Is WoW out of touch with it's core audience?

Kotick was the worst thing to ever happen to the originals creation.


I just don’t understand what’s so hard about not making such polarizing decisions.

Don’t want degenerate AoE pulling? Make dungeons more unique. Workshop, for instance, has very little room for “degenerate” pulls and it’s awesome.

Want RPG elements? Don’t ruin gameplay elements when you could instead add plenty of flavorful class quest lines that reward new spell effects, colors, etc. Bring back challenge modes with unique, expansion specific class transmogs. Utilize the glyph system to its potential. The list goes on and on and on of things they could do that would add to the game without taking away from players.

Make a meaningful profession system again; not just one with easy to get, OP bonuses. But a meaningful system. Professions are as “RPG” as it gets… and the ones we have are lazy, uninspired, and boring.


So what you are saying is it’s been a downhill slide since Blizzard got bought out of being their own independent company back in 1994 when Davidson & Associates purchased them?

Or how about when Vivendi purchased them after 3 other buyouts and mergers? CUC international or Havas?

Only counts when Activision merges with Vivendi?

Why aren’t the other times factored in?

I think you missed the point about what happens when developers get bought out. It’s fine to misunderstand or have your own perspective on what someone says.

All developers need funding and the easiest way is to be bought out but a lot of times they end up selling their souls. Again look at bioware or blizzard. They’re nowhere near as good as they used to be and the original talent that made those studios great have all long since left taking their creativity with them.

Bioware literally just sold it’s soul for cash and pushed all the original people out for the sake of inclusivity over hiring the best people for the job.

Blizzard got too big and now has to go through bureaucratic channels before ever making a statement or announcing any plans. So you either get bought out and and lose control of your IP or you become so big you can’t say or do anything because of shareholders.

This in turn cuts you off from your own communities and is the result of why WoW keeps declining, they have to make ever more record profits year after year even if it means throwing your own employee’s under the bus to get ahead, hence the Kotick reference.

Or they can just make subjectively worse games without scapegoating their parent company.

Blizzard can make a bad game all by themselves, no Activision help needed.

Blizzard has been out of touch since ghostcrawler/ Greg sStreet left Blizzard then when Metzen left it was the end of blizzard we once knew up to WOTLK.

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Ian Hazzikostas is the worst thing to happen to Blizzard along with Activision and going public.


Ian hazzikostas was a Dang lawyer with no gaming back ground and still has no clue how to run a successful MMO for the players.


And the same people shooting down insurance ideas against expansions that insist on “Hard Content or Die” (WOD/BFA) are the same people saying BFA was a “casual” expansion.

I kid you not.

They do know what they playerbase wants. But they know what we need.

It is actually possible to provide content to multiple demographics. But they want to save money by providing the same content to everybody, which makes nobody happy.

Because to be relevant, they would have to impact player power. If they impacted player power, you’d have to choose. If you had to choose, you’d complain that we are limited to 2 professions and that they should be switched with the click of a button.

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I predicted because legion had so much fun content to do that the next expansion would be WoD 2.0 and sure enough it was. There’s been no fun content to do and your characters power is locked behind RNG on top of more RNG on top of yet another layer of RNG.

Expansion is trash just like WoD’s.

So much better, slower gearing too.

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Subs for Classic and Retail are not even exactly known. This is speculation at best, and it doesn’t even sound right.

13250 guilds have cleared Ny’alotha on heroic according wowlogs. Max players x30 = 397,500 players

28260 guilds ave cleared BWL on classic. Max players 40 = 1,130,400 players.

While not all player raid and not all guilds log i think that says enough.

I think that says very little, if anything. Many people are not in guilds and do not log, in classic and in retail.

Not only that, but if three guilds team up to clear something in Classic to reach 40 people, then those 3 guilds can say they cleared it. But you would translate that into 120 people?

All of these methods are biased and lend to false conclusions. Actual subs have not been released since WoD.

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You need a majority i believe much like retail.

We can only use metrics available to us.

Replace “players” with “toons” and you would be more accurate. The number of “toons” are much greater than the number of “players.”

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Even still, the methodology requires alot of assumptions and guesswork based on inaccurate guesses to begin with.

Exactly. Using flawed info to make assumptions is not my idea of a factual argument about sub numbers.

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