I could probably search, but he’s one of the people that’s referred to it as a side event. But really, I don’t need a quote from him. Proof is in the game: removal of resilience and pvp power, removal of pvp class sets, removal of vendors, removal of Strands, removal of blacklisting, removal of PvP servers to make wpvp an opt-in (in other words, instanced), separation of large bgs and smalls bgs, and no new arenas or bgs in two expansions. PvPers have left in droves.
Except thats not when it started having its warts. The warts appeared early on. When the dungeons were overtuned and they had straight up pug killer dungeon bosses.
Lines like “lazy drooling gamers” and “lfr” so close together says it all. You think that it is casuals that have ruined the game. Also “the game only succeeds when they praise the godly!”
Except you know what, the game was never built for the top end. It was BUILT for the casuals who were moving away from the “only the godly need apply” of Evercrack.
It was BUILT for the casuals. THAT was the playerbase it was AIMED at.
Read through my comments man, I support casual gameplay I just think we need challenges to overcome in the game. I’m very pro casual gameplay, I just think it’s been pushed too far to casual. But this is why I advocate for a single raid difficulty with elective hardmodes so we all experience the same content and heal our fractured community.
Please do take the time to search through my replies in this post and elsewhere and you’ll see I’m on your side and I’m not some elitist jerk despite how I come off.
the game was better when everyone was considered to have fun basically the game stopped being warcraft after warlords of draenor. legion and bfa was terrible design. pvp isn’t even fun anymore to be honest both pve and pvp suffer from this currant design philosophy.
You can have challenging casual content. Being a casual isn’t about skill but about time. It is about having the content be bite sized because casuals don’t have the time or inclination to spend 4 hours doing a raid.
But I think you’re more out of touch with WoW’s core audience than Blizzard is.
I cant like this enough. Its EXACTLY why I came here from EQ. I keep saying this, but my “hardcore” friends from work went to EQ2 because of things like “heroic opportunities” (I think that’s what it was called) in combat. All hardcore. High end systems only. Raiders and guildless need not apply.
Its so frustrating when people on these forums try to argue WoW was always for the hardcore. Its like WoW was their first MMORPG and have no experience with anything else.
I get the feeling Ion makes the game he wants then tries to tack on systems so that the broader audience can have things to do too. Thats why we are where we are, when they start to think about integrating the different elements together they feel jarring and not like they were thought out and planned from an overall game plan, its more a tick box check list than it is a world they has been fleshed out, “raid tier”, “wq/solo content”, “dungeons”. “rpg choice”.
I feel the exact same way.
That’s fine you’re welcome to your opinion but I only want what’s best for the game and community. Trying to cater to the ultra casuals and the hyper try hards have only fractured the game and divided and segregated people and creating elitists for each tier of content.
I really do think we need challenge and strife that we all have to overcome and can come together and complain about how X is hard and we wish it would change but for the developer to not cave into the complaints about people beeching something is too hard. Sometimes it’s okay to just complain how the difficulty of something and just accept that it is the way it is. We need common things to rally behind and can all agree on.
Sweet so we’ve clearly established based on your long winded rant that there is no place for you in WOW. See ya and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Why must you be so toxic? Just give critique where you think there is a place for it, telling people to go eff themselves is not the way forward.
PROFOUNDLY out of touch
If you could change stuff what would you change to make the game better? There’s been a few things posted here but I’d like to see more suggestions on how we can right this ship. I wish they’d just hire me so I can fix the game, so far a lot of my predictions have came true for the live game and upcoming expansion.
Only posted to be a troll, genius.
No…no I could have made a post like this 1 month into legion and BFA, easily.
The sad part is, that grindy stuff only lasts one expansion, then you’re back to square one. It doesn’t matter what AP we’re looking at: Artifact Power, Azerite Power, Anima Power, it’s all the same thing, and only a casual player would look at these borrowed power systems and let themselves get excited over it.
Worn-out players like me ask stuff like, “but did you work on making the talent choices any better? What about the fundamentals of my spec - are they fun to use without the borrowed power?” The answer is invariably “no”: rather than working on the fundamentals, they’ve wasted too much time on whatever their New Hotness is.
Blizzard’s been giving the players a smoke-and-mirrors show - fitting, as the art team has been carrying the last two expansions - and they haven’t even bothered to work on the core of the game: making the classes and specs better.
It’s probably why I’m less excited about Shadowlands and just more relieved that BFA is finally over. It’s going to be more of the same, but hey, new questlines should be fun, right?
Legion introduced the Seething Shore, near the end of the expansion as a segue into BFA. BFA didn’t introduce anything new (be thankful - almost nothing from this god-forsaken expansion was any good), but did redo Wintergrasp and Ashran as Epic BGs.
Is that the battle royal mode? I assumed they added that as a BG map, is it not one?
I don’t understand why we can’t progress our characters and keep some power at the end of an expansion into the next one, I know I wouldn’t want to see corruptions or titanforged get carried over but I’d rather get a new talent row or something like that carry over.
I’d rather increase our toolkit than get some rented powers that’ll be removed at the end of an expansion. I think this makes far more sense than grinding some temporary currency to level our characters up post max level.