Is WoW dead / dying (opinions)

That wasn’t a bash on blizzard, that was a bash on the record. It was meaningless when Cyperpunk got it too.

It’s like when people say “highest day one sales”. Except its not day one sales, it’s day one sales PLUS all pre-orders.

Pfft. Newfangled stuff, flash in the pan.

I got Pac-Man Fever, it’s driving me crazy.


Selling 3.7 million copies doesn’t mean much when the expansion was basically written off by a gigantic percentage of the player from the get go.

Lazy systems that ignored feedback, boring mandatory daily/weekly content (for power) in Torghast+The Maw. Like what did they expect? That people would stick around for an entire year + change to finally see changes that people gave feedback on during beta?

Blizzard let other people get bored and try other games out, and that is ultimately the most damaging thing they could have done, especially burning all their good will with most of the bigger streamers and content creators.

After all, not only did i purchase Shadowlands as a new expansion cost, I also pay 20$ monthly for the privilege of them not letting me mount in the maw on release because ???


Of virtual sales or some such. You know in the most recent age when everything is digital :rofl: I’m sure it didn’t sell more actual copies than wotlk-wod. Like I bought physical copies up until SL. SL was the first digital copy I ever bought.

Again, look at Maus in the last earnings call. It had less than the deadest part of wod. Again that was before lawsuit/censorship drama.

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Honestly, I think that is exactly what they expected players to do. They expected them to grind themselves to boredom. Then the pandemic hit, and that clearly had an affect on their development process. One I don’t think they really recovered from.

Players had been leaving all them months prior and many months after, so I think they were panicking because they didn’t have a plan. Then the lawsuit was made public, though I’m sure many people knew what was going on already, and I’d imagine that too contributed to their game development slowing to a crawl.

All in all it’s an unfortunate situation, but most of it could have been avoided if they had actually delivered a quality product from the start and weren’t crappy employers.

It actually did have more day one sales than any previous expansion (3.7m, highest before was BFA with 3.4)

You can’t really bring in WoD’s worst time into MAUs because that was around when Overwatch was at its height and that game had a massive launch

I really hope you are right: Legion pve and MoP PvP.
That could revive millions of subs.

i’d post my opinion it’ll just get flagged as spam so i’ll pass and just watch

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Imma just leave this here for you …

Retail wow has averaged 2.2mil players over the last 30+ days.

Meanwhile your New World is sitting at 800k and is a BRAND new mmo :coffee::frog:

Many people are taking a break at the moment, but I don’t think WoW will ever truly die. It’s so much more than a game at this point.

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I’m pretty sure the last time I checked waybackmachine, it had several doom sayers prior to that November.

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WOD was worse.

It’s dying rapidly on it’s death bed. Ion succumbed and doubled down to the vocal mythic groups and took the MMO and RPG out of WoW. This game was always about progression. Every time you played you could feel like you were progressing. But mythic players dont want non mythic players gaining anything because they deem their content isn’t hard enough. They dont want to have to play the MMO or do any content outside of raiding, so they whined enough that Blizzard removed it. This game has become a raiding and dungeon simulator. There is no more MMO world. Problem is, about 90% of the players were here for the MMO part, and aren’t very vocal, or are afraid to speak up because the Mythic players bully them. So they left in droves to other actual MMO’s that respect and reward their time. Those 90% of the players are who kept the lights on. Blizzard shot themselves in the foot and so did the mythic players. They did the same thing Wildstar did.

Players that weren’t Mythic players could collect sets (removed), run old raids (removed and lied about), play new classes (none), play new races (none), get heritage armor (removed), level alts(ruined through boosts), work towards gear improvements (nerfed to the ground for casuals), explore zones (we now get tiny zones like Korthia), do world events (no new changes anymore), farm reps for actual progression (removed), run new dungeons (none), do dailies worth doing (removed), farm tokens (removed), etc etc.

Previously, Blizz could entice players back with shiny new content, but after 2 expansions and only getting worse each patch, players are fed up and done. Blizz sees this finally which is why they are throwing a ton of casual crap at the wall now in a panic. But your new hair styles and such only goes so long. Ion is clueless on what casuals want. Hope it was worth it Mythic players. You will soon be sitting around with no new raids, and no one to show your loot off to once maintenance mode hits soon.


Dead no, dying and on critical life support yes.

I can see the game dying if 10.0 is another failure.

They might continue support but it will be poor quality content like most dead games get.

We will be still with Shadowlands for another 12 months yet.

The amount of Copium here is staggering.
The pandemic caused millions to stay home and many of those played video games more than ever.
Activision policies aside, let’s not go full on denial here.


Pandemic is such a copout. Most companies were set back, yes, but many still kept putting out games, just delayed a few extra months. WoW put out trash content, and on a way longer timeline. The pandemic didnt cause that. If they just sit there and bury their head in the sand and blame all this on the pandemic, the game’s not going to get better. And internal issues shouldnt delay a whole lot. People are still going to their jobs for 8+ hours a day. It mostly affects HR and the legal teams. Game devs and artists aren’t coming to work and strategising how to handle a lawsuit. At most they will have some more training sessions to attend.


not dead, but slowly dying.

sad really, i think the community came up with multiple ideas the devs could have used to re-ignite the fire this game had…even shadowlands had a ton of potential imo… :broken_heart:

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WoW’s been dying since 2004.

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It will never go away completely, but they have been in decline for a while now to the point that other games either have caught up or catching up, most of their decline is self inflicted , mostly due to their arrogance and treatment/milking of the paying customer, most mmos never completely die, uo everquest, runescape, wow, ect… all have cult followings and tend to stick around long after their heydays, imho.

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