of your playing group and there by threaten the status quo of others by being a stronger dps.

Honestly for myself I fail to think of any service or want to actually purchase anyone’s services…not in retail anyway I can live without shiny armors and it undercuts the value of casually playing TBC.

Is it really only a “convenience” to be able to buy an item that will let Joey play tomorrow while Jimmy will still be slogging his way slowly ahead for months, or even until the next reset, when he gets to start the slog again?

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Probably swallowed it in your sleep. Now you have a peptic ulcer.

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We definitely needed another post on this subject this week.

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Should’ve been here about a year (maybe a year and a half) ago. Nothing but ‘multiboxing=cheating’ threads for a few months.

Not sure why you’d think I wasn’t lol

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I think some streamer is talking about it.

its not impossible at all

WoW is P2W no matter how much you want to defend it, it is not subjective, it is objective, if you complete game goals (such as overcoming the different raid difficulties or being a gladiator, among others), you win, if you can put real money in the game constantly to complete goals more efficiently is P2W.

WoW is Buy2P, Pay2P and Pay2W.


Wow is pay to win.

What’s finished end game content considered- winning.

How can you get their faster and easier. spend irl moolah for tokens to get gold and then guilds to carry/funnel your gear to you. That’s a I win service provided by blizzard or not, it’s still a win for the whale player.

Whale player could farm that gold in game and that is considered Play to win. But player is too time poor so pays for the win.

I don’t know why you chose to use a thesaurus through half of your post but you are clouding a very simple answer with big distractions.

No one cares about trans mogs for pay2win as it’s not a competitive market. Pvp and raiding is. And how often have we seen a disparity between 10ilvls of gear meaning even the most advanced players will struggle against these average dps whalers.

I like the counter arguments and acknowledge most of what you wrote. However I still believe This game is pay to win.