No one is saying its accurate.
And that is why any one making statements about Classic and Retail numbers and subs is simply guessing based on inaccurate information, using methodology that is biased towards the conclusion they are trying to reach.
Since Blizz is the only one with the real numbers.
You see the huge disparity and yet we can not make an educated guess based on that data, i find that very amusing
there is reason they wont.
You also chose to compare Classic BWL to AOTC Nyalotha. Apples to Oranges, and purposefully so. It fits your narrative. Classic BWL has only one difficulty. A more accurate comparison would be to compare every individual who has completed Nyalotha in LFR, Normal, Heroic, and Mythic to BWL. But you choose just one difficulty, to build a narrative.
Retail is also less guild centric. In Classic/vanilla, Guilds were more necessary to do things. In Retail, we have more people in smaller groups, and even guildless cross server pugs - something not existing in Classic and Vanilla.
Again, these methods of parsing out sub numbers are largely based on inaccurate information, using biased methodology, to arrive at a predetermined conclusion.
i can use normal stats if you want for Ny?
Might not like it, its even less than HC its why i used HC. 9420 guilds.
Uldir had 21k guilds clear it on normal at start of BFA.
You still want to divide the Nyalotha difficulties, even though it has 4 difficulty levels, and BWL only has 1.
It would be closer to accurate to compare all Nyalotha difficulties. Not simply sliver off a portion. And as I stated, it would still be inaccurate based on your metric of “guilds”, since, as I explained:
If the Classic Boosters use such methods to guess at sub numbers, they might as well just count the stars and sand.
MYTHIC = 1815 X20 = 37K
HC 13250 - 1815 (cant count the mythic raiders twice) = 11435x max 30 (lol) = 343,050
normal = (and ill give you them all at full count even though mythic/hc guilds count to this number) 9420 x 30 = 282600
37,000 mythic
343,050 hc
282600 norm
total 662,650 players and thats dodgy math considering alot those guilds are counted twice.
If you can give me another way to measure both classic and retail ill be happy to look at it.
You only included 3 of the 4 Nyalotha difficulties. Ignoring LFR. Some people do LFR and never see Heroic or Normal. Again, you are comparing a raid zone with 4 difficulties to a raid zone that has just 1.
As I said, count the sand and stars. It would be equally accurate.
You have 0 access to real numbers, and you only use numbers that you deem to apply to your biased methodology.
You yourself admit your numbers are wrong. You admit you have no way of knowing the actual fact. You acknowledge your statements are based on assumptions and incomplete data.
If there is no accurate or real way to compare, then comparing them is an exercise in story telling to begin with.
You can lead a horse to water you cant make him drink, enjoy the rest of the weekend.
No that is just the only time the game was good and why people want to play old servers. You can really say World of Warcraft existed up till Cata and Cata was the last real WoW expansion. I don’t think Cata was a great expansion but it was the last “real” part of World of Warcraft from a design perspective even though it did a lot of things wrong and was the beginning of the end.
The Devs then lost complete touch with it’s player base trying to evolve in a new age of gaming when MoP came out. The design changed and more importantly all the design philosophies were different from what made this the great MMO of all time.
TBC was the greatest expansion not just for WoW but for any MMO in history. Then WotLK expanded on that with another great addition making it the most played MMO. The people that designed those games were in touch with great design and delivering a game where you couldn’t wait to log into the world of Azeroth.
So the core audience is waiting for that again which they won’t find in retail as long as the Devs are so detached from their player base and have the WRONG design philosophy.
Great post. +1
At least with MoP you still had gems and enchants. I don’t know what BFA was trying to accomplish? Corruption system would have worked if BlizZard put in more effort but it is clear they did not!
They necro’ed Classic for their Core audience. They want a new audience of young players.
Thanks, problem with MoP is the core of the game was gone and we were clearly onto the next stage of WoW which is just bad design and the game becoming the Devs instead of the players.
The Cataclysm in Cata was a sign and the worst part of Cata. Where parts of the old game that players loved and grew up in were destroyed. It ended up being a symbol and transition from being the players game to being the Devs game and business decisions being important instead of having a great game for people to play.
It was right then where the players didn’t matter anymore and we had lost. It’s was now their Game/Business and they will design anything to meet metrics instead of just a great game to play. Thus losing any attachment to the core audience that is waiting for the greatest MMO to some day return. It won’t return in retail because it can’t and so the core audience as I said is waiting for TBC servers. Where it was the players game.
And they will not come with systemlands. BFA was strike one and systemlands will be strike two!
@Title: Yes. Definitely. More than ever before.
Yeah they really pooed on the shoulders of the neckbeards that made this game…
Either they are out of touch or they are incompetent. Perhaps both, but it’s clear at this point that the interests of the devs do not align with those of the players anymore.
Post-MoP has been nothing but tolerating varying degrees of bad ideas with sprinkles of good.
That’s because a lot of people just want to get on and have fun. Wildstar died because they didn’t offer different difficulty levels for content. I personally don’t care if someone wants to log in and run daylies, craft, and maybe runs some regular dungeons if that’s what makes them happy good for them.
What I’d love to see Blizzard do is make the game more accessible. I don’t see any reason Mythic+ can’t be added to the GF at least at low levels. Instead of making it auto you could leave the find a group part how it is, but when the group is full send them to the instance.
SWTOR has 3 tiers of content for everything. While the game lacks a lot of stuff, they nailed how to keep the queues and content moving.
I mean I don’t know about you guys but if I wanted to form a group and then run all the way to the instance then I’d be playing classic.