Is WoW dead / dying (opinions)

Activision is not the result of this. They just gave the studio more resources and money and probably some quotas, but that’s not where the design of the game came from.

WoW became it’s own worst enemy when they started seeing all the MMOS from 2008-2018 basically just try and recreate WoW. So naturally they got cocky. In that time the employees of WoW were committing sexual harassment against the women of their company, and they saw that the players who dedicate the most time and to the game were raid loggers and M+ chasers.

This is the result of having too many Yes men on the inside. I’ve seen it in my long career. A growing company loses it’s track when the head of the operations begins to surround themselves with Yes people.

The fault of why WoW sucks it is literally Ion. It’s Ion, it’s Ion, it’s Ion. The man knows only one game mode and that’s raids. You can see everywhere else the entire game is depressed because Ion doesn’t care for it and if you listened to his Preach interview earlier in the year, it’s very clear he has a disdain for that content, and gets frustrated by it because most likely he wonders why he has to have his team waste time on it.

This game was launched as the casual alternative to UO, and EQ. And now it’s considered to be the most hardcore MMORPG because of how exclusive it’s endgame is. This isn’t the fault of the community, it’s the fault of the Devs, because they design the game to be intentionally exclusive. No queues after lvl 60 Heroics, Community/Guildfinder is extremely dated, no commendation services, and the overworld is just falling to crap.


EQ was #1 before WoW fyi

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Denial is not a river. Regardless of if it is new or not it is now the #1 MMO with SteamSpy placing it over 10,000,000 units sold and >700,000 people playing it right now.

Did you actually watch it?

“WoW almost assuredly has under 2,000,000 players with a generous estimate being 1.6 million and them being possibly as low as 1.2 million and that was in 9.1 before all of the bad press”

Also this was from AUGUST. Lol if you think it has gotten better since then. 1.6 million 2 months ago BEFORE bad PR and content droughts. It is very likely that it is under 1 million now.

The irony when quoting Bullular w/o even watching the video or even getting what he said correct.

First, Activision merged with Vivendi, which had owned Blizzard since 1994. They had already “sold out” to a big corporation before Kotick came calling. Was Vivendi doing Blizzard any favors?

Second, I think Activision allowed Blizzard to grow in ways that it previously did not under Vivendi. Was that something the team at Blizzard was prepared for? Maybe not.

You’d have like a dollar. As many “no wow isn’t dying” threads are posted.

Lol wut… Did you see the last earnings call? Quite possibly the lowest Maus they’ve had ever. That was also BEFORE all this lawsuit/censorship drama… so you better believe it’s even lower than that. Game has never been this dead, not even in wod times.

I mean it started growing before the merger. You better believe also that Activision kept their hands off when Blizzard were making hand over fist. They even made a point of saying that they would leave Blizzard to do their own thing.

Then the mop/wod content droughts happens and they lose subs (not Activision’s fault by any means). Still if you don’t think after that that Activision started putting the pins and needles into Blizzard to fix the constant drop in subs I don’t know what to tell ya. Can’t have low profits when you’re a giant corp.

Enter good ol’ legion/BFA/SL infinite grinds that are worse for the pop that droughts were. Droughts negatively affected wow which are blizzards fault. Infinite grinds/chores were even worse and that is 100% Activisions doing. Ironically now we have droughts and disgusting chores. Double whammy :sob:


That is not even remotely true.

You haven’t been paying attention. It’s called “confirmation bias”. And the fact is that when you’re in game and looking around and seeing people, it’s irrelevant. If somebody out there sees no one around in a place that used to be busy, for them at that point the game is legitimately dead.

People like to separate Blizzard from Activision as if they are separate entities.
They’re not, bad decisions have been made by both companies, both companies share the same goal: profit, and both companies have been involved in the release of quality games.

Blizzard =/= Good
Activision =/= Bad

According to the forums, WoW has been in a continuous state of dying and being dead from the time it came out.

I’m psychic and can prove it. Bookmark this comment, screenshot it, 'cause my crystal ball has revealed to me that in one year from now, you will come to these forums and see current threads discussing that WoW is dead. You’ll see it two years from now also.

I am the great and mystical Swarf, and I have spoken!!

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I’m usually in agreement with you on most things, but this time I’m shaking my head.

WoW isn’t stable, it’s in decline, and it’s been in decline for a long time now. And all this nonsense with the lawsuit and changing World of Warcraft into World of Wokecraft is driving even more players off.

Oh, it might limp along for a while, Hell, EQ is still around, but if the devs don’t leave their personal politics out of WoW it will be just another roadblock to growing a the player population. Right now they are losing players faster than they are gaining them.

And I don’t give a rat’s smelly backside what anyone else says about the removal/change of emotes, jokes, or pictures in game. It’s just a dog and pony show. If ActiBlizz does not admit to their negligence and adequately compensate the victims of their negligence, then NONE of those changes mean a damn thing!

Semper Fi! :us:

Shadowlands broke sales records, and I’d be willing to bet the next one will too.

I saw that too. Maybe for dollar value they broke previous records because they’re charging almost double what they used to charge, but actual numbers of expacs sold, that I’m going to need in black and white from somewhere. And definitely not from ActiBlizz who wouldn’t know the truth if it hit them in the face with a lemon cream pie.

See, I can be nice.


Semper Fi! :us:

3.7 million is not a record when they’re previous best was 12 million.

Semper Fi! :us:

I mean, if your bar for a game is maintaining the same playerbase for 17 years… nothing is going to satisfy you :man_shrugging:t4:

3.7 million is still more than enough to keep the game going, and extremely successful by any sensible metric. I don’t particularly care about the rest.

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You’re right there. I’m not going to be satisfied, mostly because I’m angry, but not with you. So I apologize if I seemed antagonistic towards you.

Semper Fi! :us:

No worries.

If the doomsayers are right and the game dies, I’ll find something else to do with my free time. If I’m right and the game continues, I’ll keep playing - unless it’s not fun, and then we go back to my first sentence.

It’s a hobby, not a religion. I don’t see much reason to get emotional about it.

I’ve played this game off and on since beta, more on than off. My longest break ever was this last one of 3 months. When I returned, the server had noticeably less people playing. I’ve always been an alt maniac, and now when I play lower level characters, I really notice how empty most of the zones are. I know there are the end of patch lulls, but this feels different this time.

I don’t think wow will every really die, there will always be people playing it, but this is the worst I have seen it in 17+ years.


LMAO gotta love people like this who try any ways to bash Blizzard. I bet if FFXIV or another mmo got this you wouldn’t be saying this and instead coming in here to bash Blizzard with it and it wouldn’t be this “farce” record either. Only when Blizzard beats it, it is a farce huh?