Is WoW dead / dying (opinions)

Now this is copium.


No…it was murdered.

This is just the stinking corpse of the game we used to play.
This isn’t sarcasm either, totally serious.


People literally stopped playing or showing interest in the game like 2 weeks after a major patch or so.

Yeah. It’s dying out.

And it is the devs’ fault. Not activision, They had nothing to do with this downfall.


It won’t die anytime soon or maybe not at all technology will evolve and eventually there will be games that surpass it
But people still play Mario Brothers they still play sonic the hedgehog they have emulators installed on their computers so I don’t think it will ever truly die but in no way is it on its way to his deathbed
All companies go through lawsuits it’s a game that’s played it’s all about money any company that gets big enough whether it’s Microsoft Amazon Walt Disney anything that makes millions of dollars is going to be hit by some kind of government agency or the state to get money and these companies know that it’s going to come eventually and they are prepared
It’s all about the money it’s a game that has been played for decades but in no way does it spell the end in fact they have a war chest with the money already prepared to play the game

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Yes, no new content = no subs.

As for 9.2 maybe in a year or more due to internal conflicts in the company. Some folks unsubbed due to changes and censorship.

Servers and guilds are dieing in the process.


it took 7 months for a patch… the current patch they are making changes because THEY (the dev) are now once again not listening and trying to sanitize everything to their liking.


not dead, but it has hit a new low. before this expansion wow was king and everyone in the mmo gaming community knew it. now, the lore sucks(void elves, sylvanas makes no sense, literally in the afterlife with a villain no ones cares about) theres massive content droughts and systems/borrowed power people are sick of. theres a sentiment among the mmo community that theres a new king and once that happened its gonna be hard to change that mentality and the game will just continue to decline and bleed players to ff14



In your opinion it is, I don’t have these problems so in my opinion it isn’t



I believe it is slowing down. I still see other people out and about when playing but my servers are fairly busy. There are always some pretty big turnouts for the first few days of events.

I’d say it has at least one more expansion, maybe two?

its kind of like how wow players think the horde is the superior faction now. people think ff is the superior mmo now

Wow is not dying , but it lost allot of players when blizzard and former blizzard employees especially woman side , decided to sue the company for actions of individuals. Ofc hoping they will milk millions. What has this to do with players leaving? Well

Blizzard dropped all SL improvements, real game changing improvements just to adjust our new game to help them with their lawsuit, and satisfy minority of community.Surprised they kept the name World of Warcraft. That joke “world of happy kittens” seems to coming for real. Even that will be insulting to someone.

Summed up player base or a pretty big number has decided to part with blizzard. No one was bothered with the name changes or removal , people are upset because of the reason behind it.

But still wow will be always competitive game , never the less. It won’t be best to play for sure , but competitive

Dying, idk. I don’t think it’s in a good place, and I don’t think there’s anything in the future drawing anyone back. 9.1.5 will have some nice returning things—but that seems like it’s it.

Too little, too late. Does anyone really want to keep going to Korthia in the next patch? Mage tower, more M+ options, then more of where we are now.

But I also think Blizzard will not let it die. We’ll see?

Just content drought/ fixing there own problems so better game in future before plans for future WoW can unfold content etc, til then not much going on lot people are just leveling or doing old content or just taking break/ playing different game til next patch releases. Majority of SL been completed by many so probably won’t see lot Pve/pvp unless it’s players alts and etc. Is WoW dying? No just paralyzed at near death. More likely will lay on hands to near 60% hp by next patch, then WoW’s future has lot riding on it on following next patch after.

The recent drama didn’t help, but they were already bleeding subs not long after Shadowlands launch. For some, recent events are just less of a reason to come back.


The game is definitely in a terrible state, this expansion and patch has driven so many people to test out other games and it’s really exposed some of the dated practises Blizzard has implemented. I’m sure many won’t return.

I log on for raid each week and that’s it, 2.5-3 hours now. Don’t even do a key.


Its not dead, but the playerbase is in a very unhealthy state and blizz needs adjust their priorities big time if they want to stop bleeding players.

Every realm is starting to show signs of the loss, some are just worse off than others right now.

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Dying out a brutal death in the making for sure especially with these current people running. Removal of how much for the sake of what now because they can’t realize this is a T+ game which is appropriate for the game. Let’s not get on their laughable decision making because once this is all done and gone. No one would wanna work at Blizzard because it’s literally cataclysm up in there.

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You understand what peak concurrent players means? Right? That at one time they had 913,000 people playing at the same time.

Also lol at WoW having 2m subs. Oh but Bullular said so!

That’s the wrong way to think of it. Software can’t die as long as the service is available. Someone who doesn’t do group content wouldn’t notice if literally everyone else fell off the face of Azeroth.

What’s dying is the WoW “middle class”. The guys who are good enough to get AotC, but not driven enough to push into mythic. The +15 farmer who just live at 2k rating forever. The 1800-1850 bracket PvPers. These guys know what’s up, but just play for fun. They’re leaving. Because the games not fun. At the ends of the spectrum, people are still ok about it, if not enthused, but that middle class guy who just likes to do the latest content with his buddies, he’s already playing another game.


yes because of unpopular changes and were late into the patch. New games are coming out all the time like New World, and next month FFXIV’s Endwalker expansion, etc and wow is still the same old grind and timegating garbage.

Next year too you’ll see big dips in player base due to Elden Ring, Forspoken, and lots more.

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