Is WoW dead / dying (opinions)

Do y’all believe that World of Warcraft is dead , or dying out? Do you believe them selling out to activision was a huge cause?


Is dying out, yes. I don’t think Activision was the cause per se.



Has been for like 15 years. It’s in a stable place now where the population will bounce up and down as content is released. WoW isn’t going anywhere.


WoW has been dying since 2004 according the forums.

It’ll never die entirely, but at some point it will definitely stop development.


I think WoW is dying, yes but it’s like a slow, staggered fall where they keep clinging onto the table and getting back up.

I mean, Shadowlands is one the best, if not the best, selling PC games of all times. Didn’t it break a few records?

It appears their philosophy on player retention has changed. They get big bumps when expansions come out and then coast until the next one drops.


It’s not healthy per say, but when has it ever been?

If there’s room for Runescape and Lord of the Rings Online in the year 2021, there will be room for WoW as well, no matter how old or mismanaged it gets.


It’s always dying apparently. People were saying it back in BC and Wrath even.


Late patch lull, just like always. 9.1.5 will breath a touch of new life, 9.2 even more so. It’s rises and falls.

Is it Wrath numbers? No, but it’s not Wrath players anymore either.

The pandemic and internal Actiblizz issues are more an issue than anything else, and they’ll get through those. As an enterprise, WoW is doing hunky dory.

I don’t know, but in my little corner of the world, I went from having about 24 friends online most of the time to 3, which is a pretty drastic change, but then again its my corner of the world.


Well I mean, Wrath had the highest point of subs, so I guess it’s “dying” since wrath?


It broke the record for “fastest selling pc game” but then lost it immediately to cyberpunk.

The record is a farce though as they count pre-sales in day one sales, and until they stop doing that it’ll mean nothing.


I’m sure some enterprising soul could dig back through records and find someone saying it was dead before it was even released lol


This is still my PoV


Next expansion will show it. Part of me thinks that they really burned by sticking to their guns for two faulty expansions in the past, so for 10.0 they’ll be going all out and it will be new Legion and Mists combined.

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I think I remember those back in the day honestly, it was mostly from EQ players calling WoW a baby game and that it was dead on release because it wasn’t HARDCORE like EQ.

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People are so quick to say something is “dead/dying” just because they lost a few subs. Subs come and go every day.

WoW is going to follow the path of EQ - going to be here forever but nowhere near the levels of its peak and popularity it once was.


WoW will die at some point before the Earth is swallowed by the sun in 5 billion years or so, so long term, sure.

But not anytime soon. I fully expect to be around for the 30th anniversary, mayyybe the 40th.

WoW will still be around for it’s 50th but I’m not sure I’ll still be here by then as I’ll be pushing 90.


No. Selling to Activision did not contribute to the games decrease in the player base.

In fact, the player base continued to increase for years after the Vivendi Games/Activision merger

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Technically it was still vivendi in control during the remainder of tbc and through wrath.

Though really, the decline had already started by the time actiblizz fully bought them out (because vivendi wanted out of games)

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Not anymore than usual, no. The “dying” rhetoric has been repeated every year since WoW released.

But I don’t blame Activision. I think players greatly overestimate how much influence Activision-Blizzard is actually having on WoW. It’s just the Blizz devs. They want to try new things over the years, some ideas work and others don’t. Mistakes happen. AvB just gets labeled as the boogeyman because people want someone to blame other than Blizz themselves.

The game’s still alive and well. It’s a rough time right now with all the SL issues and content delays, but it’s fine. We’ll get past it and carry on. A true dying game is a very different story than what we’re experiencing.